Urban Life: I Just Want To Work Hard!

Chapter 71: You Don't Deserve To Love Him At All!

Chapter 71: You don't deserve to love him at all!

The bed was very comfortable.

This was Li Mubai's first impression.

There was a special fragrance in the room, not unpleasant... It made him feel a certain excitement.

Just like the excitement a man feels every morning.

Perhaps it was because he had drunk too much?

As the saying goes, when one is full, one thinks...

No! Li Mubai's brain suddenly tensed up. This fragrance...

It's amazing!

Li Mubai hoped that this fragrance was exactly the kind of fragrance he had in mind, with a special effect.

If that's the case...


But immediately, Li Mubai furrowed his brows tightly!

A threesome?

If that's really the case... Tomorrow would be even more difficult to handle.

Even more challenging!

He, a pure and innocent young man, if he were to be involved with two... or even three people, wouldn't he have to jump off a building or hang himself first?

Although he didn't mind, and even felt quite excited...

But... the consequences would be hard to bear.

Who cares!

Let's worry about it after tonight. What if Yun Wuyue happens to bless him with his luck tonight and breaks through the third limit, directly granting him a divine-level reward?

A divine-level reward, would that be enough to get through?

Without waiting for Li Mubai to think too much, a heavy object suddenly pressed down on him, and his wrists were locked by the other person.

Clearly, it was their first time doing this.

But... it only took about ten seconds for Lin Jiajia's mouth to become skilled and proficient.

Time passed second by second.

After about three to five minutes, Li Mubai felt a lightness, and then he heard movement from the nearby bathroom.

The sound of running water, smelling the faint fragrance in the room, Li Mubai felt like he had become a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Although he volunteered.

But... he didn't want to stop at all!

In fact, Li Mubai even hoped that the President Sisters would go slower.

At the same time.

Li Mubai hoped that Yun Wuyue and Lin Jiayin, who were slower, had already arrived downstairs at the bar.

The Rolls-Royce and Bentley suddenly slammed on the brakes.

And Yun Wuyue and Lin Jiayin rushed down first, then looked up at the name of the building.

"It's over here!"

Xiaotong and Xiaonan shouted together.

Yun Wuyue and Lin Jiayin glanced at each other, without provoking each other, and ran towards the same direction.

When Xiaotong and Xiaonan stopped, the group turned their heads together and looked at the hotel.

Yun Wuyue immediately wanted to rush in.

"Wait!!!" Lin Jiayin shouted from behind.

Yun Wuyue abruptly stopped, angrily glaring at Lin Jiayin.

"This level of hotel requires registration. If you go in like this, do you really plan to knock on every floor's door based on this location?!"

Lin Jiayin also glared at Yun Wuyue, but what she said made everyone's hearts skip a beat.

This building has at least twenty floors.

Although GPS can provide a rough location, at least 3-6 rooms on each floor need to be confirmed, let alone knocking on 3-6 rooms on each floor.

Even if there are only one or two rooms on each floor, it may take a long time.

Most importantly, how can the hotel staff allow them to knock so easily!

I guess even calling security would be too light.

"What should we do?"

Yun Wuyue pondered for a moment and realized that it was true.

With this kind of positioning, who knows which floor Li Mubai is on?

Lin Jiayin closed her eyes and thought...

At this moment, Yun Nan put away his tablet and said, "Yun, I have a solution!"

"What solution? Tell us quickly!"

"But you need to wait here for a moment..." Yun Nan looked at Lin Jiayin, "This solution requires me and Yun to go alone."

Lin Jiayin immediately refused, "No way!"

"We don't have time!"

Xiao Ling also put away her computer and stepped forward, saying, "Let Yun and Lin wait here, and I will go with you..."

Yun Nan looked at Yun Wuyue.

Yun Wuyue took a deep breath and looked at Yun Nan, "Xiao Nan, are you confident?"

"Yes, Yun, you and Lin can move closer to the entrance. As soon as I know the room number, I will shout it out and you can go up to save the person. Xiao Ling and I will stay here to intercept."

Yun Wuyue and Lin Jiayin's eyes lit up, "Okay!"

"You hold the computer and keep the screen slightly open. Follow me." Yun Nan adjusted his suit and, with Xiao Ling, pretended to be examining the hotel environment as they approached the front desk.

