Urban Life: I Just Want To Work Hard!

Chapter 96: I Wanted To Refuse, But I Gave Too Much

Chapter 96: I originally wanted to refuse, but what they offered was just too much.

Seeing Gu Kexin's prompt and decisive response, Li Mubai nodded in satisfaction.

After all, this is a female-dominated world, and girls have great initiative.

His licking... oh no, the humble lover, can actually turn into a big shot in the original novel, it seems that it's not just a rumor.

Li Mubai immediately continued to type: "You can earn a lot, the harder you work, the more money you make! Where are you?"

Gu Kexin: "I'm outside..."

Seeing Gu Kexin's vague answer, Li Mubai estimated that her current situation is probably not good.

Without delving further into this topic, Li Mubai went straight to the point: "Meet me at the Left Bank Cafe on Zhuque Street in an hour. I've made an appointment with someone there."

Gu Kexin: "Okay!"

The reason Li Mubai added that last sentence was actually because he was afraid that Gu Kexin would arrive early and see him with that Director Song, causing a misunderstanding.

Women in this world generally care about face, and Gu Kexin is currently in a "poor" stage, so she is even more sensitive in this regard. Li Mubai definitely wouldn't make such a low-level mistake.

After thinking for a moment, Li Mubai opened the ride-hailing app on his phone and, after a whole day of playing around in the imperial capital, he directly booked a car with one click.

Li Mubai put on his clothes, grabbed his laptop, and headed downstairs to the dormitory.

Anyway, the car arranged by Yun Wuyue was comfortable enough, so even if he commuted to work in the car, he wouldn't be too tired. Therefore, Li Mubai planned to use this 20-30 minute car ride to complete the contract for the advertiser.

Arriving at the school gate, Li Mubai could already see the same Mercedes S-Class Ultimate Edition from last time.

When the car stopped in front of him, Li Mubai didn't let the driver get out. He opened the car door and got in directly.

Looking up, it turned out to be Yun Nan!

"Xiao Nan!" Li Mubai smiled.

"Mubai..." Yun Nan nodded obediently. "Where are you going?"

"To the Left Bank Cafe on Zhuque Street. Take it slow, arrive within half an hour, I need to write something."

Li Mubai's brain quickly turned.

It turns out Yun Nan came to drive today. What does this mean...

Yun Nan didn't tell Yun Wuyue about what happened between the two of them that afternoon!

This news is too important!

Because it means that there is a possibility that Li Mubai can get the latest information about Yun Wuyue from Yun Nan.

Who is Yun Nan? Yun Wuyue's personal bodyguard, basically always by Yun Wuyue's side.

Taking down Yun Nan also means that to some extent, Li Mubai has installed a "time bomb" or an "instant detonation" device around Yun Wuyue!

In an instant, Li Mubai's mind came up with several schemes that he could arrange...

Intentionally or unintentionally, Li Mubai spoke up: "Xiaonan, can I ask you something?"

Yun Nan glanced at Li Mubai through the rearview mirror, then nodded slightly and said, "Hmm."

"How's your relationship with Yun Zong recently?" Li Mubai asked a seemingly simple question, hoping to indirectly find out the answers to three questions.

First, whether his relationship with Yun Lingxing is good and if it has affected Yun Wuyue.

Second, whether Yun Lingxing might have told Yun Wuyue about Xu Shiwen's situation.

Third, what Yun Wuyue's attitude is towards his relationship with Yun Lingxing.

Yun Nan drove the car and furrowed his eyebrows, showing a conflicted expression.

After pondering for a while, Yun Nan finally spoke up: "Actually... that afternoon..."

"Which afternoon?" Li Mubai asked.

"It was... the afternoon when I agreed to help you. Second Miss had a long conversation with Yun Zong, but... I don't know what they talked about. It seemed like Xu Shiwen was mentioned," Yun Nan answered cleverly, revealing everything Li Mubai wanted to know.

"Xu Shiwen?" Li Mubai was taken aback, not pretending this time, but genuinely confused.

"Xu Shiwen used to be an artist under Yun Yu Group's previous company. However, she retired during her peak period due to some reasons. She and Yun Zong are good friends," Yun Nan explained.

"Oh," Li Mubai pretended to understand, but his mind was racing.

So Yun Wuyue and Xu Shiwen are good friends.

That means the other blank application form must have been prepared for Xu Shiwen.

If that's the case, then it's foolproof for him to approach Xu Shiwen next.


Li Mubai suddenly realized that if Yun Wuyue and Xu Shiwen have a close relationship, Yun Wuyue should have helped Xu Shiwen make a comeback in these years. But since Xu Shiwen hasn't made a comeback, it means she doesn't have the intention to do so herself.

In an instant, Li Mubai's mind became clear. He smiled and said to Yun Nan, "Thank you, Xiaonan. You can drive a bit faster."

Why drive faster?

Regardless of defying Yun Wuyue, Li Mubai must give some rewards to Yun Nan.

"It's okay," Yun Nan replied with a conflicted tone.

