Back home, Lin Luo asked Wang Sisi to get up to eat after cooking. Because of Lin Luo's cooking skills, Wang Sisi's appetite was so great that she ate four bowls of rice in a row.

I thought of the scene of Lin Luo's competition I saw on TV just now, and also saw other scenery of Hong Kong from time to time, which I thought were beautiful, so Wang Sisi wanted to go and see it.

"Lin Luo, I want to go to Hong Kong to have a look, can you take me there?" Wang Sisi begged.

"Okay, what's the problem here, you can leave after eating, we have a car..." Lin Luo thought of some problems just as he said this.

Wang Sisi is a car sick person, can she bear such a long distance? If she can't bear it, she will feel dizzy and uncomfortable when she goes there, and she will not have fun.

"Sisi, it will take several hours to get there by car, can you?" Lin Luo asked with Wang Sisi's face indifferent.

"Ah, it's so far away." Wang Sisi seemed a little lost, motion sick, how did she get to such a far place.

When she came up from the countryside, she took a car for two hours. It was the longest car she had ever taken in her life, and she vomited that time. It's scary just thinking about it.

"Forget it then." Wang Sisi said disappointedly, blaming herself for being useless and motion sickness.

"It's okay, I can take the train with you." Lin Luo also thought of the train. The train is the most stable means of transportation, so there should be no motion sickness.

"What's the difference? Taking the train?" Wang Sisi has never taken a train, so she doesn't know what it's like to take a train.

"Of course there is a difference. The train runs on the track very smoothly, and you sit on it like you usually sit on a sofa. You won't get motion sickness." Lin Luo said.

"Really?" Wang Sisi became excited when she heard this, and her eyes were full of brilliance again, as if she had discovered a new continent.

"Yeah, I'll buy the ticket now, and we'll leave after eating." Lin Luo opened his mobile phone to buy the ticket as he spoke.

Lin Luo has always been a person who walks away when he says he wants to, and he doesn't say to prepare anything, he just buys there when he needs it.

"Hmm! I'm full." Wang Sisi said while touching her stomach, and then ran to the laundry room to see if the clothes were dry.

Wang Sisi only wore Lin Luo's clothes, which could be worn as skirts because they were too big.

Seeing that the clothes were dry, Wang Sisi quickly put them on, and couldn't wait to set off.

Lin Luo also bought a ticket, because it is not a holiday now, and Shanghai is a major city, and there are many trains, so I just bought a ticket for the three o'clock train.

"It seems that God also wants you to go there quickly to play. I bought the car and waited for an hour. Let's drive slowly now, I will drive slowly, and drive more steadily, so you won't get motion sickness. "Lin Luo said.

"Yeah, okay." Wang Sisi also wanted to slowly get used to taking the car, but it was always inconvenient for Ji Junlin Lu to take her anywhere.

Lin Luo's car is a Jeep, an off-road vehicle. The body is relatively high, and it is more comfortable to sit on. In addition, this kind of car has better shock absorption. Lin Luo drives very slowly. When he arrived at the station, Wang Sisi did not suffer from motion sickness. Feel.

"How is it? Are you okay?" Lin Luo asked with concern as soon as he got out of the car.

"Well! I'm fine, I don't feel any motion sickness this time." Wang Sisi said excitedly.

"Haha, that's good, thanks to your husband and my driving skills." Lin Luo turned on the narcissistic mode with a smile.

"That's right, that's right, you are the best." After Wang Sisi finished speaking with a smile, she kissed Lin Luo on the face.

After arriving at the station, the bus was about to arrive. Lin Luo hurried to get the ticket. When he went, he took two masks from the bus and said to Wang Sisi, "I don't want these people to recognize me. We should keep a low profile. Come on, so we can have fun too."

"Yeah." Wang Sisi was not unhappy, and understood Lin Luo's approach very well.

Because Lin Luo has just won the championship in an international car race, which is often shown on TV recently, and Wang Sisi herself also performed well in Huaxia Good Music, so she will definitely be recognized by others.

It would be very troublesome if he was recognized, Lin Luo just wanted to take Wang Sisi to play 670 to his heart's content.

There were not many people on this train today, and many seats were empty after getting on the train. Lin Luo led Wang Sisi to find a seat. Unexpectedly, although Lin Luo's seat and Wang Sisi's seat were numbered together, one seat was on the right side of the aisle [ten was on the left side.

Anyway, there was no one there, so I found a vacant seat and sat down.

After sitting down for a while, a sloppy uncle finally came over, as if Lin Luo was sitting in his seat.

This uncle's hair was as dirty as if it hadn't been washed for a long time, and there were some stains on his clothes, as if black gas was coming from his slovenly body.

"Hey, boy, you are sitting in my seat." The sloppy uncle said standing in front of Lin Luo.

Girls like Wang Sisi tended to be clean, so when they saw such a messy person in front of them, they wanted him to leave quickly.

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