Urban Life: I Just Want To Work Hard!

Chapter 83: The Sour Smell Of Love!

Chapter 83: The Sour Smell of Love!

Although his performance was clumsy, Li Mubai actually quite liked this sense of authenticity.

Lin Jiajia drugged him, which may be unforgivable in the eyes of others, but Li Mubai was the least qualified to think so.

After all, he was the one who took advantage of it.

So... he felt that it was time to give Lin Jiajia an explanation.

He hugged Lin Jiajia's arm and gently patted her shoulder.

Lin Jiajia immediately shifted her gaze from the comic book to Li Mubai's handsome profile.

"Mubai, what's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

As she spoke, Lin Jiajia prepared to put the comic book on the small table next to the bed and got up to check on Li Mubai's condition.

Pressing down on Lin Jiajia's shoulder, Li Mubai shook his head to indicate that he was fine.

"Jiajia, I was wondering... if I were to change, would you still treat me the same way?"

When Li Mubai said this, he did not look into Lin Jiajia's eyes.

But Lin Jiajia was staring into Li Mubai's eyes.

Was he being honest?

Her heart couldn't contain the excitement.

This wasn't acting, Li Mubai was really confessing to her in secret!

Lin Jiajia felt incredibly happy.

As if this moment had become the happiest moment in her life.

A happiness that couldn't be described with words.

Indeed... he was still the same Li Mubai.

Even though he had firmly decided to seek revenge, he still couldn't suppress the guilt in his heart.

Despite being treated like this, Li Mubai still considered the feelings of others!

If she hadn't witnessed it all, Lin Jiajia would never have imagined that there could be such a good boy in the world.

Although... the little red dots on his arm were gone.

But he felt that this version of Li Mubai was even more worthy of cherishing!

"I'm willing. If you need it, anytime, anywhere, as long as you turn back... I'll be behind you..."

Li Mubai smiled lightly, "Don't answer so quickly. What I said is based on the premise that I have changed. I might become the kind of person you hate the most, or... you might find me dirty? Disgusting..."

Lin Jiajia's eyelid twitched, and she didn't immediately continue to answer.

Li Mubai's question was challenging the world's perception.

Lin Jiajia's expression kept changing, sometimes hopeful, sometimes sad, sometimes at a loss...

Li Mubai was being quite straightforward.

Lin Jiajia naturally understood what Li Mubai meant.

She speculated on many possibilities for Li Mubai...

Starting from today, Li Mubai would no longer be like other men in this world, but would rely on women to climb higher?

Or perhaps, Li Mubai planned to continue his contact with Yun Wuyue and Lin Jiayin, even attempting to obtain shares in the company group? No, not just shares, but also aiming for influence!

Even more, Li Mubai intended to stand against Yun Wuyue and Lin Jiayin, causing trouble for them?

In an instant.

Lin Jiajia felt like there were two versions of herself fighting in her mind!

Li Mubai didn't look at Lin Jiajia's expression. The reason why he chose to say this to Lin Jiajia first in such a straightforward manner was because in the original plot, Lin Jiajia was the only one who was willing to go against the world for him.

Taking away the Lin family's secret recipe and going against the entire Lin family, betraying relatives and friends, all for the sake of Li Mubai, wasn't that going against the world?

Even though it was risky, Li Mubai intended to give it a try.

After what seemed like four or five minutes.

Lin Jiajia finally raised her head and revealed a smile that never failed to disappoint Li Mubai.

"I'm willing."

Slowly moving his head closer, Lin Jiajia's eyes already had a glimmer of light.

Although her answer was concise, Li Mubai could imagine the internal struggle Lin Jiajia went through in those short few minutes.

But the result didn't disappoint him.

Li Mubai let out a long sigh of relief in his heart.

One down!

Although it was just the beginning, it still made him very happy.

Turning over, Li Mubai slowly embraced Lin Jiajia.

Not the kind of man who leaned on a woman in this world, but Lin Jiajia leaning on Li Mubai.

Gently, he kissed Lin Jiajia's hair.

"Believe me, things will get better from now on."


"Don't ask about what I do; if you figure it out, don't say anything."


"Jiajia, I'm also very happy playing games with you."

Lin Jiajia slowly raised her head from the covers and looked at Li Mubai in disbelief.

This time, Li Mubai didn't avoid Lin Jiajia's gaze and looked at her seriously.

Still, he didn't disappoint Li Mubai.

Lin Jiajia's eyes were filled with uncontrollable joy, as if she had been waiting for thousands of years and finally received a response.

Li Mubai slowly, slowly leaned down.

Lin Jiajia, who was obviously more impatient, directly moved closer.

Their lips met.

Sometimes, it feels pretty good for a girl to take the initiative.

This is the only thought that Li Mubai has as he lies on the bed with his eyes closed.

After all, he is in the hospital, and Li Mubai still has an IV drip.

He doesn't dare to be too reckless.

But Lin Jiajia still has a happy expression on her face, not like the kind of happiness she had before to cooperate with Li Mubai's performance.

About half an hour.

