Urban God-Level Tall, Rich And Handsome

Chapter 705 Waiting For Practice

At this time, the number one came over.

"Uh! Number one! Mr. Lin Luo just said that he wants us to use all our instruments and wants the most realistic battlefield simulation.

But now we are dealing with the entire army against Mr. Lin Luo. I am afraid that if Mr. Lin Luo loses at that time, it will be difficult to gain a foothold in the army. "

Sun Yan uttered his truest thoughts. In the past, he didn't listen to his thoughts at first, so he agreed directly, because Sun Yan was from his most trusted subordinate, and he wanted to train Sun Yan to become a His successor, but this time he directly rejected him.

"Mr. Lin Luo, "260", you can just do what you say. The simulated battlefield is to simulate the most realistic war scenes. If you can't even do this, then we can talk How to imitate! How do I usually teach you?"

Now after hearing Sun Yan's words, No. 1 directly scolded loudly. He usually thought that he taught Sun Yan so well, but he didn't expect that Sun Yan would make a mistake for him in such a critical situation.


Originally, Sun Yan wanted to refute, but he suddenly found that No. 1 was looking at him very angry, more angry than ever, so he swallowed the words back.

"All right!"

"Then I'll go back and make good preparations. Then we will try our best to chase after Mr. Lin Luo. I hope that Mr. Lin Luo can do his best by then."

Sun Yan knew that this simulation would block the honor of their entire special forces. If they didn't deal with this war well, if they lost, the honor of their special forces would really be gone.

Because they have used the most advanced technology, they can even detect a small bird, let alone a mere Lin Luo.

"Hmm! Go! Prepare well! I hope you will be able to participate in this battle as the commander-in-chief of this war."

Lin Luo picked up the freshly brewed tea on the podium and took a sip.

"Yeah! When the time comes, you will also participate in this battle together! I hope you will do your best."

After hearing Lin Luo's words, No. 1 hurriedly said to Sun.

If Sun Yan participated in this battle, he felt that his troops could last a little longer on this battlefield, otherwise there would really be no hope.

He had seen with his own eyes how powerful Lin Luo was. He didn't want his troops to win against Lin Luo in this battle, but only hoped that they wouldn't lose so badly.

"Okay! Number one! I'm going to get ready now."

Sun Yan didn't understand why Number One asked him to participate in this simulation exercise, but he felt that if he participated in this battle, Lin Luo would have a high chance of losing.

And Lin Luo has already thought about all this, just waiting for it to be practiced.

After about ten minutes, Sun Yan came over with a few men.

"Report No. 1, everything is ready! Just waiting for practice."

"Mr. Lin Luo, can you see if you can start?"

After hearing Sun Yan's words on the 1st, he quickly sought Lin Luo's opinion.

Sun Yan was wondering all the time, he didn't know why number one was so polite to Lin Luo, and why he was so polite to Lin Luo.

"Yeah! Let's get started if you're ready! It's all up to you..."

Lin Luo said to Number One.

Then number one waved to Sun Yan, indicating that he could start.

"Okay! Let's start now! Please, Mr. Lin Luo, come with us to attend the launching ceremony of the exercise!"

Sun Yan saluted No. 1, "then said to Lin Luo.

"Please!" No. 1 made a gesture of invitation to Lin Luo, and after Lin Luo walked out, he followed closely behind.

"Rookies, in a blink of an eye, your training for the past few months is coming to an end. It's time to test what the training is like. Today we will have a real drill."

As the captain of the brigade, Sun Yan first delivered his speech in front of the troops.

"You will know if it is a mule or a horse for a walk! Today, according to the arrangement of our superiors, our drill method is like this. Our entire special forces will fight against our instructor Lin alone. So many people are fighting against one person, I would like to ask Do you have any confidence?"

Sun Yan would boost the morale of the troops every time before the drill.


*4.3 That’s good! Then I’ll ask number one to speak, take a break!”

After Sun Yan waited for an order, the troops immediately moved into action and opened up their distance.

The whole operation was orderly, without the slightest procrastination.

"Report to the chief, the troops have assembled, please give instructions!"

After sorting out the troops, Sun Yan saluted No. 1.

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