"Two ladies..."

"Don't move, we are from the police department. Just sit there and don't change your expression. There are people outside watching and they have weapons." Yun Nan said, gesturing to Xiao Ling to lift the computer screen for the front desk to see. (bcbh) Not to mention that GPS positioning is quite intimidating, Xiao Ling pretended to show the front desk a rough idea.

The front desk's pupils visibly contracted, and their face turned pale.

After a quick glance, they noticed that there were indeed two people pacing outside the door, observing. They immediately recoiled.

"A man and a woman just entered here. The man is very handsome and seems to be unconscious. Do you remember the room number? Tell me, quickly!!!"

Thinking of the man they had just seen.

The front desk's expression changed instantly, and their memory was indeed deep.

That man was too eye-catching, so there must be something wrong.

But immediately, Yun Nan stared at them, a smile appearing on his face as he trembled while holding the mouse.

"Room number 1314!"

"Do you have a spare room key? Give it to me quickly."

The front desk quickly flipped through and found the room key for room 1314, then handed it over.

"Squat down and don't do anything else!"

"Okay, okay."

Yun Nan turned around and shouted loudly towards the door, "Action! The room number is 1314."

Yun Wuyue and Lin Jiayin couldn't wait any longer and rushed inside.

"This is the room key!"

Yun Wuyue and Lin Jiayin abruptly stopped, and Yun Wuyue gave Yun Nan a look full of praise.

"I'll give you a raise when we get back!!!"

Leaving behind these words, Yun Wuyue took the room key and rushed with Lin Jiayin towards the elevator on the side of the lobby.

Hearing the words "raise,"

Yun Nan smiled proudly at Xiaotong, even arrogantly tapping his chin, as if saying, "Learn from me~"

Xiao Ling looked at Yun Nan's expression and snorted, turning her head away.

Now let's go back to Yun Wuyue and Lin Jiayin.

They pressed the button for the 13th floor countless times, and when the elevator finally started moving... the two of them adjusted their ties.

"Thank you, Lin, for caring so much about Mubai. I'll thank you on his behalf. You can go back now."

"Yun, is it still necessary for you to pretend so strongly? What's the relationship between you and Mubai now? It seems like you should go back later, right?"

The two of them stared at each other without showing any weakness, and it was at this moment.

The elevator made a "ding" sound.

We've arrived at the 13th floor.

Facing us is a large "13" sign. To the left of the sign are floors 1-7, and to the right are floors 8-14.

This indicates that Room 1314 is on the far right of the 13th floor.

Even with the red carpet, the sound of Yun Wuyue and Lin Jiayin's running couldn't completely dissipate.

All the way to the innermost part.

At the entrance of Room 1314.

Yun Wuyue didn't say a word, without waiting to catch her breath, she immediately placed the room card on the electronic lock.

With a "clang" sound.

The door unlocked.

Because Lin Jiayin was standing on the side, she rushed in ahead of Yun Wuyue.

But the next second.

Lin Jiayin stopped in her tracks, her face filled with disbelief!!!

Lin Jiajia's previous action also came to a halt, and she looked up in panic, seeing Lin Jiayin with an equally shocked expression.

Yun Wuyue didn't care about all that, she saw Li Mubai's clothes casually thrown on the ground.

She took off her own black coat and rushed over.

She slapped him with her front hand.

Behind them, Lin Jiayin held onto Yun Wuyue.

Yun Wuyue looked at Lin Jiayin with confusion.

Lin Jiayin swung her hand and slapped Lin Jiajia's cheek.

"Do you know what you're doing?!!!"

Yun Wuyue's eyebrows raised slightly, the situation was obvious, this woman who had slightly tarnished Li Mubai, Lin Jiayin knew her.

And it seemed... they had a close relationship.

She covered Li Mubai with the black coat and intended to take him away.

To the surprise of Yun Wuyue and Lin Jiayin.

Lin Jiajia, with some unknown strength, actually pushed the two of them back a few steps!

"Is that love?!!!"

"You're lusting after his body, you're despicable!!!"

"When did he ever say he needed your concern? Do you know what he wants?!!!"

