Urban Life: I Just Want To Work Hard!

Chapter 78: They Are Not Worthy! !

Chapter 78: They don't deserve it!!

[Thank you, '々Christmas々', for the generous reward of 1000 points. I am extremely grateful. Heart!]

Li Mubai woke up hungry and squinted his eyes to find that he was no longer in the intensive care unit, but in the special care ward.

It seems that the "Unnatural Death Prevention Card" automatically deceived the doctors for him. After all, it wouldn't be convincing if he hadn't recovered from the critical period.

Indeed, it is a divine-level item, and everything is arranged properly.

After pondering for a moment, Li Mubai wondered if it was necessary to "commit suicide" again. After all, the "Unnatural Death Prevention Card" is effective for a full 48 hours.

And then...

"Mom, since you have already handed over Yunyu Group to me, please stop interfering anymore!"

"A noble gentleman, a virtuous lady, what did I do wrong?!"

"It's impossible. I will handle the company's affairs when I go back tonight, but for now... I must stay here to take care of him!"

Yun Wuyue's voice came through the crack in the door, indicating that she was arguing with her mother.

And from the situation, Yun Wuyue didn't go to the company all day today.

Li Mubai thought for a moment... It's better not to commit suicide again. If the president sister earns less money for a day, he will have less pocket money in the future!

Although he would definitely gain a lot from the blessing of luck, he had a feeling... that it would shorten his lifespan.

And if he did it too often, it would be quite scary.

Otherwise, Yun Wuyue and Lin Jiayin might not only monitor his phone chat records and treat him to food and drinks, but also assign people to monitor him and track him twenty-four hours a day.

That would be a disaster.

He had just ignited the sparks of love and passion with Miss Lin, and now Yun Wuyue and Lin Jiayin were already here. How could he continue playing?

Before he could continue thinking, Li Mubai felt someone holding his "jio" and helping him move his body.

Squinting his eyes, it was Lin Jiayin.

Lin Jiayin looked much worse than usual...

It was rare for Lin Jiayin to take care of someone, considering that she had always been the one being taken care of.

Gently, Li Mubai moved his ankle.

Feeling Lin Jiayin's hand trembling, she quickly put his "jio" back into the blanket and hurriedly walked to Li Mubai's bedside against the wall. She pressed the call button for the doctor and anxiously asked, "Mubai, can you hear me?"

The cracked corners of Li Mubai's mouth moved slightly, showcasing his superb acting skills.

Lin Jiayin's trembling body leaned closer, and she could only hear Li Mubai's low and resentful voice.

"Why did you save me?!"

As he spoke, a tear rolled down Li Mubai's eye...

"Ding dong! Lin Jiayin's luck blessing for the host +8, host's luck value +4, protagonist Ye Feng's luck value +3!"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 1 point of freedom attribute!"

At this moment, a hurried footsteps could be heard from outside.

"Doctor..." Yun Wuyue said.

"The patient has woken up, the family should wait outside," the female doctor pushed open the door and walked in.

Finally, it could be over. Li Mubai himself felt a bit nauseous and couldn't continue acting.

Fortunately, he deeply understood the basic qualities of an actor.

Li Mubai sighed in his heart, realizing that it would be difficult for his scumbag skills and green tea techniques to find a successor.

Yun Lianxing reluctantly got up and stopped Yun Wuyue who wanted to come in. The two of them retreated together.

The doctor and assistant quickly examined Li Mubai's body, following the same procedures as in the operating room. Soon, the doctor came to a conclusion.

"Normal body temperature, normal pulse, normal breathing, normal blood pressure, all reflexes present, eye tremors... Can he speak?"

Li Mubai didn't respond, looking as if he would let them do whatever they wanted.

The female doctor sighed lightly, slowly walked towards the door again, and glanced back at Li Mubai before leaving.

"Family members of the patient, come with me," the doctor said, walking towards the end of the corridor.

Lin Jiayin and Yun Wuyue both felt a jolt in their hearts.

"What was the reason for the patient's suicide?" the doctor got straight to the point.

Yun Wuyue and Lin Jiayin exchanged glances, but in the end, neither of them said a word.

They really couldn't think of how to explain. Yun Wuyue forced himself to say, "We had a conflict."

"The patient's mental state is very poor, and it is still impossible to determine whether it has affected the central nervous system. Did the patient have a history of mental illness before?"

"No," Yun Wuyue replied.

The doctor scrutinized Yun Wuyue. "What is your current relationship with the patient? Where are the patient's parents?"

After hesitating for a long time, Yun Wuyue finally felt too embarrassed to say that she and Li Mubai were in a romantic relationship.

"He is my ex-boyfriend, as for his parents..."

A hint of confusion flashed in Yun Wuyue's eyes. After such a long time, she actually didn't know anything about Li Mubai's parents, not even their names.

As a girlfriend who claimed to love him, she was indeed quite incompetent.

The doctor's gaze became even more ambiguous and unclear.

"Miss, I suggest you don't stay by the patient's side to take care of him. It would be best to find his parents and friends who can help comfort him in these two days, and try to keep the patient in a pleasant mood, relax, and not let him recall the things that happened before."

