Urban God-Level Tall, Rich And Handsome

Chapter 692 Perfect Driving

On this day, the eyes were bright and cloudless, and the birds seemed to be singing loudly for this grand day.

This day is finally coming, and the battle of Fengshen is finally coming.

People who love racing came to the stands early, hoping to occupy a good position to see the screen.

Some contestants who participated in the competition before also came to watch. Everyone wanted to see who won the title of Fengshen this year.

Everyone is optimistic about the two dark horses this year, one is Lin Luo, and the other is Kudo from the island country.

And the brilliance of Xiaoxi, who had received much attention before, was also overshadowed by these two people.

"Come on, Mr. Lin, work hard for me." Xiao Le looked at his car, and then said to Lin Luo.

"Okay." Lin Luo simply said, but these two words made people feel very confident.

"The game is about to start, please enter the field and prepare."

The broadcast sounded, and the horn of battle was about to sound.

Kudo's assistant said fiercely: "Hmph, the cunning Huaxia people, it's not fair to change the car while taking advantage of the light rain suspension! I'm going to complain to them."

Kudo stared at him fiercely, and said lightly: "Do you not believe in my strength?"

"No...no." Kudo's assistant said weakly.

In fact, he is really not sure, because after watching Lin Luo's game, Lin Luo's skills made him feel dangerous, but because of Lin Luo's car, he is still more confident that Kudo will win the championship, but now he Let Lin Luo change to a GTR, so I am a little panicked now.

Kudo is a person who pays attention to the competition and surpasses himself. Since his debut, he has gone smoothly and has never encountered a strong opponent. This time he saw Lin Luo, and the flames of war in his heart were rekindled. So for him, it is still A rather excited state.

Lin Luo, Xiaoxi and Kudo all came to the foot of the mountain. As before, they went up the mountain first, and then down the mountain. It was simple and rough.

"Don't forget about me. Although you two are very strong, I'm not a vegetarian either." Xiaoxi said.

Lin Luo and Kudo didn't speak, their eyes collided, as if they were fighting with each other.

Xiaoxi looked at Lin Luo again, feeling very excited in her heart, feeling that she could learn a lot from Lin Luo. After the battle of Qiuming Mountain, she always wanted to fight Lin Luo again.

"Turn on the racing system and choose --- GTR." Lin Luo chose the model of GTR in his mind, and chose the data of this car.

A large amount of data was sent to Lin Luo's mind, and now he feels that this GR is the car he has been driving for a long time.

The car girl came to the middle of the road. Today's car girl is even more sexy and hot. If it is an ordinary driver, I am afraid that I will not drive, and my attention will be attracted by her.

But the attention of these three people is all on their car.

The car girl twisted twice, took off her coat and threw it on the ground.

Game start!

The three cars drove side by side, and Rifei left the place.

Since there are many detours at the beginning, the horsepower is slightly behind compared to the smaller FC.

In the first place was Kudo, but Lin Luo was only one head slower than him.

Unexpectedly, the game entered a fever pitch from the very beginning.

"A master is a master, was it so intense from the beginning?"

"Yeah, but it seems that Kudo is leading now, won't he just lose like this?"

"Hey, the game has just started, how can it be decided so quickly.

Xiaoxi knew that her horsepower could not compete with the two cars in front, so she bit Lin Luo's tail firmly.

Xiaoxi also hopes to make some openings behind Lin Luo.

Here we are, we are about to enter the bend.

The biggest shortcoming of the GTR comes right away.

At this moment, Xiao Le was also sweating, feeling that he was on the field right now.

He also knows the weakness of GTR, but he just can't change it, like a curse, no matter how hard he tries, he still can't surpass himself.

However, after a while, the scene in front of her completely stunned Xiaole Xiaoxi, as well as those drivers who were familiar with GTR.

Lin Luo entered the corner, and the GTR was like a gecko on the wall. It passed by the wall, very flexible, as if Lin Luo was not driving a GTR, but his own AE86S, and it was not sloppy at all. , passed smoothly.

Xiao Xi's eyes widened, wondering how this could be done.

Xiao Le couldn't believe it, she didn't expect Lin Luo to drive so well, and she was a little worried because Lin Luo refused to test the car, but now she feels a little ridiculous

The driver who was rescued by Lin Luo on the track yesterday --- Aaron is also in the stands now.

He is very familiar with Xiao Le's GTR, but for him, even if Xiao Le has this weakness, he can still beat himself.

The current Aaron is not as simple as being convinced, it is simply admiration.

"`~ I am not wronged if I lose." Aaron thought this way, and the other drivers who were in the first group yesterday thought this way even more.

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