"General?", Sun Yan standing in front of him was puzzled when he heard that his chief was called General Lin Luo.

"Hello, hello! Admiral! My name is Lin Luo, nice to meet you!"

Before Sun Yan could react, Lin Luo's words made him even more confused.


After hearing Lin Luo's words, Sun Yan's chief was also confused, but he still couldn't let go of the awe in his heart, and he still didn't dare to let go of his military salute.

But when he saw Lin Luo blinking at him, he was even more confused.

He didn't understand what Lin Luo meant, but he saw Lin Luo blinking constantly, so he moved his hand tentatively, wondering if Lin Luo wanted him to put down his hand.

After seeing the understanding of No. 1, Lin Luo hurriedly nodded his head frantically while Sun Yan was not paying attention.

"Hey! Sun Yan, isn't this chief's military rank the future?" In order to match Sun Yan's performance, Lin Luo could only make up a random reason.

"No! This is from the rank of colonel, don't you know? Lin Luo?"

After hearing Lin Luo's words, Sun Yan let go of the doubts in his heart a little bit. He wondered if he had misunderstood Lin Luo, but just now he also said admiral in his string? Didn't he tell Lin Luo of?

"Oh! That's how it is! I'm sorry! Colonel! I was rude...!"

After Lin Luo finished speaking, he quickly shook hands with No. 1.

After hearing Lin Luo's words, number one seemed to understand something.

"Oh! So this person is the very powerful person you mentioned? I took a look and it seems to be pretty good! Just now I saw his mouth shape, and I think he might want to say the word admiral Yes, so I said it in advance, I didn't expect that he really wanted to say this rank! Haha"

After understanding Lin Luo's meaning, Richang immediately agreed with Lin Luo's meaning.

But this colonel knows, let me ask who is not Lin Luo's upper-level personnel, this colonel knows, maybe he is nothing in the eyes of this Lin Luo!

Because at their level, they all know that Lin Luo is a very powerful person. Today, Lin Luo may have some mission on him. As a soldier, he knows the importance of military aircraft, so he cannot expose it casually. of.

"Okay! Chief, Sun Yan, didn't you ask me to come over and see what's wrong with you? Then let's hurry over and see! Don't waste time here!"

Lin Luo knew that coming here was a waste of time, so it was better to just transfer the target.

"Oh! That's right! Let's go and visit the troops! If Mr. Lin has any suggestions, he can also put them forward, so that our troops can learn from them!"

After No. 1 understood Lin Luo's meaning, he quickly agreed.

He was thinking in his heart that fortunately he had already made preparations a long time ago, and he strictly demanded his subordinates all the time. If he was like other ordinary troops, he would definitely not be able to walk around today.

"I have probably seen the training situation of your troops, and it is indeed the king's division, not bad." Lin Luo said.

I visited it the last time I came.

"Mr. Lin is joking. The training of our special forces is necessary and the most common." Shi Chuan said with a smile.

I feel that I have been recognized by Lin Luo, which is something to be proud of.

"Well, I'll be your trainer, and I can't restrict my free activities. I don't have anything to teach you at your level, but I have some other skills that I can pass on to you." Lin Luo Said while walking.

Sun Yan didn't doubt this sentence at all, he had witnessed how powerful Lin Luo was.

* `~Okay, chief, let's agree quickly, I have seen with my own eyes how powerful Mr. Lin is. Sun Yan said excitedly.

Number one is a little embarrassed, he knows Lin Luo's true identity, he is a general, how could he come here to be a teacher.

After seeing No. 1's expression, Lin Luo secretly winked, indicating that it's okay.

Now that Lin Luo has indicated that he has nothing to do with it, let Lin Luo be the instructor of his army.

"Okay, I agree. Mr. Lin belongs to outside our establishment, so if you want to leave to do other things, you can just do it." No. 1 said.

"Okay." Lin Luo said lightly (Zhao Lihao).

Lin Luo took out a book from the system. This book is a book on the art of war, which combines ancient and modern art of war words.

"This Art of War book is the art of war for the "special forces" in ancient and modern times. Take it, and train your troops according to it." Lin Luo handed it to Sun Yan and said.

"Oh? There's this kind of warfare?" Sun Yan and No. 1 were very curious.

Lin Luo didn't speak, just smiled and asked them to read the contents of the book.

The two were fascinated by the content of the book at once, and deeply lamented that there was such a good book and such a good art of war, which they had never seen before.


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