Urban Inventor

Chapter 375 A new era is about to begin!

"Dr. Zhang, among the six major federations, only the American Federation, the European Federation, and the Russian-Indian Federation have the ability to immigrate to Mars, but their current power is nuclear fission engines, and the cost of transporting a person to Mars is as high as 11 million RMB, therefore, they want to immigrate to Mars on a large scale, and they can only use our spaceships. When the transformation of Mars is successful, the country will refuse to transport citizens from other countries on the grounds of giving priority to transporting its own citizens. I hope that future technology Companies are also able to cooperate with states in refusing to transport citizens of other countries."

After the press conference, the chief inspected the future technology company. During the inspection, he made this request to Zhang Wei.

Yes, a request, not a requirement.

With Zhang Wei's current reputation and the power of future technology companies, he is an equal to the country, and no one can ask him to do anything.

The chief is very aware of this. Since he took office, he has always treated Zhang Wei and Future Technology Company on an equal footing.

When Zhang Wei heard the words, he immediately guessed what the chief was thinking. He wanted China to monopolize Mars, and he adopted a conspiracy. The European Federation and the Russian-Indian Federation put all their efforts into the country, but they can only immigrate tens of thousands of people. The strength of the two sides on Mars is completely unequal, and China can take the opportunity to occupy the territory allocated by other countries.

As for other countries becoming angry and wanting to start a war?

Just fight, anyway, China has immigrated hundreds of millions of people to Mars, even if there is a nuclear war on the earth, and the human beings on the earth are destroyed, China will be greatly injured, while other countries will perish. This kind of war cannot be fought at all.

This is politics!

This is the politician!

Zhang Wei shook his head secretly. Politics is the dirtiest thing in the world. Agreements can be torn up at any time. Perhaps future technology companies will suffer this kind of treatment one day.

However, Zhang Wei readily agreed to the chief's request, because it was in line with his belief that foreigners, after all, were foreigners, were far less important than the interests of their own nation.

This short conversation basically determined the future of Mars. If people from the six major federations knew about this, they would probably be furious.

The next day, a fleet full of various materials set off from the moon to Mars to start the next step of transformation of Mars.

Zhang Wei also went with the fleet, and brought his family with him, as a vacation to Mars.

Thanks to the development of nuclear fusion engine technology,

The time to go to Mars has been shortened from 15 days to 12 days.

From a distance, Zhang Wei saw the beautiful and magnificent Mars, the blue sky, white clouds, and clear sky, like a paradise. However, geological activities here are actually very frequent. Volcanoes and earthquakes occur from time to time, which in turn trigger huge waves and make the ocean on Mars churn.

The spaceship landed slowly in a relatively calm area, the hatch opened, and Zhang Wei's family came out wearing spacesuits.

Looking at the sun, looking at the sky, looking at the white clouds, looking at the ground, looking at the sea... everything is different from the last time they came.

"let's go!"

After watching for a while, Zhang Wei's family boarded the flying vehicle and started their second trip to Mars.

The first stop is still to inspect the 14.3 million square kilometers of land on Mars carved up by the future technology company. About one-fifth of this land has become an ocean, with rolling waves, rough waves, and majestic momentum.

"Xiaowei, when will our family move here?"

Dad excitedly said, "This is 14.3 million square kilometers, which is larger than our country's previous land. Now it belongs to our family! Our family!" In his concept, he has a special attachment to land .

"I will let people speed up the construction. Five years later, our family will be able to move here, and the solar system headquarters of future technology companies will also be built here. Those genetically modified organisms grow very fast. Five years later, they should be here." The forest can be formed, and the animals should have grown up. By then, you will be pleasantly surprised.”

Zhang Wei laughed.

The surprise he was referring to was actually dinosaurs. Scientists from Future Technology Company have extracted dinosaur genes from dinosaur fossils and successfully cloned dinosaurs in the laboratory, including brontosaurus, tyrannosaurus rex, stegosaurus, and ankylosaurus Waiting for 37 kinds of dinosaurs, after the transformation of Mars is completed, he is going to build a Jurassic Park on his own territory!


Dad said with a smile.

While they were talking, the spaceships of future technology companies and countries had already started releasing autotrophic organisms such as blue-green algae and mosses.

Thousands of small aircraft flew over Mars, and countless creatures were dropped on Mars where there was plenty of water. Of course, they were mainly thrown into the ocean. These genetically modified organisms perfectly adapted to the Martian environment, began to absorb nutrients crazily, reproduced crazily, and grew faster than their counterparts on Earth.

Three days later, when Zhang Wei's family returned to Earth, traces of green could be seen everywhere on Mars, which was the breath of life.

After returning to Earth, Zhang Wei began to invest in the research of anti-matter technology. As long as there are anti-matter engines and anti-matter weapons, the future technology company will go to Alpha Centauri to create wormholes there, and use the wormholes as a springboard to go further. star fields, even parallel universes!

Time flies, and November 2026 will come in the blink of an eye.

In the past year or so, the technological progress of the whole society has been obvious, especially in the future technology company, the achievements of the scientists implanted with biological computers are amazing. However, these scientific research results have not been released to the outside world, but are used as technical reserves for future technology companies.

Over the past year or so, China's national strength has been significantly improved, and the people have also shown two extremes. Some people are desperate to enrich themselves and fight bravely, while some people are addicted to pleasure and wear virtual helmets all day long to immerse themselves in virtual reality. In the world, there are even many people who haven't gone out for a year. These people are destined to become two classes in the future.

In the past year or so, great changes have taken place on Mars. In the ocean and on land, life is thriving, and it is no longer limited to cyanobacteria, moss and other organisms. There are more and more species, making Mars Become a green ocean of life. Under the influence of these organisms, and with the efforts of human beings, the composition of the atmosphere on Mars has also changed greatly. The oxygen has reached 11.9%. Migration to Mars is just around the corner!

After more than a year of hard work, the antimatter technology was finally captured by the team led by Zhang Wei.

A new era is about to begin! (To be continued.)

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