Urban magic doctor

Chapter 1213 A Confident Alliance

In the forest of Mingyue Island, a clearing was opened for fighting formations.

At this moment, both the Hua Jin Kingdom and the Earth Spirit Alliance have arrived at the scene.

Those watching the battle were sitting on the outside, while the formation masters from both sides stood at the front.

There are a total of eleven people in the team of formation masters in Huajin Kingdom. According to the regulations, it only needs to be no more than fifteen people.

On the Alliance side, only a short, fat old man stood up. This man was Souichiro Matsushima who had defected to the Lion Kingdom.

One person against eleven people, this is simply an insult to Hua Jinguo.

Seeing this, Mai Tianheng looked at a foreign cultivator on the other side of the alliance with a gloomy face, and said in a deep voice: "Malov, you are too arrogant. You actually sent Souichiro Matsushima to fight alone. This is simply stupid. We, Hua Jinguo, take it seriously."

The man named Malouf is a big shot in the Lion Kingdom Spiritual Land. He is now also the head of the Earth Spiritual Land Alliance and has reached the middle stage of pill formation.

He looked at Mai Tianheng and pretended to be confused: "Mai, do you think we should send Li Zongshuo? He is a little worse than Matsushima Chongichiro. If you send him, it will be an insult to your country."

In Maloof's view, they only need to send one person to win the battle, and sending the strongest Matsushima Chongichiro is a sign of respect for Hanajingguo.

However, this is more provocation than respect.

After hearing his words, the expressions of everyone in Hua Jinguo became even more ugly.

When the younger generation in the alliance saw this, they were even more proud and deliberately started talking loudly.

"In my opinion, sending Souichiro to fight is really overkill. Souichiro's apprentice Odwyev is completely capable of defeating Hanajingguo."

"In terms of formations, Hua Jinguo has lost its inheritance and is definitely no match."

"It's better to send Jiang Dongcheng. When he was in Bangzi Kingdom, it was said that he was a master of metaphysics and was good at Feng Shui. He should also know a little about formations."

"In my opinion, even if I send my dog, I can win against Hua Jinguo."

"Hahaha, you're right, maybe my cat can win too."

The young people in the alliance were teasing Hua Jinguo unscrupulously, and the strong men in the Dan Formation realm did not stop them, with proud smiles on their faces.

Obviously, they didn't feel any pressure in this battle, and they all thought they had a chance to win.

It's no wonder that after winning seventeen games in a row, no one would think that they would lose.

The alliance's momentum was strong, and before the battle began, Hua Jinguo's momentum weakened first. Several formation masters looked ugly and were obviously psychologically disturbed.

Maybe the taunt just now was intentional by the alliance.

The easiest person to say is Chen Yang.

However, he was wearing a mask, so no one knew that his expression was as normal at this moment, and he didn't take the other party's ridicule seriously at all.

"It's getting late, let's start early. I can't wait to explore Chi You's Tomb."

At this time, Matsushima Souichiro spoke with an extremely arrogant attitude.

On the Hua Jinguo side, Jiang Yueli, the formation master of Tianmo Dao, was leading. He calmed down his disturbed emotions and said to Matsushima Chongichiro: "Okay, let's start. Please set up the formation first."

Both parties are already familiar with the rules, so there is no need to mention them further.

After saying that, Jiang Yueli turned around and walked towards his residence. According to the rules, when the opponent sets up a formation, the party that breaks the formation cannot watch.

Everyone on the Hua Jinguo side was about to turn around and leave, but Matsushima Souichiro shouted: "You don't have to leave, it doesn't matter if you just watch here. Anyway, if you see me setting up the formation, you won't know how to break it." .”

This sentence shows Matsushima Souichiro's strong self-confidence.

Hearing this, Chen Yang became confused and asked Zhou Kunfang, the formation master of the Zhou family: "If we see him setting up the formation, wouldn't we know where the formation is and just take it out, and we can't break the formation?"

Zhou Kunfang shook his head and said: "According to the rules of the battle formation, when the formation is broken, the formation disk cannot be touched. What's more, if it is not the one who set up the formation and someone else directly touches the formation disk, they will definitely suffer a powerful backlash from the power of the formation. .”

Chen Yang asked again: "If you can't move the formation disk, can you break the formation violently?"

Zhou Kunfang explained: "According to the regulations, it is not possible to break the formation violently. To break the formation, there are only two ways, either to find the loopholes in the formation; the other method is to break the formation with the formation."

Chen Yang nodded, and then asked: "What formations did Souichiro Matsushima arrange in the previous battles?"

Zhou Kunfang said: "Psychedelic formation, blockade formation, defensive formation, etc."

What, just these formations!

Hearing this, Chen Yang was immediately speechless.

The psychedelic formation and the defensive formation are the most basic formations, which are used by formation apprentices to practice their skills. Although they are powerful, they are indeed the lowest formations.

After working on it for a long time, Matsushima Souichiro could only set up basic formations. Compared with Chen Yang, who could set up the spirit gathering formation, he was far behind.

However, Chen Yang did not expect that Hua Jinguo could not break this simple formation, and even lost seventeen times in a row.

In this way, the lack of inheritance of Huajin Kingdom's formations is not as serious as usual.

"It seems that I still overestimated their formation skills. They are just basic formations. They cannot be regarded as real spiritual formations at all. They are completely inferior. Any formation recorded in the "Book of Immortals and Demons" is worse than These are countless times stronger."

Chen Yang originally thought that since the alliance's strongest formation master was participating in this battle, it would take a lot of effort to break the formation, but now he realized that he had been overly worried.

Jiang Yueli, who had already taken a few steps, was silent for a moment, turned around and came back without hesitation, and said to Matsushima Chongichiro: "Since you are so confident, let's see what kind of formation you can set up."

Regarding Matsushima Souichiro's pretentiousness, Hanajinguo's side would naturally not refuse the opportunity to watch his formation.

After all, I have witnessed the formation with my own eyes and can understand some of its principles. Although it cannot destroy the set formation plate, it is still very helpful in breaking the formation.

Matsushima Souichiro sneered and said: "Haha, don't think too much about breaking the formation. Today, I will let you open your eyes and see the real formation."

After saying that, Matsushima Souichiro walked to the center of the field created by the forest, and then took out a pile of green jade from his backpack.

These beautiful jades are all carved into mahjong-sized jade tiles. They have pure texture and uniform luster. They are all good jade.

Looking from a distance, I saw runes engraved on the jade tablet.

These jade tablets are all array disks, and there are more than twenty in total.

Seeing such a number, Chen Yang was immediately confused and thought to himself: "Didn't Zhou Kunzheng say that Souichiro Matsushima can only deploy basic formations? Why did he take out so many formations at this moment? The basic formations cannot be used. There are more than twenty arrays."

Chen Yang was about to ask Zhou Kunzheng. He turned around and found that everyone in Hua Jinguo had confused expressions on their faces.

Obviously, they did not expect that Souichiro Matsushima could come up with so many formations.

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