Urban magic doctor

Chapter 1034 Recruiting a Disciple

"Master, I would like to ask my disciple to pay homage to Qingliu\\Ji Li\\Ling Miaozong\\Xiao Ma!"

The five of them kowtowed together without raising their heads, as if they were competing to see who was more sincere.

This sudden apprenticeship really shocked Chen Yang.

Damn, these are not five masters, they are simply five lunatics.

Chen Yang came to his senses and quickly tried to help them up, but the five people started arguing again.

"What are you four doing? I, Yu Yan, became my apprentice first."

"Who said you were the first to become a disciple? You have a big belly, can't bend your waist, and can't kowtow as fast as me."

"Ji Li, you can't see clearly. Do you know who to worship? Besides, I am sincere and have already worshiped in my heart. You are all following suit."

"Shit, Ling Miaozhen, you are the last one to kneel down."

"Xiao Ma, don't talk nonsense. Look, my forehead is red."

"Well, Dai Qingliu, you have little hair and no protection."

The five people started to quarrel, and the quarrel became more and more intense, but no one raised their head. They all knelt in front of Chen Yang, for fear that if they were disrespectful, Chen Yang would not accept them as his disciples.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Chen Yang's head was pounding.

He shouted: "Seniors, please stop arguing. I can teach you how to make Taoyuan Ling, but you don't need to be a disciple."

"Boy, you don't want to accept us as your disciples?"

The man with thinning hair suddenly glared at Chen Yang, and a terrifying aura was released, which immediately caused Chen Yang's complexion to change drastically.

He had never felt such a strong aura, which made his blood vessels shrink and his breath unstable. Even trying to mobilize his true energy became extremely difficult.

It was like tens of thousands of mountains pressing down on him, almost suffocating him.

The next moment, his knees shook and he was about to lose his balance.

Just now he saw that the other five people were nervous, and he doubted their strength.

But now he knows that the other party must be a super master.

Just when he was about to lose his support, the man with glasses pointed at the man with thin hair and said with a smile: "Haha, Dai Qingliu, if you dare to threaten the master, you will not be able to learn the making method of Taoyuan Ling."

Dai Qingliu's expression changed, he quickly put away his momentum, and said respectfully to Chen Yang: "Master, I'm sorry, I was in a hurry just now, please forgive me."

Damn, what a bunch of lunatics!

Without the pressure of the momentum, Chen Yang suddenly felt relaxed and cursed in his heart. Looking at the five people kneeling in front of him, he was completely speechless.

"Although these five people are masters, they seem to be mentally unsound. Since you want to play, let me play with you."

Chen Yang sighed secretly and said to the five of them: "Since you want to become a disciple, I will reluctantly accept you as my apprentice and teach you how to make the Taoyuan Order."

"Master, please bow to me, my disciple."

The five people shouted in unison, and kowtowed three times with great respect. After kowtowing three times, they still knelt on the ground and could not get up.

Chen Yang raised his hand, adjusted his posture, and said calmly: "Okay, you guys get up."

The five people stood up, all smiling from ear to ear.

But then, they started arguing again.

"I'm the oldest, I'm the senior brother!"

"Shit, I was the first to become a disciple just now. I am the senior brother."

"I have the least hair, and I am the senior brother."

"I have the biggest belly. I'm the senior brother."

"I'm the most handsome, I'm the senior brother."

"I'm always falling out of love, I'm the senior brother!"

The illogical argument between the five people made Chen Yang's head almost explode.

In the end, Chen Yang finally calmed down the five people. They were all equal, there was no distinction between high and low, they were all senior brothers.

"Master, you should teach us how to make the Taoyuan Order."

After becoming a master, each of the five of them had a master, and their serious look made Chen Yang feel as if he had really become their master.

However, these five people were weird. Chen Yang had no idea what they were thinking.

Next, Chen Yang taught them how to refine the Taoyuan Token, and contributed all the dozen or so jade tokens he had with him.

Because Chen Yang had learned the art of formations from the "Book of Immortals and Demons", the imprints of formations that seemed complicated to others became much simpler through his explanation.

Moreover, Taoyuan Order's formation mark is a very low-end mark.

In addition, his five disciples were all very advanced and had good control over the Qi, so after a while, they mastered the method. They only scrapped six jade tablets, and then each of them successfully made the Taoyuan Token. ,

With the Taoyuan Order, they were all excited and cheered, just like children who had been rewarded with candy.

Suddenly, Ji Li adjusted his fallen glasses and said doubtfully: "Master, the mark on the Taoyuan Order has been passed down in Taoyuan Spiritual Land for thousands of years, but no one can engrave it. But you are an outsider, why do you know , how to carve a mark?”

Chen Yang said: "I have studied the battle method, so I know how to carve this mark."

"It turns out that the master is a formation master. Haha, we actually have a formation master as our teacher!"

"Master of Formation, wouldn't it be possible to break Taoyuan's hidden formation in the future and expose Taoyuan to the public?"

"Hehe, without the concealment formation, Taoyuan can come and go freely."

"You are stupid. If you destroy the formation, the spiritual energy will leak out, and the cultivation environment in Taoyuan will be gone."

"If it's gone, it's gone. It's none of our business."

"I have long wanted to destroy the formation, but unfortunately I can't find the formation's eye."

Ling Miaozeng, Ji Li, Xiao Ma, Dai Qingliu, and Yu Yan started arguing again. Although there were still some inconsistencies, Chen Yang still learned some information about Taoyuan.

The five of them talked for a while, then Dai Qingliu slapped his hairless forehead and said, "Oh, what are we arguing about? Now that we have the Taoyuan Order, get out quickly."

"Yes, yes, we have to have fun outside this time."

"Let's go!"

Having said this, Ji Li flicked his finger and blasted out a wave of true energy. The rapid waterfall dozens of meters wide suddenly stopped flowing, water splashed, and the cave hidden behind the water curtain was completely exposed.

Such a method shocked Chen Yang.

He could also separate the water flow, but it was only a person's width wide, just enough to allow him to pass through. Compared with Ji Li's method, it was far behind.

"Master, I'm leaving."

"Master, see you next time."

"By the way, master, where do you live? We will go find you then."

"Don't you have that phone number outside? Give us your number."

Chen Yang thought for a moment and realized that these five people were very strong but not malicious, and they seemed to really regard themselves as masters.

In this case, if they can be won over, they will undoubtedly be a big help.

After thinking for a while, Chen Yang told them his address and mobile phone number.

"See you later!"

The five weirdos bowed their hands towards Chen Yang, all with smiles on their faces, as excited as children about to go hiking.

The next moment, their bodies moved and they all jumped into the air, actually flying!

"Fly... fly!"

Seeing this scene, Chen Yang's eyes suddenly widened.

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