If possible, when the patient's condition stabilizes tomorrow, you can take him out for a walk and let him exercise to enhance his resistance."

Lin Jiayin's expression was also complicated. "So, is he officially out of danger now?"

The doctor nodded, "That's right, but we can't rule out the intensity of the side effects of the sedative. The patient's mental well-being is currently more important. If it's not ideal, there may be complications related to depression."

Looking at the pale faces of Yun Wuyue and Lin Jiayin, the doctor put his hands in the pockets of his white coat and turned to leave.

Although it was said for Yun Wuyue to hear, Lin Jiayin understood that it was also meant for her.

After all, this matter... involved both her and Yun Wuyue.

No one could escape from it.

Lin Jiayin glanced at the ward, unsure whether she should go in and see Li Mubai.

Yun Wuyue stood still, his head hanging low.

"I'll call Ling Xing and ask her to help take care of Mu Bai for the next few days," Yun Wuyue said, heading towards a corner, clearly preparing to tell Yun Lingxing the truth.

And Lin Jiayin's expression remained complicated for a while. She picked up her phone and headed towards the opposite corner...

No matter what happens in a few days, what will the future be like...

At least Lin Jiayin had the right to know that Li Mubai had an accident, and it was necessary to know the reason for Li Mubai's suicide.

Perhaps Lin Jiayin felt that she still had some selfishness, but both she and Lin Jiayin had fallen in love with Li Mubai. What was going on...

Could it be that she not only had to compete with Yun Wuyue, but also with Lin Jiayin!

Yun Family Villa.

Yun Lingxing was very annoyed today. She had waited at the Yun Yu Group building all day for Yun Wuyue, but Yun Wuyue didn't show up for work all day.

She even called Yun Wuyue, but Yun Wuyue didn't answer.

If it weren't for Xiao Nan answering the phone, she would have suspected that something had happened to her sister or Li Mubai today...

She couldn't understand, she really couldn't understand why Yun Wuyue didn't go to the company.

In addition, her phone was taken away by Yun Wuyue, so she couldn't contact Li Mubai through WeChat. It was a very confusing day.

And at this moment.

Yun Lingxing's newly bought phone suddenly lit up, and the phone kept ringing.

This phone was new, and she had only called Yun Wuyue.

Jumping up from the sofa, Yun Lingxing immediately brought the phone to her ear to answer.

"Hello, sister, where are you? What happened today? Why didn't you go to work? How is Mu Bai?" she asked a series of questions. The Yun Wuyue on the other end of the phone fell silent for a moment.

"I'm at the hospital."

"Oh..." Yun Lingxing bounced up: "Sis! Why did you go to the hospital? Are you okay?"

"Lingxing, don't worry... It's not me, it's Mu Bai."

Yun Lingxing dropped the snacks she was holding: "Sis, what are you saying? Mu Bai, are you joking? How could he be in the hospital, he..."

"He attempted suicide, but don't worry, he's been saved and he's awake now."

For some reason, Yun Lingxing felt a sourness in her eyes, and she held the phone carefully in her hands.

"Sis... What happened exactly? How could Mu Bai attempt suicide... Didn't you message me last night saying that he was fine, just drunk and asleep?"

After a long silence, Yun Wuyue took a deep breath. "I... Lingxing, you..."

Hesitating, Yun Wuyue briefly recounted what happened last night, the incense, her and Lin Jiayin, and what happened when she woke up and went to save Li Mubai today...

Although it was based on the premise of the incense, Yun Lingxing still couldn't accept the fact that Li Mubai had been...

"Sister... How could you?! How could you bear it!!!"

"I... " Yun Wuyue on the other end of the phone couldn't say anything.

Yun Lingxing controlled herself so that Yun Wuyue couldn't hear her crying.

She kept gasping for breath, and the two of them remained silent for a long time. Finally, Yun Lingxing clenched her teeth and asked coldly, "Which hospital is Mu Bai in now?"

"Central Hospital."

Yun Lingxing didn't even respond, she hung up the phone directly, put on her coat, and rushed out in a hurry.

If it were her sister, she would have accepted it!

Being able to see Li Mubai every day, as long as Li Mubai was happy, she was willing to restrain her own feelings for a lifetime!

But why was there Lin Jiayin?

And it was Yun Wuyue and Lin Jiayin!

Why them!!!

They couldn't even control this desire!

Is this love?

Is it worthy of being called love?

They don't deserve it!

No wonder Li Mubai chose to commit suicide, he was such a sincere and pure person...

As she walked towards the garage at home, Yun Lingxing felt a suffocating feeling in her chest!

It was because of them, Yun Lingxing decided... she wouldn't be polite anymore!

She would snatch Li Mubai away!

She would never let Li Mubai suffer any harm again!

Even if it meant breaking ties with them...

PS1: I'm so tired, but I managed to type it out. I'll take a nap...

PS2: At least 18,000 words every day, yesterday was about 19,000 words, equivalent to what others would write in nine or ten chapters... And it's not easy to write. Please give some support, votes, and subscriptions to Little Bai, please, I beg you!

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