Urban God-Level Tall, Rich And Handsome

Chapter 697 Because Of Love

Wang Sisi originally competed so hard because of Lin Luo, and she didn't want to disappoint Lin Luo, but now that Lin Luo has said so, what else do I have to worry about, just enjoy the stage to the fullest, and just sing what I want to sing up.

After the players of Mr. Liu Huan's team finished singing, the competition came to a final stage.

"Please, Wang Sisi of Lin Luo Mentor Team, come on stage!"

Zeng Shao was very excited when he said it, because of Lin Luo, he admired Lin Luo very much.

"Wang Sisi is just a college student, and he has just started his freshman year. He has come here after a fierce competition with these music majors. Who said that women are inferior to men! What we appreciate next is the music brought by Wang Sisi. "Because of Love"!" Zeng Shao walked off the stage after finishing speaking.

Maybe because of Lin Luo, Zeng Shao also likes Wang Sisi very much, and thinks she is a player who can compete with Chen Liuliu for the championship.

All the lights were turned off, and the whole venue was completely dark. The people present were quietly waiting for Wang Sisi's singing, and the scene was so quiet that even the sound of breathing could be heard.

Suddenly, a beam of light came down and shone on Wang Sisi, whose eyes were closed now.

"Give you a CD of the past, listen to our love at that time.

"Sometimes I suddenly forget that I still love you..."

At this moment, everyone was brought into the world of music by Wang Sisi, and Lin Luo also closed his eyes to enjoy the most beautiful sound in the world.

Wang Sisi's voice is very beautiful, in addition to Chen Yixun's affectionate, innate good timbre is also very beneficial to her.

Listening to Wang Sisi's beautiful singing, it seems that everyone was brought into the sweet world of love, which formed a sharp contrast with Chen Yixun's music story.

"Because of love, you will not be sad easily." "

"So everything looks like happiness..."

After the singing was over, Wang Sisi closed her eyes, and the lights on the scene went dark again.

This lighting design is Lin Luo's suggestion. After listening to this kind of song, give everyone a time and environment to feel and have an aftertaste.

Who doesn't have their own love story, there is a crazy first love, there is a dull marriage......

Two minutes later, the lights were turned on again, and there was thunderous applause.

"Thank you Wang Sisi for bringing us a wonderful performance." Zeng Shao also walked up to say at this time.

Just now Zeng Shao himself was brought into the music by Wang Sisi.

Most of the audience seemed to be infected by Wang Sisi's emotions, and there were tears in the corners of their eyes.

This performance was also unanimously approved by the other three singers. Xie Tingfeng and others thought it was very good, and gave their own applause and praise sincerely.

Lin Luo looked at Wang Sisi, and Wang Sisi was also looking at Lin Luo at this time, Lin Luo nodded in satisfaction, as expected, he did not disappoint himself, now that Wang Sisi's performance, who would say that there was a shady scene, who would say that Wang Sisi relied on relationships Continue the game up to here.

Soon the results of the voting came out, Wang Sisi got the first vote, Chen Yixun got the second, and the last one was a student from Teacher Liu Huan's team.

"Congratulations to Wang Sisi, Chen Yixun, and Zhang Ji for becoming the top three of Huazhenhao Music of the Year!" Zeng Shao said.

This busy day was finally over, Lin Luo and the two daughters went back to their home and immediately lay down and fell asleep.

The two girls slept next to Lin Luo. This night, there was no ups and downs, it was very quiet and very warm.

After waking up the next day, Lin Luo didn't see Yang Mi when he got up, but only saw Wang Sisi by his side.

Lin Luo rubbed his eyes to see a note beside the bed.

"Lin Luo, I haven't been back to the company for a long time, I went back to the company to have a look and love you."

After seeing it, Lin Luo shook his head and said in a low voice: "~It's really hard work, this woman." Thinking about it, he didn't know what to do to compensate Yang Mi.

Yang Mi is simply his good wife, with her by her side to control some company and other things for him, he doesn't have to worry about these things.

When Lin Luo was about to wake up Wang Sisi, he saw that there seemed to be a light red color under the quilt.

"Huh? Could it be..." Lin Luo thought for a while, lifted the quilt, and saw a lot of blood under Wang Sisi's bed sheet.

"Sisi, wake up." Lin Luo quickly woke up Wang Sisi.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Wang Sisi just got up and saw Lin Luo throwing off her quilt. Later, Wang Sisi felt that she felt a little ominous (Li's good) Jue Sun.

"Ah!" Wang Sisi finally realized what was going on.

"What should I do? I didn't bring any buns." Wang Sisi thought anxiously.

"Lin Luo, hurry up and buy me a small bun." Wang Sisi said shyly.

"Huh? Bread?" Lin Luo was stunned, why don't you want to eat buns at this time? Lin Luo thought to himself.

"Hurry up." Seeing that Lin Luo was still in a daze, Wang Sisi yelled.

"Okay, okay, I'll go right away." Lin Luo went out, originally planning to buy her an aunt's towel, since she wants to eat small bread, let's buy it by the way, maybe she is hungry?

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