"You always impose your will on him, have you ever asked him?!!!"

"You don't deserve to love him at all!!!"

"Just because you hold positions as CEO and general manager, you think he should belong to you, he's not anyone's personal belonging, he's a person, a living person!!"

Like a cry of the soul, Lin Jiayin and Yun Wuyue's expressions went from anger at the beginning to slowly, bit by bit, becoming... indescribable expressions.

Like a sudden enlightenment.

Like a great realization.

Yun Wuyue and Lin Jiayin fell into silence together.

The whole room fell into a long silence, with only the occasional slow, heavy breathing of the three people.

Yun Wuyue first thought of tonight's party.

Although she had just thought in her heart that she would give Li Mubai everything he wanted in the future, support whatever he did, and never force his will.

But what she seemed to be doing now was completely different from what she had in mind.

Li Mubai has a talent for singing.

He can definitely become a top-tier superstar.

But she never asked Li Mubai if he wanted to.

Tonight, so many big names in the music industry came, and countless talented singers were invited.

The scene was grand, and the momentum was the biggest in years.

But she never asked Li Mubai if he wanted to.

In the past, she gave Li Mubai gifts one by one, every time she went to see Li Mubai, it was on her own initiative.

She seems to have never asked, "Are you willing? Is this what Li Mubai wants?"

Everything is based on her own assumptions, thinking that this is good for Li Mubai, that it is right for Li Mubai.

But she never asked Li Mubai, not even once.


Lin Jiayin's first thought was about her first encounter with Li Mubai.

A scenic restaurant.

Although it was just a scenic restaurant, a place to eat, she didn't consult Li Mubai's opinion.

She didn't even consider how long it would take for Li Mubai to ride his electric scooter, she just sent him a text message with the location.

She didn't even consider Li Mubai's financial situation.

The same meal, what price should Li Mubai pay for her hospitality...

Although that money is nothing to her, it may be a lot for Li Mubai...

Next is their official meeting.

Without knowing anything, a four billion mansion, tens of millions worth of luxury cars, it seemed like a show-off, directly hitting Li Mubai.

She didn't ask Li Mubai, "Are you willing? Is this what you want?"


She wants to establish an e-sports club, wanting to turn Li Mubai into a top-tier influencer.

All of this is her subjective thinking, she never asked if this is the path Li Mubai is willing to take.

"I should have thought of it earlier..."

Lin Jiayin and Yun Wuyue both thought of this at the same time.

Just like what Lin Jiajia shouted in the end.

"Do they deserve Li Mubai's love?"

This question lingered in Yun Wuyue and Lin Jiayin's minds for only two seconds.

They both came up with a common answer!

"Maybe they didn't deserve it before, but... from this moment on, they will work hard to become deserving!"



It's not too late, Li Mubai is there.

Just three meters away from them!!!

Yun Wuyue took a deep breath, walked to the bedside table, and picked up the hotel phone.

"Xiaonan, come up!"

Lin Jiayin also firmly held onto the belief of never giving up on Li Mubai, looking at her sister with some heartfelt advice, "Jiajia, what you're doing is not right, this is the most..."

Lin Jiajia snorted and didn't say anything.

She not only wanted the most.

And tonight, she was setting traps for Li Mubai the whole time.

Although she shouted that they didn't deserve each other, she understood that she herself didn't deserve him either!

And at this moment...

Xiaonan and Xiaotong arrived together.

Xiaotong's pupils contracted, "Second Miss..."

Yun Wuyue already guessed what was happening, sitting on the sofa, covering her mouth and nose with her right hand, "Take her away."

The atmosphere in the entire room became oppressive, Xiaonan and Xiaotong didn't dare to say much.

Seeing that Lin Jiayin had dressed Lin Jiajia, she pulled her out of the room.

The door slammed shut.

Silence fell once again.

Only the scent in the living room was slowly burning... and Yun Wuyue and Lin Jiayin didn't notice.

Their gazes softened and focused on Li Mubai's face.

PS1: Don't just take excerpts, you guys are pushing too hard, I'll release it first... I'll work hard on the next chapter.

PS2: Did it excite you? Did it make you happy? Donations, monthly votes, and reminders for updates, can you give them to Xiaobai... sob sob~.

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