Urban: I Am God

Chapter 34: The bank card is full

Chapter 34 The bank card is full

After signing the contract, Hu Fei felt a sudden pressure on his face. The only difference was that everyone was under pressure because they couldn't make enough money, while he was under pressure because he couldn't spend all the money.

But after signing the contract, Hu Fei thought about it carefully, and it was impossible to spend all the money. Because putting aside the consumption of investment nature, if it is personal consumption, what can you do to spend 100 billion in a year? Or dollars?

The first thing Hu Fei thought of was airplanes and yachts. Indeed, these things are very expensive, but airplanes and yachts are not mobile phones. You can buy them in stores. It is only after you place an order with the aircraft factory that they start to arrange production, even if it is Some orders that have already been half-produced, there is absolutely no way to deliver them within a year.

If you don't pay the work, the money doesn't count.

In terms of yachts, not to mention small yachts, which don’t have much money, large yachts or cruise ships are indeed more expensive, but the problem is still that they are all orders, and there is definitely no way to deliver them within a year.

Therefore, the criteria for completing this task are placed on the scoring system. In connection with the purpose of this task, is it to cultivate one's attitude towards money? Hu Fei thought about it for a while, a bit like Liu Bei in the Three Kingdoms period?

Liu Bei, who started out selling straw sandals, has never seen a big market. When he became a vassal, especially when he became one of the three vassals, many people tried to corrupt Liu Bei with money and beauties, because Liu Bei had never experienced this. It's not like Yuan Shao, these people have been children of aristocratic families since they were young, and they have seen a lot of these things.

So, this is to let yourself adapt to your identity in advance? Will you not be moved when you see even the most awesome things in the future?

Otherwise, Yang Zhengpeng had no need to get a private secretary for himself on the first day, and Yang Yiqing stayed by his side. Coupled with the reminder Yang Zhengpeng gave him, Hu Fei probably understood what he was going to do next, which was to spend money.

Of course, it's impossible to count on spending all the time, so I'm going to score this task now.

Hu Fei changed his clothes. The task was to be completed, but he couldn't delay the next thing he had to do. Fortunately, this matter didn't conflict.

Just when Hu Fei was about to go out, his bank’s SMS alert came from his mobile phone. It was a SMS alert from ICBC, reminding him to remit the amount of 6933 in his account, the unit is 100 million, followed by a long series of numbers, Obviously, it was directly converted into RMB according to the real-time exchange rate and directly transferred to his account.

Then in the next second, Hu Fei's cell phone rang. Looking at the phone, it was a call from ICBC.

Such a large amount of money, not to mention alarming the ICBC, probably even the higher-ups might be alarmed, but Hu Fei didn't know it.

reason? It's very simple. Open this year's Forbes World Rich List, ranking second. Bill, who used to be number one for many years, has a personal wealth of 91.5 billion US dollars.

Then pay attention, this personal wealth refers to his assets, not his cash...

This 100 billion US dollars in cash is enough for Hu Fei to directly enter the second place on the rich list. If the news gets out, it is estimated that Hu Fei will become the richest man in the world in an instant.

Because, it is impossible for a person to have only cash and no assets! If you can come up with 100 billion U.S. dollars in cash, how much assets do you have?

If you add Hu Fei's age, the whole world will probably go crazy.

Because you searched the top 200 richest people in Forbes, there is only one person under the age of 40, and that is Mark Zuckerberg, who is 33 years old and ranks fifth. Going up, the 46-year-old Penguin Pony is all young people!

Hu Fei picked up the phone, "Hello." The middle-aged voice on the other end of the phone was a little unsteady, "Is this Mr. Hu?"

"It's me." Hu Fei nodded.

"It's like this, a sum of money has just been remitted to your personal account..." The other party didn't know what to say for a while,

The main reason is that the amount is too large.

"Well, I know, it's my money." Hu Fei's tone was very calm, nonsense, the money is now his pressure, he's so excited.

"Well, Mr. Hu, thank you for trusting ICBC, but we may have to check with the relevant departments for such a huge sum of money, can you understand? Of course, there will be no problem with the funds, and you can use them at any time." He said cautiously.

"No problem." Hu Fei agreed very simply, because even if he didn't agree, people wouldn't verify it? It's just not letting you know.

"Thank you, Mr. Hu, for your understanding. At the same time, thank you, Mr. Hu, for your trust in our ICBC. From today onwards, you are our VIP customer of ICBC. We will provide you with a private financial team for free, who can help you consult and provide any They are the most professional in terms of investment, consumption, trading, etc. In addition, due to the amount of your funds, we can handle the current interest for you according to the highest fixed deposit interest." The other party immediately said happily.

"Wait..." Hu Fei stopped immediately.

"Mr. Hu, is there anything you don't understand about our service?" The other party asked immediately.

"That's right, I'm not satisfied with your interest rate." Hu Fei said directly.

"Interest? Oh, that's simple. If you can ensure that the funds in the account are not less than a certain amount, we can increase the interest, up to an annual rate of about 10%." The other party immediately said firmly.

"Well, where is your bank? I'll go there. It's better to talk face to face." Hu Fei thought for a while, but he couldn't communicate well over the phone. What the hell, I think the central bank's benchmark current interest rate is too high. You Make me more than ten times taller, aren't you just kidding?

"Okay, no problem. Sir, if it's convenient, can you come directly to the headquarters of our Mingzhu branch?" The other party said immediately.

"No problem." Hu Fei nodded in agreement.

After hanging up the phone, Hu Fei turned his head to look at Yang Yiqing and asked, "Well, the other party said that they want to check the source of my funds with the relevant department, is it normal?"

"Of course, every country has an anti-money laundering system. If there is a sudden transfer of a huge amount of funds in a person's account, the money will be checked by the bank's money collection branch. If there is no problem, naturally there will be no What's the problem, but if the source of funds is unknown, it will be submitted to the relevant national supervision department." Yang Yiqing nodded immediately.

"In addition, if the funds are particularly large, the special account processing department of the bank will temporarily freeze the account." Yang Yiqing added.

"Okay, I understand, tell me, does this count as my bank card is full?" Hu Fei nodded clearly, and then asked again.

The corner of Yang Yiqing's mouth immediately evoked a smile, she glanced at Hu Fei and suppressed a smile and said, "You can also say that, after all, after the temporary freeze, you can't trade anymore, it's indeed full."

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