Urban God-Level Tall, Rich And Handsome

Chapter 74: People In The Buddhist School 【Please Subscribe! Please Customize! 】

"Hey, Xianyu, why don't you talk anymore, but turn off the live broadcast!"

"The one who is picking up things, what to watch, is talking about you, and show the live broadcast to the young lady.

"Hurry up and open a live broadcast room for Miss Sister, we only need to watch Miss Sister."

Another bunch of bullet screens like this appeared. Lin Luo said that he didn't want to talk, he just wanted to be a salted fish quietly, come to lie in a chicken, be a medical soldier, send blood medicine, and call 66666 in the back, the relationship Always help Tang Yan.

At the airport at this time, because of the route problem and the misleading Lin Luo's instruction manual, at least 20 people were left behind, gunshots rang out, and wars ignited.

Lin Luo came to Tang Yan, who was already holding a 98K with a quadruple lens.




Three gunshots sounded in a row. The gunshots were an AKM, a VSS and an M416. Obviously they were besieged by three people. Two of them were directly in front and one was on the right. Lin Luo was shot One shot, quickly hid behind the stairs and took drugs 443, while Tang Yan stood behind a bunker, probed, aimed, and fired in less than a second

The 7.62 bullet of 98K ejected from the chamber and hit the head of the two-level VSS in front. The helmet and the bullet made a crashing sound, and that person also fell down.

Seeing Tang Yan's operation, Lin Luo also quickly picked up his M16A4 and shot at the enemy on the right, but only three shots were hit by the dozen or so guns, and all of them hit other people's first-level bulletproof vests. After knocking out 87 drops of blood, I scratched my head in embarrassment.

"Tang Yan used Kar98K to kill the anchor: Handsome Art, there are 88 people left..."

"Tang Yan used Kar98K to kill the anchor: Handsome Ah San, there are 87 people left..."

Tang Yan's prompt was also sent out, and the kill prompt was also sent out. Apparently, Tang Yan successfully killed the hostile host by himself. (cecg) Tang Yan turned his head and shot the person on the right with the 98K.

"Tang Yan used Kar98K to kill Xiaoyaozi, and the remaining 87 people..."

At this time, Tang Yan was already the fifth kill.

Lin Luo couldn't help sighing, "Actually, just now I felt that killing people is not acceptable, so I didn't start killing that person."

"It's not okay to kill people, I think you really can't."

*233333|Miss Tang Yan turned on automatic aiming and headshot hacking!!!”

"A strong group, looking at the salted fish anchor next to him, alas."

"Luo Huang: It is impossible to kill someone, even in this life, after all, my emperor is merciful.

"It's impossible to kill people, and it's impossible to kill people in this life. Everyone in it is talented, and they speak nicely. Oh, I like it."

"It's impossible to kill people, it's impossible in this life, and it's impossible to hug your thighs. You can only carry things on your back and pick up trash to maintain your life..."

"Luohuang quickly called 666, so that the young lady can happily take you to eat chicken, so that you can lie down very comfortably!"

"Luo Huang is a Buddhist, never kills, and possesses Buddhist spear skills"

"Wow, you guys, I want to open the dealer. The odds are 1:9.9 for me to kill one person, and the odds are 1:1.5 for not killing anyone in a set. I'm determined to leave." Lin Luo looked at the barrage a bit Said unconvinced.

"Stop talking, against your odds, I'll bet 30,000 fish balls at 1:1.5."

"As long as the young lady doesn't kill anyone, isn't this a profitable business?"

"Fuck, the 1:1.5 ratio is worth more than a billion fish balls, you guys are going to bankrupt Luohuang!"

"Bankruptcy is impossible, after all Luo Huangchao is rich."

"Look at you all press 1:1.5, let me use 1 million fish balls, boldly press 1:9.9, if Luo Huang accidentally kills one by mistake, wouldn't it be a fortune?

"Why do you describe it as a miss? Doesn't anyone believe that Luohuang can take the head with his strength?"

"Upstairs you are too young, relying on your strength? People in Buddhism never kill unless they miss.

"Young man, Buddhist marksmanship, blood does not kill, you press 1:9.9, see you on the rooftop."

Quickly set up the quiz, Tang Yan had 98K, Lin Luo jumped directly downstairs to lick the bag with VSS.

Inside is a VSS, a sprayer S1897, a complete third-level armor, a quick-break first-level head, fifteen bandages, a bottle of medicine, a first-aid kit and some bullets.

It can be seen that Tang Yan is all headshots and instant kills so that the durability of the third-level armor is still full. Judging from the medicines of these two people, it is considered that they are unlucky to meet Tang Yan, an agent, otherwise they will use those medicines plus three Level A, as long as you don't get headshots, it's okay to kill some people slowly.

Tang Yan had finished licking the bag quickly at this time, and ran to the road to find a car, Lin Luo glanced at the other bag, there was nothing to lick, took the VSS, put on the third-level armor, and chased after Tang Yan .

PS: If you have any good suggestions and hostess choices, you can put them up in the book review area, and the author would like to thank you local tyrants for your rewards. .

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