Urban Life: I Just Want To Work Hard!

Chapter 93: Aren't Women's Money Just For Men To Cheat!

Chapter 93: Women's money is just something men deceive.

Yun Wuyue's expression became slow and dull because Li Mubai had just been very gentle during their spiritual exchange.

Slowly buttoning up his shirt, Li Mubai lay down again, looking at Yun Wuyue's flawless face that was so close. Li Mubai smiled and said, "If President Sister has any needs in the future, feel free to contact me."

After saying that, Li Mubai intended to get up again.

In the next second, Yun Wuyue suddenly sat up, grabbing Li Mubai's wrist and forcefully pulling him back onto the sofa.

"What if I say I want to buy your lifetime?"

Li Mubai glanced at his wrist that was being held, then met Yun Wuyue's eyes and said, "A lifetime is too long. I only want the present."

"What if I insist?"

Li Mubai exerted force on his wrist, and under Yun Wuyue's narrowed pupils, their positions switched again.

Yun Wuyue's expression clearly showed extreme surprise. Li Mubai's strength had increased significantly.

"Why buy my lifetime? If President Sister is willing, let me buy yours."

Yun Wuyue felt a strange sensation filling her heart. It had been many years, but this was the first time she had encountered such a passive situation. Although it felt uncomfortable, she surprisingly didn't dislike it and was even looking forward to it.

Also smiling, Yun Wuyue nodded and said, "Okay, I'm actually very cheap. I don't demand much, even if it's cheap, I can accept it."

She remembered what Li Mubai had said during the live broadcast. At least they should be on the same level.

There were many ways to accelerate Li Mubai's growth.

The things inside the real estate certificate and the registration form she had brought up...

"But... you have to promise me one thing."

Li Mubai let go of her hand and sat back down. "Tell me."

Yun Wuyue slowly got up and picked up the folder she had casually thrown on the ground. Then she took out three A4 papers from it and handed them to Li Mubai.

Li Mubai took them.

The first page had four words at the top: "I Am a Singer." It was similar to the music competition program Li Mubai knew from his previous life, but this program would be broadcast live throughout.

The other changes were that this program would be in pairs, with a total of seven pairs.

The specific rules were that the competition would last for seven days, and each day, each pair would only have one chance. Each pair would sing a song individually and then sing a duet.

Each round would eliminate one pair.

Flipping to the second and third pages.

The second page was Li Mubai's registration form, which Yun Wuyue had already filled out for him.

The third page was blank.

"You must participate in this competition. If you don't have a partner, I'll help you find one!"

Li Mubai raised an eyebrow.

He had a feeling that Yun Wuyue seemed to already know that he was going to find Xu Shiwen.

No matter how he looked at this registration form, it seemed like it was arranged for Xu Shiwen.

Wasn't Yun Wuyue afraid... that Xu Shiwen would expose their past on this stage?

But... who cares!

This was such a good opportunity. It would be a waste not to seize it. Ciliu~

Pretending to hesitate, Li Mubai nodded and shook his head. "Okay, but I'll find a partner myself."

Yun Wuyue smiled again and leaned back on the sofa, covering herself with a blanket.

"There are still seven days until the competition. I am one of the investors. You need to give me the registration form no later than five days from now."

Li Mubai needed to find his competition partner within five days.

Squinting his eyes, Li Mubai pondered if the time was enough. After all, he had to get Xu Shiwen to agree to team up with him first, and then he had to sign a gambling contract with Xueying Entertainment.

After about ten seconds, Li Mubai stood up, picked up the keys, access card, and property deed from the sofa, and put them all in an opaque bag.

"No problem. I hope President Sister can continue to take care of my business after five days."

Turning back to smile at Yun Wuyue, Li Mubai opened the door and walked out...

Although this house already belonged to Li Mubai, he didn't dare let Yun Wuyue leave first.

After all, that... Lin Jiayin should be waiting for him in Room 601.

Just as he was about to leave, something slipped out of the bag in Li Mubai's pocket.

He took it out and looked at it, his mouth twitching.

It was his bank card, the only one he had in his ordinary Nine Provinces Bank account.

Stepping into the elevator, Li Mubai unlocked his phone's fingerprint and quickly opened the mobile banking app.

Clicking on the balance...

It was a long, long balance...



Wow, it's an additional three hundred million.

She really is the CEO sister!

Indeed generous!

She's going for three small goals right off the bat...


It's seven small goals, and the house is worth four small goals!

Putting all of these back, the small bag tightly tied, Li Mubai knocked on the door of 601.

