Urban Life: I Just Want To Work Hard!

Chapter 105: As Expected Of The President's Sister, The Only Licking Dog Li Mubai! 【3/4 Ask For

Chapter 105: Truly Worthy of Being the CEO's Sister, the Only One Who Flatters

Listening to the prompt from the system, Li Mubai fell into contemplation.

Based on previous experience, this situation can only mean that Yun Wuyue and Xu Shiwen have once again been influenced by him.

This is not surprising, after all, Li Mubai's image in this aspect has already reached an unparalleled level.

What's most crucial is that both Xu Shiwen and Yun Wuyue responded at the same time.

What does this mean...

Yun Wuyue and Xu Shiwen might really have a close friendship.

Thinking about the subsequent changes that this relationship might bring...


Li Mubai's pupils contracted, as he thought of a terrifying possibility...

Ever since that night when Yun Wuyue handed him the registration forms for "I Am a Singer," the entire process has been too smooth.

Especially in Xu Shiwen's case.

The instinctive vigilance of a scumbag master and the Green Tea King made Li Mubai think of a possibility.

Could it be that everything was arranged by Yun Wuyue?!

From the moment he expressed his desire to get in touch with Xu Shiwen at the hospital, Yun Wuyue guessed all of his thoughts.

The reason he felt it was going smoothly was because Yun Wuyue had already handled all the obstacles behind the scenes...

Sorting out his thoughts, Li Mubai felt a chill down his spine.

What is Yun Wuyue's weakness? Possessiveness. Why would she inexplicably let him get close to Xu Shiwen?!

When things deviate from the norm, there must be something amiss!

It seems that there is only one purpose for doing this, and that is to stir up the circle of girls around Li Mubai once again, making it chaotic!

In other words, using Xu Shiwen as a pawn.

Ever since the suicide incident, almost all the girls have been holding back, especially Lin Jiayin... because everyone openly believed that Yun Wuyue was going to exit the stage, and Yun Wuyue had no way to win back Li Mubai.

But between them and Li Mubai, they only need one opportunity, the best time for Li Mubai and Yun Wuyue to have a conflict, to confirm their romantic relationship!

And this opportunity has now appeared, it is "I Am a Singer"...

But this is an opportunity created by Yun Wuyue!

The more Li Mubai thought about it, the more his scalp tingled.

Yun Wuyue is probably already on guard. She created a time that all the girls believe is an opportunity, making them obediently wait.

And then Yun Wuyue pushed Xu Shiwen forward.

It seems... at this moment, all the girls around him will only be attracted by Xu Shiwen's gaze, forgetting the role Yun Wuyue is playing behind the scenes.

Yun Wuyue doesn't need to do anything, she just needs to reveal the entire story between her and Li Mubai, tell Xu Shiwen, and naturally Xu Shiwen won't openly compete with her for Li Mubai.

But how could other girls know? They are still staring at Xu Shiwen.

As he continued to think along these lines, Li Mubai sat up and took out a cigarette from the drawer, lighting it.

According to the predetermined script, Li Mubai would definitely target Yunyu Group and Yun Wuyue when he approached Xu Shiwen.

In addition to Li Mubai's strength displayed on stage, as well as his partnership with Xu Shiwen.

At that time, everyone's attention and traffic would be concentrated on Li Mubai and Xu Shiwen.

When Li Mubai truly becomes the champion.

And Yun Wuyue will face criticism from the entire internet, being pushed to the forefront!

It is this opportunity, this timing!

If Yun Wuyue chooses not to whitewash her image, but instead comes forward and admits what she has done to Xu Shiwen in the past, what will happen?


Resignation from the position of CEO of Yunyu Group?

If Yun Wuyue does all of this, and then publicly confesses her relationship with Li Mubai in front of the media, with a tone of repentance.

In this case, she would willingly resign from the position of CEO of Yunyu Group and publicly apologize to Li Mubai on the internet.

Finally, she would propose to Li Mubai, seeking reconciliation...

How would the wind change on the fishing boat?

By then, Li Mubai would be the only one who matches Yun Wuyue.

And when the girls around Li Mubai shift their gaze from Xu Shiwen to Yun Wuyue, it will be too late.

The foundation of Li Mubai's image is deep affection, his infatuation with Yun Wuyue. Even if Yun Wuyue publicly apologizes to the entire internet and resigns as CEO, and even proposes to him...

How can Li Mubai continue to play? He can only be forced into the grave of marriage by the fishing boat.

His hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly.

The more Li Mubai thought about it, the more he felt it was over.

Truly worthy of being the CEO sister, the queen!

He fell into the trap set by the CEO sister.

Now it seems that he has already missed the opportunity to withdraw. The registration form, the contract with the sponsor, even the song Xu Shiwen is going to sing, he has prepared everything for Xu Shiwen, with an unwavering attitude. The next step is to go against Yun Wuyue!

Now he called again, saying he regrets it. Is Li Mubai joking with himself... or joking with Xu Shiwen?

Stay calm!

Li Mubai told himself to stay calm!

After all, it hasn't reached that point yet, he still has a chance.

