Urban Life: I Just Want To Work Hard!

Chapter 99: Goodbye Gu Kexin 【14 For Automatic Subscription】

Chapter 99: Goodbye Gu Kexin [1/4 Seeking Automatic Subscription]

Li Mubai sighed in his heart, but his face didn't show any hint of it.

After all, compared to what the girls had given him, he had only given back a fraction.

Taking out his phone, Li Mubai sent a message to Gu Kexin: "Have you arrived?"

Gu Kexin should have had her phone in her hand and immediately replied: "Almost there!"

Li Mubai wasn't in a hurry either. He walked back to the Mercedes car and knocked on the passenger window, greeting Qu Nan who was sitting there: "Nan, wait for me a little longer."

"Okay." Qu Nan smiled and replied.

Li Mubai left with a smile and casually strolled around here.

In about thirty or forty seconds, Gu Kexin, carrying a backpack, ran towards Li Mubai, panting.


"Just wipe it." He handed her two tissues and smiled.

He hadn't seen Gu Kexin for a while. Last time at the hospital, because of being monitored by medical equipment, Gu Kexin's luck had surged. He didn't even have time to look at her...

Thinking about it, that scene wasn't very pleasant.

"Ding! Gu Kexin's luck blessing to the host +1, protagonist's luck value +1.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving a 100 yuan reward!"

Gu Kexin felt a little embarrassed and thanked Li Mubai after receiving the tissues.

They randomly chose a coffee shop and went in. Li Mubai and Gu Kexin sat by the window. After ordering their drinks, Li Mubai softly asked, "Why did you drop out of school?"

Gu Kexin had never had such a serious conversation with Li Mubai before, and this topic was somewhat heavy.

After thinking for a while, Gu Kexin smiled and said, "I don't have any talent in music. It's better to come out and make plans earlier than wasting another year at the 12th Conservatory."

Seeing Gu Kexin's expression as if nothing mattered, Li Mubai tactfully didn't ask further.

Girls in this world have a strong sense of self-esteem, especially in front of boys.

In terms of piano skills, Gu Kexin was actually better than Li Mubai, without a doubt.

It was just that after that visit to the hospital, she made such a significant life decision on a whim.

Li Mubai didn't know whether to call her foolish or courageous.

Although the original novel mentioned that Gu Kexin eventually succeeded, the bitterness and hardships she went through in the process, perhaps only Gu Kexin herself knew.

All he could do was hope... that she would have a smoother journey in this life.

"So, what do you want to do next?"

Gu Kexin lowered her head and didn't look at Li Mubai. Her voice was somewhat low and heavy, but extremely determined: "I want to start a business!"

Li Mubai took out his phone and pushed a message from Song, the head of the Beijing branch of Jiuzhou Bank, to Gu Kexin.

"This is the head of the Beijing branch of Jiuzhou Bank. She has a part-time job opportunity here. With hard work, I think you can quickly accumulate your first sum of money."

Gu Kexin took out her phone and checked Chairman Song's personal information, biting her lower lip.

Li Mubai's family situation was even worse than hers, so it was unlikely that he would know someone of this social class...

So, there was no need to think too much about the source of this relationship.

Holding hands, their fingers tightened...

In the previous life, Li Mubai naturally understood Gu Kexin's feelings, so he didn't give her a chance to ask questions and immediately explained the introduction of the ETC by the highway and the bank.

"You've contracted all the ETC business of the Jiuzhou Bank Imperial City Branch. As long as the daily business volume reaches thousands, you can charge 120 yuan per unit?!"

Li Mubai nodded, and Gu Kexin also became unusually serious.

She quickly realized the difficulty of this matter. Owners without a Jiuzhou Bank card would have to apply for one first!

"This is what I think..."

Li Mubai then explained his plan to Gu Kexin again. When she heard that they would be contracting all the bank's ETC business, Gu Kexin's eyes lit up.

The difficulty was reduced by more than a little bit. As long as people had some driving experience, they shouldn't refuse!

After all, in the Imperial City, those who constantly drive would take the ring road hundreds of times a year.

No need to wait in line, and it's free to apply. It couldn't be simpler.

Finally, when Li Mubai suggested hiring employees with insurance experience, Gu Kexin couldn't help but think... Li Mubai would be a waste if he didn't start his own business.

"Um... I can borrow a considerable amount of money, enough to establish these banks and help you obtain the business, and then..."

"No need!"

Gu Kexin shook her head seriously. "This is already enough. You've helped me enough. I will find a way to solve these banks."


"No, really."

For Li Mubai, this was just a casual matter. He had the idea of helping people to the end, so he wanted to directly solve it for her.

However, Gu Kexin's expression was quite stubborn. It seemed that she wasn't willing to accept any more favors from Li Mubai.

"You've already helped me to this extent... If this kind of difficulty still overwhelms me, then... I don't deserve to appear in front of you anymore."


