Urban Inventor

Chapter 444: Legendary Agent

The Glorious Starfield Democratic Front and the Communist Interstellar have been preparing for more than six years. Not only do they have a strong military force, they have developed a large number of insiders, and they have also figured out the military deployment of the major civilizations. It can be said that they are fully prepared. This well-organized, premeditated, and well-planned revolution was launched just now, and the first-level and second-level civilizations on the edge of the Glorious Star Field have no ability to resist.

In one day, more than 10,000 galaxies and more than 60,000 living planets were occupied by the Democratic Front and the Communist Interstellar Interstellar, which is equivalent to one-tenth of the territory of the Glorious Star Field!

In the Alpha Centauri galaxy, although Zhang Wei and others were mentally prepared, they were still dumbfounded after receiving the information. There are more than 10,000 galaxies and more than 60,000 living planets, which are N times richer than Earth civilization! Thought weapon, really awesome!

In the Glorious Star Field, all civilizations are on the verge of a formidable enemy. Only then did they realize that they had always underestimated the Glorious Star Field Democratic Front and the Communist Interstellar. These two organizations are too terrifying!

The Hui civilization immediately issued a call to other civilizations, hoping that all civilizations will unite, share information, and send troops together to wipe out the two malignant tumors of the Democratic Front and the Communist Interstellar in the Glorious Star Field, and restore the Glory Star Field to a peaceful and prosperous world.

At this time, another series of big events happened.

Immediately after the success of the uprising, the Democratic Front of the Glorious Star Region and the Communist Party issued a "Message to All Compatriots in the Glorious Star Region", calling on all the people of the Glory Star Region to stand up, overthrow the three mountains that are pressing on them, and create a beautiful new world.

After the declaration was issued, the two organizations officially parted ways, divided the occupied territory equally, and established the Radiant Federal Republic and the Radiant Socialist Republic respectively.

Regarding this matter, the spiritual mentors of the two organizations, Benjamin Franklin and Marx, could not stop it, because the two organizations had great conflicts in their philosophies, and there were also many contradictions among the members. Before the success of the revolution, Benjamin Franklin and Marx were still It can be suppressed, but now that the revolution has achieved unprecedented success, it can no longer be suppressed. In order to compete for various interests such as territory, the two sides almost fought, so they simply parted ways before they completely fell out. Of course, the two sides will still be allies in the future and will share intelligence and cooperate in the military.

The newly established Brilliant Federal Republic and Brilliant Socialist Republic are not peaceful. While consolidating their existing achievements, they continue to expand to the inner ring of the Brilliant Star Field. Due to their strong military strength, high morale, and a large number of insiders, they are simply going all the way. Pushing it over, there was hardly any decent resistance. Of course, this is mainly because most of the enemy's military power was destroyed by the "suicide terrorist attack" they had arranged before, and they were unable to organize resistance forces.

Every time they lay down a territory, they declare that the land and minerals on the planet belong to all the people, everyone has a share, and can enjoy the benefits brought by the land and minerals; they will also send a large number of political workers,

Propagating the benefits of a successful revolution, such as free education, free medical care, fairness and justice, good promotion channels, minimum social security, etc., the comrades of the Communist Interstellar are still very keen to hold the "Conference of Reminiscence of Bitterness and Thinking of Sweetness", or their brains are full of fat. The aristocratic bureaucrats of the people came out to criticize... After this set of combined punches, people screamed excitedly and became their loyal supporters. The reason is simple, people have obtained real benefits and "see" a bright future, and they are willing to fight to protect these things!

The various civilizations in the Glorious Star Field wish to send troops immediately to wipe out the Glorious Federal Republic and the Glorious Socialist Republic, but they are powerless!

The previous "suicide terrorist attack" dealt them a heavy blow, and they need time to rearm! Moreover, they must also leave enough military power to deal with the domestic revolutionaries, lest the backyard catch fire!

At this time, the important task of stopping the Radiant Federal Republic and the Radiant Socialist Republic was entrusted to civilizations with complete military strength such as the Hui Civilization. They sent a large number of warships overnight to all directions of the Radiant Star Field.

In the beginning, the Hui civilization was arrogant and arrogant, thinking that the Revolutionary Party was just a bunch of chickens and dogs, and they used backward weapons. But when they actually fought, they found that they were very wrong. Some of the weapons of the Revolutionary Party were similar to theirs. A grade, even more advanced than them! This discovery made them feel terrified, and at the same time, they also felt that there was a strong conspiracy behind this incident. There must be a big force behind the Revolutionary Party, otherwise it would be impossible to have such advanced technology. However, even if they knew that there was a conspiracy behind them, they could do nothing about it, because the revolutionary party has already established itself, and what is lacking is accumulation. If the revolutionary party is allowed to develop for a period of time, it can rely on abundant resources to build a military force stronger than theirs. power, and overthrow them. Therefore, the top priority is to wipe out the Revolutionary Party! However, with their current military strength, after dividing it into various battlefields, it is very difficult to defend, let alone wipe out the revolutionary party.

The Hui civilization gave up the offensive and entered the defensive stage, which greatly boosted the morale of the revolutionary fighters. Even the Hui civilization, the overlord of the Glorious Star Field, could not stop the spread of the revolution, and the revolution would surely win.

However, the high-level officials of the Radiant Federal Republic and the Radiant Socialist Republic are very sensible. They know that this is only a temporary phenomenon. Those civilizations whose strength has been greatly damaged have a huge heritage, and they will soon be able to rebuild a powerful fleet. Therefore, , They are also rampaging on a large scale, preparing to flatten the enemy with a torrent of steel!

At this time, the caravan of the Eternal Kingdom finally arrived at the Glorious Star Field after more than seven years of sailing.

"This is the Glorious Starfield? Tsk tsk, it's too prosperous!"

Although Ye Chen had read the information about the Glorious Star Field long ago, he still couldn't help expressing emotion when he saw it with his own eyes.

"I like the words of the second sage of the West the most. This thing is destined for me. Haha, Glorious Starfield, it should be destined for my civilization on Earth! The natives here have been played around by us. With this little IQ, they don't deserve to have such a thing. Good place. I will add fire to this place again, as a qualified arms dealer, let them be beaten to the ground, and their vitality will be greatly damaged, so that our earth civilization can take advantage of it! Moreover, we have two largest Where is the leading party, haha!"

As soon as Ye Chen's voice fell, everyone around him smiled. There are two insiders, Benjamin Franklin and Marx, and there is no reason for their plan to fail! (To be continued.)


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