"Are you sure it's this building? Didn't it say it was shit green?"

"Why did it become silvery white? It looks pretty good."An San compared the information.

The shape of the building remains the same, but the color has changed. The green shit is gone, only silvery white.

It looks much more pleasing to the eye.

"This is the building where Nova Armor Company has not changed."

A member next to him said:"The Nova War Armor Company is an asset of Greenhe Civilization."

"The royal family of Green He Civilization confirmed that this was the reward they gave to each other."

"Then go in."

An San took the lead and landed at the door of the first floor of the company, while Lin Feng and Jing Ge came out from inside.

"Guys, what's the matter?"Lin Feng said calmly.

An San looked at the information and found that it was Lin Feng and Jing Ge they were looking for.

However, his eyes lingered on the armors worn by Lin Feng and Jing Ge for a while.

There was a sense of danger.

With He has many years of experience in dealing with various interstellar criminals in the Planetary Security Agency.

He felt a deep sense of threat from the two of them.

This shows that the strength of the two is definitely not weak.

"I am An San, the captain of the Planetary Security Agency. Here is my ID. I have something to ask you."

An San released an electronic ID document to indicate his intention to come.

"Planetary Security Agency?"

Lin Feng was stunned, and after a casual search, he determined the functions of the Planetary Security Agency.

It is equivalent to the Interpol on Earth, and is affiliated with the Universe Alliance.

"Said inside."

Lin Feng and Jing Ge turned around and entered the house.

An Sanlue was a little surprised. He has been the captain of the Planet Security Agency until now.

Many beings will always feel a little unnatural when they hear about the Planet Security Agency, whether it is a ghost or not.

But Lin Feng and Jing Ge was so calm that he didn't feel like he took them seriously at all.

This was the first time he had seen this situation.

Lin Feng asked Niu Mu to pour some drinks for An San and others, and he sat calmly on the sofa

"If you have any questions, just ask."

"It's about the attempted murder of Qiao Geli. Tell me about the process."

An San went straight to the topic and looked directly into Lin Feng's eyes, as if he wanted to see through Lin Feng's heart.

Unfortunately, Lin Feng just glanced at him casually and didn't take it seriously.

"This is what my spacecraft recorded, the entire process from when he asked for help to when he returned to the Green He royal family."

Lin Feng handed a chip to An San.

"To sum it up in one sentence, my spaceship's space jump happened to appear there."

"He asked us for help and promised reward. I rescued him and sent him back."

"As for the details, the video records are clearer than I can tell."

Be honest.

When An San made eye contact with Lin Feng, he didn't see any fluctuations in Lin Feng's eyes.

There was no panic or fear, and he seemed not to be afraid of their inquiries.

"Which civilization do you come from, and what are you doing in Shiganxing?"

"We come from Chinese civilization, space exploration, and the spaceship has exhausted its antimatter"

"Come to Shigan Galaxy for replenishment and take a rest. Lin Feng said calmly.

"Chinese civilization? There are 900 billion recorded civilizations in the entire universe"

"There are 8.7 trillion intelligent life planets, many of which are called Chinese civilization. Where is the location you are talking about?"

An San released the rough parts of the universe star map and asked Lin Feng to point to the location.

"Where is my hometown? Is this related to the case you are investigating? Lin Feng asked calmly

"Whether it matters or not is for us to judge, not you."

A member with a dog's head who came with An San said, obviously feeling a little unhappy.

"Well? Your attitude seems to be to investigate us?"

Lin Feng glanced at the member who spoke, and he could feel that this meant that he was being investigated.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere of the scene became tit-for-tat.

Both sides could feel the other's wariness, two against five..

Lin Feng and Jing Ge were still as good as Feng in terms of momentum, one was calm and the other was cold.

The five of them looked at each other like this.

At this time, both sides knew that as long as there was a wrong move, it meant taking action.

The atmosphere had reached On the verge of an explosion.

An San felt extremely heavy pressure. He noticed the details that other team members did not pay attention to.

At the moment when the atmosphere was confrontational, he saw two tiny movements by Lin Feng and Jing Ge.

They moved slightly, and in front of their bodies Qing.

At that moment, he could feel the huge pressure from the two of them, and he even had a feeling.

As long as there was a move to reveal their weapons, the five of them would die here before they showed their weapons.

These two people are very scary. War Armor Master.

They far underestimated the strength of these two people.

He suddenly remembered the confession from the Green He royal family.

Lin Feng killed seven pursuers in a short period of time, and finally rescued Qiao Geli's

"Don't get me wrong, you two."An San spoke, breaking the atmosphere of confrontation.

"I am just curious about how far you have traveled in the universe. In fact, I also want to travel in the universe in the future."

Lin Feng glanced at him and didn't answer.

The tit-for-tat atmosphere was broken, and the pressure on An San and the five people all relaxed, like insects breaking free.

Just now, not only An San, but also the other four people felt the pressure from Lin Feng and Lin Feng. People are under deep pressure.

The team members who just talked back to Lin Feng all looked uncertain.

"The two of them said they were here to replenish antimatter energy and take a rest. I don’t know when they will leave?"

An San asked as if nothing was wrong.

"If you are willing to help us replenish our antimatter energy supply, we can leave now."

"Uh... Sir, you are joking"

"If you have a personal space warp spacecraft, do you still care about the money to replenish antimatter energy?"

An San didn't tell lies.

When Lin Feng said this, it was like saying that he could afford to drive a luxury car and travel around the world, but had no money to refuel.

But he didn't know that Lin Feng had just come out of the small universe and really had no money. The spaceship was built by oneself

"If I say I really have no money, do you think my spaceship was stolen?"


An San noticed the change in Lin Feng's language. He was now not as polite as before.

But he can't say much. They started the problem first, and he can't blame the team members now.

"You two really know how to joke, that’s all for today, thank you both for your cooperation."

"If anything happens in the future, you can contact me."

Regardless of whether Lin Feng needed it or not, An San wrote down his communicator number and put it on the table. He picked up the chip that Lin Feng gave them and left with the four team members.

When leaving the Nova War Armor Company, the five people felt the surroundings It was much easier.

On the way, An San was thinking about the process of his contact with Lin Feng just now.

"Captain, during the confrontation just now, I felt a lot of pressure"

"There is a sense of danger being pressed against the back by sharp thorns, and he may die at any time."One team member still has some lingering fears.

"I have it too. An San said without hesitation:"Those two are masters.""

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