Although he had the key, Lin Jiayin was inside after all... 083407012 Fei Lu 232482230]

After about three seconds, the door was opened.

Lin Jiayin glanced nervously at Li Mubai and fetched a pair of pink cotton slippers from the shoe cabinet for him...

After all, they were free, and Li Mubai didn't have any color preferences, so he quietly put them on.

Walking into the living room, Li Mubai suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Almost identical property ownership certificates, an identical access card, and a key that happened to fit the door.

In addition, there was a key to a Maserati and a bank card.

Seeing Li Mubai's gaze lingering on these items on the coffee table, Lin Jiayin turned around nervously and said, "Mubai... I..."

She let go of the bag in her hand and took off her coat again...

Smiling at Lin Jiayin, Li Mubai slowly walked up and embraced her.

Lin Jiayin's reaction was almost identical to Yun Wuyue's, not daring to move at all, stiff as a board.

Li Mubai was quite familiar with this room. In response to Lin Jiayin's soft whisper, he wrapped her up and headed towards the master bedroom.

Three hours later.

"Jiayin, thank you for your patronage!"

"Mubai... I..." Lin Jiayin hesitated for a second, immediately understanding the meaning behind Li Mubai's words, and hurriedly explained, "That's not what I meant."

"I meant it." Li Mubai smiled, sat up again, and put on his shirt. "If Jiayin is willing to take care of my business regularly, I would be more than happy to..."

"Can I have an annual contract?" Lin Jiayin pondered for a moment and asked.

"No." Li Mubai stroked his chin, turned his head back, and said seriously, "But if Jiayin doesn't feel burdened, I can provide you with an annual contract in the future~"

Lin Jiayin's eyes lit up. "Not burdened!"

A hint of desolation flashed in his eyes, and Li Mubai immediately turned around with a smile: "I will be participating in a music competition next week, so I won't have any time. If you still want to, you can contact me anytime these days, Jiayin..."

As he spoke, Li Mubai intended to get up.

Lin Jiayin bit her lower lip and suddenly grabbed the hem of Li Mubai's shirt: "Then don't leave tonight... Everything on the coffee table is for you!"

Li Mubai thought for a moment... and then nodded seriously.

A woman's money is just something that men deceive, isn't it?

Time went back three hours ago.

That is, about five minutes after Li Mubai left Room 701, Yun Wuyue, dressed neatly, came to the balcony, took out his phone, flipped through the contacts, and then dialed Xu Shiwen's number.

"President Yun~" A ethereal laughter came from the phone.

"Shiwen, I've already given him the registration form, but... you really don't want to return to the stage?" Yun Wuyue asked softly.

"I've been idle for these years, and I don't really want to go back..." Xu Shiwen replied.

"What if Mubai can bring out something that moves your heart?"

"Then I'll gamble with President Yun again. But have you thought it through? If I lose this time... it's very likely that I'll lose your little man too. Letting your little man join Xueying Entertainment Group, once the other party finds out, they might just bury him."

Yun Wuyue fell silent for a while. "I won't put him at risk. The stake I'm betting is not him."

Xu Shiwen on the other end of the phone also fell silent for a long time, as if suddenly realizing something. "You didn't really put the bed that just aired on the show up for the bet, did you? Are you crazy?!"

"I've been tired for so long, and I don't really want to continue being tired." Yun Wuyue's tone was almost exactly the same as Xu Shiwen's just now. He continued with a smile, "Besides, I believe in the abilities of my little man at home!"

"The more you say, the more interested I become. I'm really looking forward to meeting him..."

"By the way, he hasn't been in a good mental state recently, so please be a bit more restrained when you meet him."

"That's not the President Yun I know~" Xu Shiwen exaggeratedly said, then fell silent for a moment before saying seriously, "I know, he's very innocent, just coming out of the shadow of suicide. I know."

"Mm..." Yun Wuyue sighed softly.

"I mentioned before that I had a student, right?"

"I've heard you mention it."

He called me this afternoon, and your little man is coming to see me~ And my disciple's evaluation of him is not low~"

Yun Wuyue thought for a moment and suddenly realized, "Oh~ So that's why Mubai became interested in you. After all, he can't contact people in the industry. So it's your student."

"Yes, Xiaoyu is also at Jiuzhou Art College. I really hope tomorrow comes quickly. I really want to see him soon!"

"Alright, give me your answer tomorrow. If you don't go, I'll need to find a partner who can perform with him on stage."

"Mm, see you tomorrow!"

PS1: Chapter 88 has entered the small black room. Um... it has already been modified. The Wushan version is gone. You can only see it after the editor approves it.

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