Urban God-Level Tall, Rich And Handsome

Chapter 717: Really Confused

Chapter 717 Epilogue

"Damn, these boys are cruel enough!"

When enjoying the devastation of this group of special forces, the leader gritted his teeth and said.

"Tell brethren! Go forward with care.

"Yes! Boss!"

At this moment, Lin Luo was slowly groping into the no-man's land, and then picked a relatively high terrain, and there was a slope that was not easy to be found by others.

"Sun Yan! Where are you?"

After arriving at the destination, Lin Lian immediately contacted Sun Yan and said.


"Okay! After you come in, remove this group of people immediately, and you lead the team in yourself."

Lin Luo said to Sun Yan that now he is completely worried about the group of special forces in front of him.


After Sun Yan heard Lin Luo's words, she knew what Lin Luo wanted to do this time.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

Sun Yan ordered his troops to step up their pace.

Because if they are later, maybe something will happen to their recruits.

"No! This group of people will stay here. We can only keep two people here for cover."

The leader looked at their speed and knew that they would never go out if they continued like this, and would only be left behind by others.

"Xiaozhi! You two stay here! Wait until we get to the commanding heights over there, and then we will cover you."

The leader has no choice but to come up with such a strategy.


After hearing his boss's order, Xiaozhi's man immediately stayed with the others.

Then he found a more suitable place to hide on the spot.

Looking at the thermal imaging equipment, two of the five people have stayed.

Lin Luo's expression twisted into a ball.

This is exactly what he is more concerned about. Now she can't spare time to pay attention to these recruits.

"Sun Yan, Sun Yan! Have you seen the screen? These people are left to you~". "

Lin Luo is really inseparable at this time.

"Yeah! I saw it! I'm coming soon, so don't worry!"

Sun Yan said with confidence.

"They're coming! I won't tell you about it."

After seeing the figures of the other three people, Lin Luo whispered to Sun Yan.

He just wants to see how these mercenaries play their cards, and leave the rest to Sun Yan.

Lin Luo would never make a move by himself until it was time for him to make a move.

"You! Go over to that hilltop! Cover us!"

The leader looked at the environment here and decided to send a sniper to this relatively high place in the deep forest to cover them.


After hearing what his boss said, this person passed over immediately without any hesitation.

The remaining two were covering on the spot, ready to meet their remaining two brothers.

"Xiaozhi, Xiaozhi! You can withdraw now,

The leader took the wheat and said to his subordinates.

As long as they pass through this forest, they will be safe. The key point is how to get out of this no-man's land.

Because this is the intersection of Huaxia Country and X Country.

"Okay! Old! Be there soon!"

Xiaozhi said with difficulty.

In fact, it is not so easy for him to go out now.

Because two people deal with more than a dozen special forces, although I already have a lot of combat experience, but after all, others have more numbers and are more powerful.

So when Xiaozhi wanted to get away, these mercenaries immediately posted up.

The ferocious firepower directly forced them back.

"Boss, boss! We can't withdraw!"

Xiaozhi said with difficulty.

"Okay! Then you boys, let's cover for you here!"

The leader made a gesture to his subordinates, meaning to let him enter the battle immediately.

After the leader's gunshots sounded, several of these recruits were shot immediately.

"`~Quick, quick! You retreat quickly! You are no longer needed here."

After Lin Luo saw this situation, he said anxiously.

Then he moved the sniper rifle in his hand, now in Lin Luo's opinion, he had to do it himself.

Because Sun Yan didn't arrive, Lin Luo could only give up capturing them alive for the sake of his recruits.

Because he looked at everything in front of him, he was already satisfied.

"Here we are! One team! Take them all down for me."

Just when Lin Luo was about to shoot, Sun spoke.

Then after hearing Sun Yan's words, his group of new (Qianmahao) soldiers dragged the injured people and slowly withdrew.

"Head! They seem to have pulled down!"

After seeing the group of recruits withdraw, Xiaozhi immediately reported to the leader.

"Yeah! I saw it! You guys withdraw slowly!"

The leader quickly seized this opportunity, led his subordinates, and retreated slowly.


Things are not as easy as they thought!

As they retreated, a whole new field of gunfire rang out!

When Xiaozhi was retreating, his head was directly blasted by Sun Yan's gun.

The leader was really dumbfounded at the moment.

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