"I know you don't trust me very much, but I tell you, if you want to win this battle, you have to trust me.

Lin Luo didn't want to explain anything to them, but just confessed to them directly.

After hearing Lin Luo's voice, these people quickly closed their mouths.

"Okay! I believe that you have almost all obtained weapons now, so hurry up and find your own positions and prepare for the battle.

Lin Luo saw the layout of these people through the video sent by Sun Yan, and then he already had his own layout in his heart.

"Snipers! How many snipers are there in our current team?"

The most important thing for a team is the sniper, because the sniper can control the position of the enemy, and can make the enemy less crazy.

"Report! There are three in total!"

"Okay! Then the sniper will bring the deputy shooter! Go find your own position, and each person will be responsible for three people in your team on the ground. Control the opponent's chances of showing up, and you must protect the safety of your teammates."

Lin Luo promised No. 1 that he must protect the safety of his subordinates, so he cannot relax.

"By the way! You also have to ensure your safety first, sniper."

After Lin Luo secures a good position, the next step is to take a good look at the arrangements of these people.

"Okay! Next, you can perform on your own! The captain of the first team is in charge of commanding this operation, and I will see your performance next."

Lin Luo sent the enemy's location terminals directly to the mobile terminals of each team member, and then all he had to do was to watch the performances of these people and protect their safety when necessary.

"Okay! Now all teams follow my arrangement. The top three of the first team will attack from the front. Remember, your mission is for the enemy. Then all the rest of the first team will go around to the back and fight. He was caught off guard. The first team was in place before moving."

The captain of the first team commanded in an orderly manner.

But Lin Luo didn't pay attention to them. Instead, I found a relatively hidden place and went to watch the battle.

Soon, all the people in all positions have arrived.

"Report! A group is here!"

"Report! The second group is here!"

"Snipers are in place!"

As everyone prepared one after another, everyone was almost there.

"Okay! Now listen to my gunshots."

The captain of the first team slowly led the frontal attack team and said.

But this beautiful leopard has not found any danger yet, and is still moving forward here relatively casually.

Because they knew that these special forces were undergoing special training and had no live ammunition, so there was no danger.

"The girl from yesterday was pretty good! It would be a pity if you didn't come."

"Hey! John! You are not kind! You have such a good thing and don't take care of us!"

"Yes! Yes! You must be punished when you go back."



Before John could speak, a gunshot suddenly broke the tranquility.

"There is a situation! Hurry up and hide!"

With a gunshot from the captain of the first team, the tranquility in the woods was broken.

Then all the people in the first team fired wildly at the woods.

"Hurry up! Terl! Hurry up and get to the commanding heights."

"All the others follow me! Back first! We are ambushing."

0…ask for flowers……

The captain of the American Leopard is very rational in his desperation, he knows that this is not the time for him to be with others.


Then everyone started to retreat in an orderly manner under arrangement.

But they don't know that the real good show is yet to come!

"Bang!" Just as the snipers were gaining the commanding heights again, suddenly there was a gunshot from behind them.


Before these people could reply, the sniper was already on Huangquan Road.

"Captain! Our rear is also blocked by others."


With a gunshot, this group of experienced mercenaries already knew what was going on.

"Quick, quick! I want to get closer to the side! Leave two people behind, and the others will retreat with me."

Mercenaries are mercenaries, they are not afraid of such a scene, but deal with it methodically.

Soon, they adopted vitality suppression. During their gunfire suppression, this group of special forces who had not experienced the world did not form a good advantage in the subsequent encirclement.

"This group of people! If you really don't know what will happen on the battlefield!"

Lin Luo is really not particularly satisfied with Sun Yan's soldiers.

Soon because the enemy broke out from the flank, the advantage of the special forces disappeared.

And under the suppression of this group of people, slowly two people have sneaked around behind the first team.

"—Team Captain—Team Captain, be careful, two people have already detoured behind you."

For the safety of these people in the team, Lin Luo had to remind them.


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