Urban Life: I Just Want To Work Hard!

Chapter Two Hundred And Ninety: Draining From The Bottom

Chapter 290: Pulling Out the Firewood from Under the Cauldron

Those who think they can make a lot of money from insurance clearly underestimate how the insurance industry operates.

For example, if you purchase a universal insurance policy and pay a premium of 100 yuan, the insurance company will charge a 10 yuan handling fee. The remaining 90 yuan will be divided into two parts, with one part being deposited into the insurance account and the other part into the investment account.

This is where the trick comes in.

The insurance company will say that even though we charge a 40 yuan insurance premium, you only need to pay 20 yuan now. We will use the remaining 70 yuan to invest, and when we make money, we will use it to pay the remaining 20 yuan.

The insurance company promises that the return on insurance is usually high, giving you the illusion of a good deal.

Not only can it ensure your safety, but it also offers high returns. Why not, right?

But the problem is, you cannot make 20 yuan from a 70 yuan investment. You might only make 2 yuan, and you have to pay an additional 18 yuan to maintain the value of your policy.

Month after month, year after year, in order to obtain protection, the money in the insurance account cannot be interrupted. However, the income from the investment account is not ideal, so you end up falling into a pit and can't climb out.

People may question how an insurance company can go against its promise of high returns.

Please note that the high returns promised by insurance companies are usually just a verbal check. After all, investment risks are involved, and they only guarantee the minimum return rate. How much money you ultimately make depends on the mood of the insurance company.

Li Dashao understands this matter. He has been tricked by this kind of insurance in his previous life, but now that he hears Yang Ming mention it, he can't help but have the idea of tricking others.

More accurately, tricking Yunguotao!

"This is a good idea, but I think there is room for improvement." Li Mubai took the pen and paper and directly wrote down the evil trick of universal insurance.

"This... genius! Ah, Young Master Li, your idea is simply unprecedented, unparalleled, and excellent!"

Although Yang Ming exaggerated, his astonishment and admiration were genuine. Since he entered the business world, there have been countless money-tricking schemes, but when combined, they can't compare to Li Dashao's grand plan!

Even the top actuaries in the industry may not be able to play it so well!

Even though it has not been put into practice yet, based on Yang Ming's understanding and judgment, once this insurance product is launched in the market, it will quickly attract countless cash!

"For this insurance product, you should first utilize the incident at the nursing home and try to promote it in the market. In the early stages, target the elderly population. Most elderly people have money, and now they are worried about not having enough security for their old age. We will tailor the solution to their needs by linking the protection project with medical care and retirement. The success rate should be relatively high. When the response is good, you can expand the insurance group in a timely manner." Li Mubai said tactfully.

Yang Ming almost wanted to kneel down and worship him, bowing down at his feet. Everyone knows that in the insurance field, the money of the elderly is often the easiest to deceive, especially when it comes to their immediate medical and retirement issues. All they need to do is to fool the insurance company's salespeople, and the money will come rolling in!

But suddenly, something came to mind, and Yang Ming hesitated for a moment, expressing his concern: "But... I'm afraid this plan will cause dissatisfaction from President Yun."

Li Mubai secretly thought, this bootlicker is really clever. He just realized that Yunguotao is trying to make money from the elderly through the marketing incident.

And now, they are introducing universal insurance, the first step being to get the money from the elderly. When his retirement base is completed, the elderly who can afford the rental fees for retirement homes will undoubtedly decrease significantly!

In other words, it's pulling out the firewood from under the cauldron! Cutting off Yunguotao's source of wealth!

PS: Begging for flowers, rewards, reviews, votes for updates, and monthly votes!

PS: Begging for flowers, rewards, reviews, votes for updates, and monthly votes!!!!

PS: Begging for flowers, rewards, reviews, votes for updates, and monthly votes!!!!!!!

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