Urban Life: I Just Want To Work Hard!

Chapter 211: Fake Young Master Li

Chapter 211: Fake Young Master Li

Yun Yixian suddenly said excitedly, "According to this logic, we are half good people. We have also contributed to the country's economic development and provided housing and medical services for millions of people."

Li Mubai hit another terrible shot, but a hint of contemptuous smile appeared on his face as he sarcastically said, "There are still some fundamental differences between my family and yours. Although everyone is earning huge profits, at least my family is engaging in this industry legally, and the money is clean. As for your family, every penny earned may have some dirty shadows!"

"What do you mean?" Yun Yixian frowned.

"Everyone knows why 027 wants to deceive themselves," Li Mubai decided to take the initiative in the conversation and bluntly revealed the history of Yun's family's rise to wealth. "The whole circle knows that your father first signed a contract with a gynecological hospital, which specializes in private medical services. This time, your father did even better. They knew that the quality of the condoms was very poor and full of loopholes, resulting in many unwanted love babies popping up like mushrooms. And your father, of course, made a lot of money."

Seeing Yun Yixian's particularly unpleasant expression, Li Mubai ignored it. Whenever there is infertility, plastic surgery, or any profitable medical industry, your father is almost involved. With these primitive accumulations, he can contract public hospitals, establish his own hospitals, and engage in chains. In just a few decades, he has become a leading private medical industry in the country. As for the black materials during the opening of the hospital, I don't think I need to join in the fun. Besides the upcoming pension plan, I believe your father must hope to have as many lonely elderly people as possible so that he can make a lot of money."

"What are you trying to say?!" Yun Yixian angrily asked. Although she had long known about these ugly histories, they were taboo for her father, and she would never allow anyone to mention them!

And now, Li Mubai actually revealed the entire history of the Yun family in front of her, touching her bottom line!

This was exactly the effect Li Mubai wanted. No matter how angry this bad woman was, he only needed to exert psychological pressure on Yun Xian and even the Yun family.

So, while continuing his terrible swing, he said, "I just want to explain that although many people say that the poor have shorter lives for doing good, and the wicked have longer happiness, for me, all good and evil are just empty things.

To be honest, I used to do a lot of bad things before, but compared to your father now, it's really not worth mentioning. Now that your family is prosperous and mine is in danger, in order to continue enjoying the current days and have a little golf game with rich girls like you to adjust my mood, I have decided to change myself. But I won't do bad things, I can only do things that are beneficial to myself within the allowed range, do some charity within my capabilities to gain some fame. Isn't this also the development direction followed by your family after whitewashing?"

Upon hearing this, Yun Yixian's angry expression turned into astonishment as she stared at this completely transformed young master. After a long time, she said in a newly learned phrase, "I might have encountered a fake Young Master Li."

PS: Please give me flowers, rewards, votes, reminders, and monthly tickets!!!!

PS: Please give me flowers, rewards, votes, reminders, and monthly tickets!!!!

PS: Please give me flowers, rewards, votes, reminders, and monthly tickets!!!!

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