"Really, Mubai, thank you for giving me this opportunity. I won't let you down."

Saying that, Gu Kexin picked up her backpack and stood up directly, seemingly ready to leave.

Li Mubai also stood up...

Under Gu Kexin's incredulous gaze, he gently hugged her.

"I believe you can succeed!"

For some reason, Gu Kexin's eyes became red, and she nodded heavily, saying "Mm," before quickly running away without looking back...

There are other people in the coffee shop, but Li Mubai ignores them and looks back at him. He sits back down, stares blankly for a while, and then scans the QR code to make the payment and leaves.

After regaining his composure, Li Mubai returns to his Mercedes car and says to Yun Nan, who is in the driver's seat, "Let's go back to school."

Yun Nan glances at Li Mubai through the rearview mirror and softly reminds him, "Mubai, fasten your seatbelt."


The car starts again, and the two of them remain silent throughout the journey.

When they arrive at the school gate, Li Mubai smiles and bids farewell to Yun Nan.

He takes out his phone again and sends a text message to Song Xingyu: "Have you had lunch?"

Song Xingyu replies instantly: "Not yet."

"Then let's have lunch at the school cafeteria. After eating, we'll set off."


Back in the dormitory, Li Mubai takes the registration form given to him by Yun Wuyue that night, prints a copy of the modified gambling contract he just made in the car, and also brings along a USB drive with three songs he composed in the morning.

After making sure he hasn't forgotten anything, Li Mubai heads towards the school cafeteria.

Song Xingyu is waiting for him at the entrance of the school cafeteria. When she sees Li Mubai, the two of them walk directly into the cafeteria.

Just as they turn around...

A girl suddenly blocks Li Mubai and Song Xingyu's path, holding a large bouquet of roses in her hands.

It's lunchtime, and many male and female students stop to watch.

"Classmate Mubai, I like you. Please go out with me!"

Li Mubai instinctively wants to reject her directly.

He opens his mouth, glances at the surrounding onlookers, and politely smiles at the unnamed girl, "Thank you, please give me some time to consider."

Giving Song Xingyu a signal, Song Xingyu turns and leaves.

After Li Mubai nods at the girl again, he turns around slowly.

He now understands the mentality of those straight guys in his previous life. Wow... confessing directly in the middle of the road, it's just finding a way to get rejected.

Apart from not being moved in his heart, there is also a feeling similar to that... a stranger asking him for money, and the amount is not small.

To be honest, Li Mubai is a little afraid of being stopped for a confession again.

He walks straight towards the school gate. Li Mubai thinks he should consider moving to Jinshui Qianwan to reduce unnecessary trouble.

Meeting Song Xingyu again at the school gate, Song Xingyu's gaze is complicated.

Helplessly shrugging, Li Mubai says, "Sorry, let's go eat outside..."

Song Xingyu nods, "I know a good ramen restaurant, do you want to try it?"


Li Mubai hails a taxi with Song Xingyu and after about ten minutes of driving, Song Xingyu brings Li Mubai to an alley.

Entering the alley, what catches their attention is not the storefront, but the luxury cars parked against the wall.

There are Mercedes-Benz and BMW cars, and Li Mubai even spots a Maybach.

All these cars are parked next to a shop.

[Blue State Ramen]

The decoration style is somewhat similar to that of the last century, but there are quite a lot of people gathered here.

Most importantly, all the tables are outdoors, those square wooden tables with a long bench on each side.

"This shop has been open for many years and only sells for three hours a day. It's very authentic."

Li Mubai nods, it is indeed the case.

Elite white-collar workers in suits and ordinary people in coarse cloth sit at the same table.

Li Mubai and Song Xingyu each order a bowl, and the noodles are quickly served.

The aroma of the soup alone makes Li Mubai's eyes light up.

Taking the chopsticks handed to him by Song Xingyu, Li Mubai takes a bite. The noodles are chewy, and the soup is very flavorful. It's really delicious.

"How is it?"

"It's really good!" Li Mubai has been busy all morning and was hungry by lunchtime, so he enjoys the meal.

Watching Li Mubai eat differently from other boys, Song Xingyu gains a new understanding of him.

After finishing the noodles and soup, Li Mubai puts down his bowl and chopsticks, feeling satisfied.

Just right.


At the same time, Song Xingyu finishes as well. They exchange smiles and go to pay with their phones.

Scan the QR code, twenty yuan.

Li Mubai and Song Xingyu leave after getting up.

"It's not too crowded today. When I came before, there was always a long line."

"It's indeed delicious and affordable."

"If you're willing next time, we can come again."


Making a promise with a smile, Li Mubai and Song Xingyu return to the roadside and hail a taxi again.

Once they get in the car, Song Xingyu speaks up.

"Driver, go to the roadside KTV."

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