Li Mubai's gaze fell on the screen, then he glanced at the driver's seat, a glint of light flashing in his eyes.

Immediately, Li Mubai quickly typed on the keyboard.

After about fifteen minutes, the car slowly parked by the roadside. Li Mubai closed his laptop and threw it onto another seat, leaning forward.

(Note: Some names and terms have been romanized based on their pronunciation in Mandarin Chinese.)

Xiao Nan slowly turned her head, and Li Mubai had already handed over the reward.

Although his tone was hesitant, his body was still quite honest.

Fifteen minutes later, Li Mubai got out of the car empty-handed, pushed open the door, and headed towards the Left Bank Cafe.

Yun Nan sat in the driver's seat, her face flushed, and she adjusted her clothes.

It was only in the process of turning her head that Yun Nan caught a glimpse of Li Mubai's laptop left in the car.

After glancing at the Left Bank Cafe, Li Mubai had already entered.

Only then did Yun Nan once again focus her complicated gaze on Li Mubai's laptop.

To be honest, she was very conflicted, extremely conflicted.

She had followed Yun Wuyue since she was young, and the only reason she helped Li Mubai was because she saw him as half of her master.

Because she firmly believed that Li Mubai would eventually be with Yun Wuyue.


That afternoon, when Li Mubai and her were face to face, he asked her if she could help him, her heart originally wanted to scold him loudly: "Are you trying to buy me with your body? Let me tell you, this is an insult to me!"

She really wanted to refuse like that, but unfortunately, Li Mubai had given her too much...

If she agreed, she would have to go against Yun Wuyue's will.

This made her restless, and her position as a bodyguard made her conscience strongly condemn her, so she had the idea of repaying Yun Wuyue.

How to repay him?

Besides Li Mubai's recent situation, Yun Nan didn't know what else could ease her troubled heart.

Staring at Li Mubai's laptop for five or six minutes, Yun Nan gritted her teeth, stomped her foot, and reached out to take Li Mubai's computer.

She opened it and turned it on, and the screen lit up.


No password!

Upon entering the desktop, Yun Nan discovered a document that had not been saved yet.

Just by opening this ongoing document, Yun Nan's expression changed drastically.

She only saw four big characters written on it.

"Gambling Contract"

Party A is Li Mubai.

Party B is Snow Reflection Entertainment Company!

The content of this contract is also very simple.

During this period, because Li Mubai's performance at the Nine Provinces Art Academy's evening party went viral on the internet, his popularity skyrocketed.

Almost all major entertainment companies in the country have extended an olive branch to Li Mubai.

This includes Snow Reflection Entertainment Company.

This contract is Li Mubai's condition.

The contract proves that Li Mubai will continue to team up with Xu Shiwen on the stage of "I Am a Singer".

During this process, Li Mubai will also do his best to persuade Xu Shiwen to join Snow Reflection Entertainment Company.

As long as Li Mubai and Xu Shiwen win the championship, Snow Reflection Entertainment Company will invest its best resources in either him or Xu Shiwen, making them both famous.

The condition is that Snow Reflection Entertainment Company will give Li Mubai 5% of its shares!

At the same time, Snow Reflection Entertainment Company will also help him seek revenge against Yunyu Group's Yun Wuyue!

But if Li Mubai and Xu Shiwen fail to win the championship.

Li Mubai himself is willing to sign a contract with Snow Reflection Entertainment Company for 50 years, and promises to write at least 200 songs within 5 years that are of no lower quality than "Queen" for Snow Reflection Entertainment Company to use at will, without claiming any rights as a composer or lyricist!

Including the previously popular songs "He Must Love You" and "Queen", all rights belong to Snow Reflection Entertainment Company.

At the same time, Li Mubai is also willing to accept all arrangements from Snow Reflection Entertainment Company within these 50 years, and 50% of his profits will go to Snow Reflection Entertainment Company.

All of these terms are based on the premise of fairness, including the judges of "I Am a Singer".

After reading this contract, Yun Nan took a cold breath.

...It's definitely a monumental gamble!

Li Mubai has put his entire life on the line!

If... he really loses, then Li Mubai's life is truly over!

Yun Nan felt fortunate that she had read the contract.

Immediately, Yun Nan trembled as she took out her phone, took pictures of all the contents of the contract, and then put the computer back in its original place.

She felt that this episode of "I Am a Singer" was going to be a big deal.

In the past, "I Am a Singer" was said to be a competitive music program, but it had a bit of an old person mentoring a new person feel.

Because of the two-person team format, veteran singers would attract the audience's attention, but there would also be newcomers!

As long as the newcomers could shine here, their future would be smooth sailing.

Snow Reflection Entertainment Company would definitely send artists to participate in this program. Maybe they wouldn't invite top-tier singers before, but if this contract appeared in Snow Reflection Entertainment Company, then anything could happen...

Yun Nan took a deep breath and told herself to stay calm.

She had to inform Yun Wuyue about this matter as soon as possible!

PS: Something came up at home at noon, I still owe two updates of 7,000 words today, I won't chat, I'll start writing, I will definitely make up for it, please bear with me, dear readers!

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