Urban magic doctor

Chapter 118 Low-key

Seeing Lin Rou "running away", Chen Yang felt even more happy in his heart. It was really fun to tease this innocent school beauty.

After the form was distributed and Yang Xuewei introduced it in detail, Chen Yang picked up the form and looked at it. The survey items on it were all old-fashioned and nothing new.

As for self-recommendation of talents, it is nothing more than traditional programs such as singing, dancing, musical instruments, sketches, cross talk, etc. Ordinary college students cannot do anything new.

"It's a pity that there is no archery performance, otherwise I would show off my ability to shoot through an arrow with a hundred steps."

Chen Yang's close combat ability is very strong, and his long-range attacks are even more unique. He is proficient in hidden weapons and archery, but the school's welcome party is definitely not suitable for performing such things.

He filled out the questionnaire casually, leaving the self-recommended talent column blank, then handed it in and didn't take it to heart again.

After a brief class meeting, Yang Xuewei took away the collected watches. She is still the class teacher this semester, but there are no classes for her. She is only responsible for the management of the second class of accounting, and spends more time on on her scientific research project.

Because since her paper was successfully published in the world's most famous computer academic journal, she is even busier now.

At the beginning of the morning class, Chen Yang found that Nie Yichen's little follower had not come. He was about to send a text message to ask, but unexpectedly he received a text message from the other party.

"Boss, I applied for the wrong major last year. I originally wanted to study vehicle mechanical engineering, which would help me drive and repair cars. Who knew that when I filled in my major, I filled in computer. This year I have switched to mechanical engineering. If you are looking for If so, call me anytime.”

After reading this text message, Chen Yang almost spit out blood. He reported the wrong major, and the follower was so unreliable. Thinking about how he accepted such a fool as a follower, he was really drunk.

On the first day of class, the students inevitably lacked concentration, so the teacher did not teach much. The morning time ended before they knew it, and the students left the classroom and walked towards the cafeteria.

Lin Rou put away her book and was lost in the crowd, and soon disappeared.

"It seems like she is avoiding me."

Chen Yang thought for a while and decided to catch up with Lin Rou and ask for clarification.

Although he has a bicycle at this time, it is lunch time and almost all the students in the school are walking to the cafeteria. With such a huge scale, unless you have a plane, you can only move forward little by little with the flow of people. .

When he rode to the entrance of the canteen, he happened to see Lin Rou walking into the canteen.

"Wow, whose R8 is this? It's not driven to our school to pick up girls."

"Come on, come on, take a picture of me and send it to your circle of friends. Maybe some girl will believe it and take the bait."

"If the car owner can like me, then I will be prosperous."

Chen Yang was just about to park his bicycle and go to find Lin Rou in the cafeteria when he heard a lot of talking at the door of the cafeteria.

He followed the sound and saw an Audi R8 parked at the entrance of the cafeteria. Although this car was not as good as a cow or horse, it was not something ordinary college students could afford, so it attracted a crowd of students.

At this moment, there happened to be a lot of people. It was literally three floors inside and three floors outside. It was more lively than watching a car show.

Chen Yang cursed, and was about to stop his bicycle and get out of the way, but happened to see the license plate number of the R8 through the gap in the crowd. He was suddenly surprised and changed his mind.

He rode over there on a broken bicycle and shouted to the envious crowd surrounding R8: "Please give way, please give way."

Everyone was admiring the R8. When they looked back, they saw the person who made the noise was riding a broken bicycle. They just chose to ignore it. Damn it, didn’t you see an R8 parked here? You’re almost going to fly away on a bicycle. Broken bicycle, what the hell.

"Everyone, please give way."

Seeing that the people in front didn't respond, Chen Yang raised his voice a little higher, but he didn't expect to receive a blank stare from the crowd.

"Boy, are you deliberately looking for trouble? You can't walk on such a wide road, but you want to squeeze in front of this luxury car? Sorry, if you want to take a photo, please get in line."

"You ride a shabby bicycle. If you want to compete with an R8 and ask someone to buy you a new car, just go ahead and dream."

"This classmate, I'm not talking about you, even if you are in the limelight now, we girls will not like you."

The students who gathered around R8 looked down upon Chen Yang.

But at this moment, the door of the R8 suddenly opened, startling everyone present, especially a boy who was leaning on the door to take pictures. He was so frightened that he stepped back and stumbled to the ground, his face full of tears. It's a look of embarrassment.

No one expected that there was someone in the car, and so many pairs of eyes didn't notice it.

When I took a closer look, I discovered that the glass of this R8 was a bit strange. It was impossible to see clearly through the special light reflection.

The person who got off the bus was a fat man, but this did not affect his status in the minds of his classmates, because he was a man, and the standard for measuring men is not appearance, but money and power. You don’t know the rights, but this R8 at least means that he is rich.

"Wow, handsome boy, you look wise and powerful. Do you have any plans to take on a younger brother?"

"Oppa, this is my phone number, you must call me."

When I came back to my senses, the boys were flattering the fat man, and the girls were pushing each other and handing over notes with their cell phone numbers written on them. The scene was so lively.

However, the fat man ignored the people present. He pushed the crowd away and walked straight towards Chen Yang who was riding a bicycle with a smile on his face.

Just when everyone looked puzzled, the fat man nodded and bowed, and said something to the cyclists with great respect that made their jaws drop.

"Brother Yang, I finally found you. Come on, let's talk in the car."

What, Brother Yang? !

Damn it, after working on it for a long time, it turns out that this cyclist is really awesome. Even the person who drives the R8 has to call him brother, and he has such a respectful attitude and makes judgments.

This kid is definitely showing off when he rides a shabby bicycle. He must be a rich man, a low-key rich man!

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