Li Mubai feels like he can't breathe enough, so he moves and points to the hanging IV drip.

It's almost empty.

Only then does Lin Jiajia reluctantly get up, pecks Li Mubai on the cheek, and then reluctantly leaves the bed to call the doctor to remove the needle.

Very soon.

The doctor comes back again, removes the IV needle from Li Mubai's hand, and checks him again with a happy expression, saying to Lin Jiajia, "The recovery is better than I imagined. You can start eating at noon, preferably some liquid food, and it's best to have light porridge. You can start eating something tomorrow."

Double happiness.

Lin Jiajia thanks the doctor repeatedly and sees him off, then rushes to the bedside, leans close to Li Mubai, and looks into his eyes, saying, "I'll call Xiaotong and have my family make some porridge for you. What kind of porridge do you want?"

"Anything is fine." Li Mubai sees Lin Jiajia's smile and feels good too.

"Then... how about red date and lily porridge? I can make that!"

"Okay, let my family make it..."

"No." Lin Jiajia says seriously this time, "I'll go back and make it. I'll have Xiaotong come over to play games with you first!"

Helpless, Li Mubai nods, "No need to call Xiaotong over. I'm fine now. I'll watch some videos on the computer, and time will pass quickly."

Lin Jiajia thinks for a moment and nods.

There is still one person in the hospital.

Yun Nan.

Yun Nan is there to take care of Li Mubai when Lin Jiajia or Yun Lingxing need to go to the bathroom or something.

But Lin Jiajia doesn't want to mention Yun Nan in front of Li Mubai.

After all, mentioning Yun Nan inevitably leads to mentioning Yun Wuyue.

He's afraid that Li Mubai will think too much and his good mood will deteriorate.

"Then wait for me. I'll be back in an hour and a half at most. It will be exactly twelve noon, and we can have lunch together..."

Li Mubai nods and smiles as he watches Lin Jiajia leave.

And it is at this moment.

The system prompt suddenly sounds.

"Ding! Congratulations, host. Lin Jiajia has unlocked the unlimited mode of blessing host's luck, achieving the upgraded achievement [Endless Love]."

"Ding! Congratulations, host. Perfectly unlocking [Charming Beauty Illustration] - Lin Jiajia, this is the host's first perfect unlock of one of the illustrations, successfully opening the Luck Mall!"

【海枯石烂】: Lin Jiajia's blessing to the host's luck will no longer decrease, and the blessing to the host's luck will continue to increase. Additional rewards can be chosen: random related skill experience points, random luck value, luck blessing points x2, and money rewards.

【Luck Mall】: You can consume luck blessing points to exchange for items in the system mall.

Looking at the newly appeared 【Luck Mall】 icon on the system interface, Li Mubai's face immediately brightened.

Sure enough!

Adventure is still worth it!

Not only can he have a sweet daily life with Lin Jiajia, but he can also achieve another level up and now there's a Luck Mall.

Li Mubai opened the panel and glanced at his current luck blessing points.

It's exactly 920 points.

Hmm... except for Yun Wuyue who has no limit, only Lin Jiajia has just broken through the limit.

The others are still at the maximum value of 100.

This number is reasonable.

Opening the 【Luck Mall】, there are a wide variety of skill books and item cards.

【Eight Extremes Fist Skill Book】---820 luck blessing points. (Purchasing and using it will instantly reach maximum level)

【Piano Skill Book】---900 luck blessing points. (Purchasing and using it will instantly reach maximum level)

【Hacker Skill Book】---950 luck blessing points. (Purchasing and using it will instantly reach maximum level)

【God-level Skill Item Card】---1050 luck blessing points.

Li Mubai looked at it and realized that the highest items or skills in the mall are god-level, not super-god level.

In the future, he might continue to unlock the positive appraisal, or achieve a perfect unlock, or maybe Yun Wuyue can upgrade the 【Luck Mall】.

After thinking about it, Li Mubai currently had no intention of buying anything.

After all, he still had a few items in his inventory, and his points were relatively low for now. It's best to keep them for emergencies!

He sat up a little.

Li Mubai pulled the table that was leaning against the bed closer.

How long has it been...

Li Mubai once again felt the sour smell of love.

He opened the game and selected a female Yasuo. Li Mubai happily started his journey of playing.

Perhaps because of his good mood, this game went smoothly beyond belief. Top lane, bottom lane, jungle, and Li Mubai's female Yasuo in the mid lane, all performed exceptionally well.

Smoothly gliding with the E skill from the enemy's mid lane high ground to the enemy's bottom lane, seamlessly connecting with the newly spawned minions, and gliding out again with the E skill.

Amidst laughter and cheers, Li Mubai typed "GG" in the chat.

Just as he was about to start another game, footsteps could be heard outside the corridor.

Li Mubai closed the game directly and saw 36D... Song Xingyu appearing outside the window.

Then, Song Xingyu lightly knocked on the door and pushed it open...

PS1: Is this considered a sugar rush? Brother Mubai is not easy~

PS2: Please give some rewards, monthly votes, reminders, and automatic subscriptions to Little Bai, please! Love!

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