Urban Inventor

Chapter 492: The Second Wormhole

"No. 5, come on!"

"Nice job!"

"Quickly use your trick, teleport!"

In the square, people cheered for the mechs they supported, and cheers were endless.

With the changes of the times, traditional sports such as table tennis, basketball, and football have faded out of people's vision, replaced by a series of new-age sports such as mech fighting and unlimited mixed martial arts, and mech fighting is the most popular sport. There are more than 100 billion fans.

In order to attract the attention of the audience, mech fighting has also been advancing with the times, integrating the most cutting-edge technology of earth civilization into the mecha, such as "teleportation". This technology is simple to say, but it is very complicated to implement. It involves the second-generation warp drive technology and independent space technology, allowing mechas with a height of only about six meters to make space jumps in the star system. Because of its high speed, if it is used on a planet, it can almost instantly Reach the destination, so it is called "teleportation".

"This mech competition is really getting more and more exciting. I think back then, when mechas first came out, they could fly and jump. Now they can teleport. It's incredible. I don't know when the dark energy technology will be integrated into the world. On the mecha, a super-powered mecha was developed."

A young man who looked only in his twenties said with emotion.

When Chu Xiong heard this, a light flashed in his eyes. This was one of the research directions he had planned for himself.

In the current earth civilization, the four most popular scientific research directions are: space science, dark matter, dark energy, and soul science.

Chu Xiong is very interested in dark matter and dark energy. This interest originated from a "worry".

When Chu Xiong was studying the civilization of the earth, he accidentally discovered a problem. The overall strength of the civilization of the earth is very strong, but the individual ability is very weak. If you encounter a civilization with super strong individual ability, you may suffer a big loss!

This is possible, because the imperial government has long issued an announcement that after conquering the Glorious Starfield, a second wormhole will be opened. What if the other end of this wormhole is a powerful civilization of cultivation?

Although there is no cultivation civilization in the Milky Way, the sixth-level civilization of the Milky Way has been to other star systems and has come into contact with many cultivation civilizations. According to the information disclosed by these sixth-level civilizations, in some powerful cultivation civilizations, some individuals are extremely powerful and can teleport. It can release terrifying energy, and has mysterious and unpredictable attack methods. Only one person can contend against a small fleet of level 6 civilizations. Moreover, these cultivation civilizations seem to be very hostile to technological civilizations, calling technological civilizations demons and heretics , I have to work hard at every turn. If a powerful practice civilization enters the territory of the earth civilization through the wormhole, the earth civilization may be in great crisis.

It is also mentioned in the materials of the sixth-level civilization in the Milky Way that the practice civilization actually uses dark matter and dark energy.

Therefore, Chu Xiong was thinking at the time, how to use technology to enable human beings to practice spiritually?

After consulting the information, he found that the Imperial Academy of Sciences has actually been conducting research in this area, and has created biological armor that can utilize dark energy.

It is precisely because of this that he set a goal for himself, first to join the Imperial University, majoring in dark matter and dark energy, and then join the dark matter and dark energy research team of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, together with the most outstanding scientists of the Empire, find out the It is also possible to practice the method, so that human beings do not have to be afraid even if they encounter a super-strong individual practice civilization.

The mech competition ended soon, but the people in the square did not leave, because a huge virtual stereoscopic screen had appeared in the center of the square, and the celebration was broadcast live.

"Dear citizens of Earth civilization, today is a great day, a day worth cheering, the history of Earth civilization is about to turn a new page.

Looking back a hundred years ago, the earth had not yet been unified, with a population of only 7 billion, and it did not have the ability to go to the stars.

Today, the earth civilization has become a whole, with a population of 570 billion, and controls a star field with a diameter of 300 light-years centered on the solar system.

He also won the prosperous and prosperous Glory Starfield, and has 753 vassal civilizations under it. He has established diplomatic relations with the fifth-level civilization and has become an influential civilization in the Milky Way.

All of this has a lot to do with His Majesty Zhang Wei, who single-handedly led the development of Earth civilization and ushered in a glorious era of Earth civilization.

Here, let us take this opportunity to say thank you to him.

Next, I announce that the celebration has begun, please... His Majesty Zhang Wei. "

The host's level of flattering was not bad, anyway, Zhang Wei was listening to "Longyan Joy", and a bright smile appeared on his face.

There was also a tide of applause at the ceremony, and it didn't stop after several minutes. These applause represent people's recognition and respect for Zhang Wei, Zhang Wei's contribution is worthy of them.

Amid the applause, Zhang Wei stepped onto the rostrum with a smile on his face.

"Today is a great day. After 52 years, we finally won the Glorious Starfield and reaped fruitful results.

Let us express our heartfelt thanks to the soldiers who are guarding the Glorious Star Field at this moment. They are the heroes who have expanded the territory and the guardians of the peaceful life we ​​enjoy. Without them, we would not be able to enjoy the present happiness in peace. day.

Let us thank those scientists who are working day and night in the field of science. Today, we are very clear that technology is the capital for a civilization to live and work in the universe. What is it that we rely on to defeat the Tianma civilization, defeat the Bodo civilization, and rule this huge territory today? It's our technology. And who drives the development of technology? It is those scientists who work hard day and night. I hereby declare that the status of scientists in the civilization of the earth will only get higher and higher, and the benefits they enjoy will only get better and better. "

Zhang Wei paused, received a wave of applause, and continued, "The most important thing we hold this celebration today is to look forward to the future. The glory of the past belongs only to the past, and the achievements belong to history, and the future is what we want to pursue." of."

Here, I announce two things.

First, our transformation of the Glorious Star Field will be completed within five years. At that time, we will start the immigration plan, and the essence of the entire earth civilization will be relocated to the Glory Star Field. There, we will create a more brilliant In this era, I also hope that all citizens will be prepared to seize this opportunity and develop rapidly together with the civilization of the earth.

Second, we are about to open a second wormhole, which may allow us to usher in another leap forward. "


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