Urban magic doctor

Chapter 114 Big Head

"Who told you that you were the ninth-ranked killer in the world?"

Facing Chen Yang's question, Herbert was stunned for a moment, and then blurted out: "My master told me."

master! ?

Finally asking for some clues, Chen Yang raised his eyebrows: "Who is your master? What is his name?"

"I don't know his name."

Herbert shook his head and saw Chen Yang frowning slightly. He was afraid that Chen Yang would be angry, so he quickly told everything he knew and said: "My master is a high-ranking official in Yingsha. He always wears A set of black robes with a silver mask on his face. I don’t know his name or any information about him. He only meets me once a month to teach me some skills.”

After a pause, Herbert added: "By the way, all my assassination missions were assigned to me by my master."

Although he still didn't know the identity of Master Herbert, Chen Yang felt that he had figured out the clue. He asked again: "Then did your master say who issued the mission to assassinate me?"

"It was a task issued by a man named Li Jilin in Dayi. He paid 50 million in advance. After the task is completed, he will pay the remaining 50 million."

Li Jilin!

This guy actually issued an assassination mission. It seemed that killing him was the right decision.

However, he certainly did not expect that the assassination mission he issued before his death would be used by others to make him a scapegoat.

Chen Yang thought secretly in his heart, his eyes became cold, and he walked towards Herbert and said coldly: "Thank you for telling me this information, I will make your death easier."

"You...didn't you say let me go?"

Herbert was shocked and looked at Chen Yang with fear in his eyes. He wanted to hide back, but he hit the truck compartment and had nowhere to retreat.

"Didn't your master teach you not to believe what your enemies say?"

Chen Yang is a man who keeps his promises, but he never keeps his word to his enemies, nor does he fully trust his enemies. This is a lesson he has learned from many years of experience.

Herbert's face turned pale and his body was trembling violently. Seeing that Chen Yang had already walked up to him, he could not resist at all. This man was too powerful. Resistance would only make his death worse.

"Wait, Chen, can you tell me who you are?"

Herbert mustered up his last courage. Although his willpower was not strong enough, he still hoped to know Chen Yang's true identity before he died.

He believed that a person with such great strength was definitely not just an ordinary college student as mentioned in the assassination message.

"You should have heard my nickname. They all call me God."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Yang held Herbert's neck and gently broke it.

With a click, Herbert's head drooped and he died on the spot.

And there was strong surprise in his eyes. He had no idea that the person he wanted to assassinate was actually the famous "God".

Perhaps the nerves before his death reached Herbert's face. When he lay down, there was a relieved smile on his lips.

Chen Yang turned around and left without even looking at the dead Herbert. If he were an ordinary person, he would still have concerns, but since he was a killer, it wouldn't matter.

And since the incident related to Heilang, Chen Yang understood the truth that even if he retires, the people who should be killed will still be killed.

"Chen Yang, have you caught the killer?"

At this time, Ye Yiqing ran over. She was breathing heavily, her chest was bullied, and she had a nervous look on her face. She put her hands on her chest and was on guard.

Before she could calm down her anger, Ye Yiqing was shocked by the scene in front of her. She looked at Chen Yang and exclaimed: "Did you kill the killer?"

Chen Yang shrugged, with an expression that said it was none of my business: "How could I, a good citizen like me, kill someone? When the car overturned, he was killed by himself. Don't blame me."

Ye Yiqing rolled her eyes at Chen Yang and said angrily: "He came directly from the driver's cab and crashed into the trunk? Do you think I'm stupid enough to believe you?"

"If you're not stupid, I'll leave this to you. I'll leave first." Chen Yang winked at Ye Yiqing, smiled meaningfully, turned around and walked towards the bicycle.

Ye Yiqing was silent for a moment and said: "Okay, I will help you hide this matter. You owe me a favor."

Chen Yang smiled without saying a word and pushed the bicycle away.

Ye Yiqing rolled her eyes and snorted angrily.

On the way home, Chen Yang had already sorted things out.

"There must be something wrong with Master Herbert's identity. He trained Herbert as a chess piece in Shadow Fiend. This time, he used Li Jilin to issue a mission and sent Herbert to assassinate me. He must have wanted to test my reaction. But he But I didn't expect that Herbert's will was so weak that he betrayed him. But who could this person be?"

Chen Yang had so many enemies that he couldn't even think of their identity for a while.

"Forget it, since I don't know your identity, let the boss of Yingsha come and play with you slowly."

A smirk appeared on Chen Yang's face, he took out his Nokia and made a call.

On the screen of the mobile phone, the name "Big Head" was displayed. This person was the leader of Shadow Evil and an opponent that Chen Yang had fought against many times in the past.

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