The most crucial point in this whole matter is the external fishing boat that Yun Wuyue wants after he becomes the champion, and then putting Li Mubai in an awkward position where he cannot refuse Yun Wuyue's proposal.

Breaking through the surface, this is a theorem.

Li Mubai was thinking about how to find a solution to the dilemma, and his expression gradually became grim.

It seems... only Xu Shiwen has figured it out.

If he and Xu Shiwen's friend deepen their relationship, and Xu Shiwen takes the initiative to confess to Li Mubai before Yun Wuyue faces the public, it seems that Li Mubai can reject Yun Wuyue.

After all... love grows over time, and their incredible understanding of each other makes them even more likable in the eyes of others. Moreover, Xu Shiwen has the natural advantage of singing with Li Mubai during this period of time.


Indeed, in this world, there are no pure relationships between men and women except for family. How long has his relationship with Xu Shiwen's friend been established? This needs to be elevated.

And it was at this moment.

Li Mubai's phone vibrated.

He picked it up and felt his vision go black.

Xu Shiwen.

It is very likely that Xu Shiwen got his phone number from Yun Wuyue.

Taking a deep breath, Li Mubai controlled his emotions and pressed the answer button.

"Hello, is this Mubai?" Xu Shiwen's cheerful voice came from the receiver, sounding very happy.

"Is it Sister Shiwen? This is Li Mubai."


Xu Shiwen pondered for two seconds.

During these two seconds, Li Mubai imagined Xu Shiwen holding the phone to her ear, smiling and mouthing something to Yun Wuyue on the other side... and then casually making an OK gesture with her other hand.

In reality...

Xu Shiwen did nod at Yun Wuyue, smiling and using her right thumb to pinch her index finger, while also giving Yun Wuyue an absolutely confident look.

"Well... I've thought it through about partnering with you. I'm willing to go on the stage of 'I Am a Singer' with you, but..." Li Mubai felt like crying.

He fell silent for a long time and said in a low voice, "Sister Shiwen, how about... I give up?"

There was an obvious pause on the other end of the phone.

Both Xu Shiwen and Yun Wuyue listened in disbelief to the speakerphone on the table.

Two seconds later, Yun Wuyue's eyes softened first.

Xu Shiwen immediately understood and whispered, "It... would be too cruel to her if we did that. You still love her, right?"

This time, Li Mubai didn't act. He replied with a very aggrieved "Mhmm."

The CEO sister is too formidable, he felt somewhat defenseless.

"It's okay, don't worry. When the time comes, I will make a statement in front of the media that our songs have no specific meaning, they are just pure works of art inspired by a friend who was let go."

Xu Shiwen looked at Yun Wuyue and decisively shook her head, giving an explanation with carefully chosen words.

Li Mubai listened to Xu Shiwen's words, opened his mouth, and couldn't think of any arguments to refute.

But in his heart, he wanted to shout at Xu Shiwen, "Sister Shiwen, you've been deceived by the CEO sister! You're being used as a pawn! Use your clever little brain to think of something!"

Hearing Li Mubai sigh, Xu Shiwen said, "Don't worry, maybe your relationship will have a turning point when the time comes. I want to talk to you about the contract with Debeier."

Hearing the mention of the Debeier contract, Li Mubai also became serious. "What's the problem with the contract?"

"I want to change one of the clauses!" Xu Shiwen said seriously.

"How do you want to change it?" Li Mubai frowned.

"I want to increase the 5% share you wrote for Xueying to 9%!"

When Xu Shiwen said this, not only did Li Mubai gasp in shock, but Yun Wuyue sitting across from Xu Shiwen also sat up straight.

8.5% is already the limit. Xu Shiwen had mentioned it to Li Mubai before, even if it's just another 0.5%, Xueying is unlikely to agree!

"This... Xueying won't agree, right?"

"Don't worry, I have a way. I will also include myself in the clause. If we lose, I will go work for Xueying with you!"

Upon hearing these words, Li Mubai's eyes lit up.

It seems like... he now has a perfect reason to get close to Xu Shiwen, willing to sacrifice his own future to accompany her on this adventure.

This kind of friendship, is it too much to ask for something to happen between Li Mubai and Xu Shiwen? Even Yun Wuyue and Lin Jiayin wouldn't find fault with it, right?


From this moment on, Li Mubai is willing to declare that he will be the only one to flatter the star sister!

He won't turn back until he has everything he desires!

"Sister Shiwen... I..." Li Mubai, under the influence of his extraordinary acting skills, seemed to have been moved.

"I have full confidence. We will definitely win. Those shares are valuable assets of Xueying Entertainment!" Xu Shiwen spoke with the tone of a money enthusiast.

Li Mubai paused for a moment and said in a low voice, "If we really win, I plan to give those shares to... her."

Xu Shiwen was slightly stunned, seemingly not understanding who this "her" was.

But then she immediately understood, and only saw Yun Wuyue's expression change dramatically.

"It's okay, when the time comes, you can give me all the prize money we win."

"Thank you... Sister Shiwen, I will be ready, we will definitely win."

"Yeah, I think so too!"

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