Urban Life: I Just Want To Work Hard!

Chapter Two Hundred And Eighty Third: Trying To Fight

Chapter 283: Attempting to Strike

This statement sounds good, having one's son-in-law become the person in charge, but it is clear to everyone that Yun Guotao was chosen as a representative from China Resources Group to serve in the new company as a symbolic gesture of cooperation between the two parties.

Once the timing is right, Yun Yixian will have all the power in his hands, and it is likely that Li Mubai won't even be able to play the role of deputy.

Li Mubai had already anticipated this, and he currently has no ambitions for this project. It would be better to observe the situation and try to find an opportunity to strike against Yun Guotao.

Suddenly, Li Mubai thought of something and asked, "Currently, the national social security system is not very well-established. However, if the public wants to find a place for retirement, most people would definitely choose public nursing homes. It would be quite challenging to occupy market share and make a profit in a short period of time."

Although the shareholders of China Resources Group are not currently concerned about whether the pension fund is profitable, it is clear from Yun Guotao's tone that they want to quickly swallow this piece of fat!

Therefore, he had to verify the facts first.

Challenging? Everything is possible with human effort!"

Yun Guotao snorted dismissively and said, "In the past, when public hospitals dominated the medical market, I still managed to seize half of the territory. Son-in-law, you must understand that if there is enough profit in any field in the world, even if there is a mountain in front, capitalists can find a way to level it overnight. How can our outdated and backward pension system in this country compete with those wealthy tycoons who are in sync with the times?"

At first, Li Mubai was a bit uncertain, but then he realized the background setting of Yun Guotao being able to become a private medical boss, and suddenly everything became clear!

The old fox is playing the same trick again!

It should be noted that the reason why Yun Guotao was able to turn China Hai Group into a giant in the domestic medical field was not just due to the accumulation of evil factors, which was only a negligible factor. The biggest factor, after he gained a certain level of strength, was the step-by-step destruction of the public health system through various evil means!

Among them, the media was undoubtedly his most skilled and utilized weapon!

In this era of mass media and social networking, the media and public opinion can be summarized into two commercial purposes.

First, winning public shame.

Second, destroying competitors.

Yun Guotao was able to rise insignificantly because he naturally understood this rule, and he even pushed this rule to the extreme, reaching the pinnacle!

After the initial accumulation was completed, Yun Guotao established China Hai Group. Since he had become a high-profile figure, the methods he used naturally couldn't be the same as before.

After all, in order to thrive and prosper, one must rely on reputation and fame.

On one hand, he actively participated in various charitable causes and placed great importance on cultivating his reputation.

For example, during major natural disasters across the country, he not only made generous donations but also organized medical teams to go to the disaster areas for relief efforts. He even announced that disaster victims could receive free treatment at China Hai Group's medical institutions.

These spectacular live advertisements immediately brought him and the reputation of China Hai Hospital to its peak. It was during this period that China Hai Group's medical institutions began to flourish and expand nationwide, becoming a classic business case of whitewashing.

Compared to the later financial resources, those charitable donations were negligible, and as for the free treatment for injured people... heh, they were just some minor skin injuries. How much money could that cost?


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PS: Please give me flowers, rewards, votes, reminders to update, and monthly votes!!!!

PS: Please give me flowers, rewards, votes, reminders to update, and monthly votes!!!!

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