Urban Life: I Just Want To Work Hard!

Chapter Two Hundred And Eighty: No Way Over

Chapter 280: Can't Go On Like This

Thinking about this, Yun Xiaoyue felt resentful in her heart. She didn't expect that just when she had escaped from the days of humiliation and suffering in the Yun family and came to the Li family, she would continue to be bullied.

This kind of life is really unbearable!

"Madam, go downstairs and have breakfast with Madam, and also offer her a cup of tea." The maid aunt kindly reminded her, hoping that she could be more open-minded, soften up, and build a good relationship with Chen Ping.

You see, besides her son, Chen Ping is already known for being strong and cold. Yun Xiaoyue just got married, and if she doesn't do as Chen Ping wishes, she will definitely suffer and be difficult in the future.

Although Yun Xiaoyue is unwilling to grovel and please others, she also understands her current situation. If she doesn't serve tea, it would be openly opposing her mother-in-law. Thinking that she will be able to break free in a few days, she helplessly went downstairs...

When the sun was already high in the sky, Li Mubai finally lazily walked out of the bedroom. He saw Yun Xiaoyue sitting on the sofa, absentmindedly pressing the TV remote control. Noticing her attire, he asked, "Did you go out this morning?"

"I was originally going to work, but I was stopped by your mother," Yun Xiaoyue replied, staring at the TV, her mind filled with the three obediences and four virtues that Chen Ping had imposed on her. It seemed that she really couldn't go on living.

Hearing this, Li Mubai quickly understood what was going on. He said softly, "Then just peacefully be the noble lady of the wealthy family. It's the dream of many women."

"But that's not my dream," Yun Xiaoyue sighed, still mechanically operating the remote control, dejectedly saying, "Just thinking about not doing anything for the rest of my life makes me feel like there's no spark in life."

In fact, she didn't say the rest of the sentence, which was that she would have to face Li Mubai and his mother every day. That feeling was like living in eternal darkness.

Li Mubai also understood that the protagonist didn't want to spend her days shopping and swiping credit cards for salted fish. Moreover, idle hands are the devil's workshop. If she has nothing to do, she is likely to deteriorate.

Especially for women, once they have nothing to do, they tend to have many idle thoughts. Coupled with long-term oppression and bullying, they live in a state of depression and suffering. It's possible that one day she might become depressed.

Although there is no affection between them, Li Mubai is not crazy enough to want to destroy someone.

It seems that he needs to find something for his new wife to do.

However, Chen Ping has instructed her daughter-in-law to obediently stay at home and follow the rules of a wife. Li Mubai cannot immediately go against her. Moreover, how to arrange her is also a very thoughtful matter.

After all, it is impossible for Huarun to let her in.

Let's do this before we move out.

Suddenly, Li Mubai thought of a good idea to make use of the protagonist, but it is not mature enough at the moment and needs to be planned slowly.

Suddenly remembering something, Li Mubai raised his hand and pointed to a room in front, saying, "Oh, by the way, you can put your clothes and jewelry in the walk-in closet, that room over there. It's spacious enough to hold ten suitcases, and there's a dressing table too. There's no need to come and disturb my rest every morning to change clothes sneakily."

Yun Xiaoyue's cheeks immediately turned red. She turned her head and stared at her nominal husband without any shame.

Why didn't you say it earlier!

Are you deliberately trying to make fun of me!

These things can be moved there, but your toiletries need to stay in the bedroom, otherwise it will be exposed," Li Mubai looked at her, feeling even more amused by her inability to get angry.

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