Urban magic doctor

Chapter 1222 Repairing the Black Light Broken Sword (6 updates)

At the end of the battle, Cao Liang, Xuande Xiu, and He Juba all had smiles on their faces, but Zhou Kun was the only one who looked depressed.

The last three Chiyou spirits fell into the hands of the Cao, Xuan, and He families respectively, and the Zhou family gained nothing.

"Now that Chi You's spirits have been distributed, let's all disperse. Next time we meet, we will be enemies."

After Chi You's talents were distributed, Mai Tianheng stood up and walked out of the conference room.

"Mai Tianheng, have you forgotten something?"

Chen Yang looked at Mai Tianheng's back and said with a playful smile.

Mai Tianheng pretended to be confused and turned around: "What's going on? Why don't I know about it?"

Chen Yang said: "At the beginning, you said that as long as I lead the formation and win the alliance, you would give me a piece of Chi You's essence from the Demonic Way. Everyone present can testify to the promise you made. Is it possible now? , do you want to regret it?"

Zhou Kunzheng stood up and said, "Yes, we all heard what you said at that time."

Dugu Haiye also said: "Mai Tianheng, you cannot deny this matter. No matter what, you must give Chi You's essence to Master Dongri."

Huang Zhengtao said: "Mai Tianheng, you are in the middle stage of elixir formation and the first of the eight guardians of the Demonic Way. You won't cheat, right?"

Tianmo Dao is already hostile to Tianchi and Taoyuan, so instead of falling into the hands of Tianmo Dao, Chi You's essence should be given to Chen Yang.

So now that Chen Yang was asking for Chi You's talent, everyone was speaking for him.

Even He Juba helped, but his idea was different. He thought that if Chen Yang got two pieces of Chi You's essence, and then assassinated Chen Yang, Chi You's essence would belong to their He family.

Seeing that everyone present stood up, even if Mai Tianheng wanted to force himself, he couldn't fight. There were so many people, and he couldn't beat them.


He snorted coldly, threw out a piece of Chi You's essence, and said to Chen Yang in a dark voice: "Take it, you will regret it."

Chen Yang took the gift from Chi You, bowed his hand to Mai Tianheng, and said with a smile: "Thank you very much."

Mai Tianheng left angrily, while Chen Yang handed Chi You's Essence to Zhou Kunzheng and said: "Senior Zhou, I only have one piece of Chi You's Essence. I give this Chi You's Essence to you."

"What, give it to me!"

Zhou Kun looked surprised, thought for a moment, then shook his head and said: "No, this is yours, I deserve it."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Senior Zhou, just think of it as a gift from me to Nana. Just take it."

Hearing this, Zhou Kunzheng thought to himself: "Could this be Master Dongri's betrothal gift? But Xiuna likes Chen Yang, and I don't know what kind of feelings she has for Dongri. In the palace before, she had the highest regard for Master Dongri. , and Dongri also solved the knot in her heart. She must still like Dongri. In this case, it is not an exaggeration for me to take over Chi You's spirit. "

Thinking of this, Zhou Kunzheng took over Chi You's teachings and said to Chen Yang: "Thank you so much, Master Dongri. Please don't worry about the matter between you and my little girl. I will do some ideological work for my little girl."

Chen Yang smiled and said: "There is no need for ideological work. Nana has agreed to live with me. When I arrange things, I will go to Taoyuan to pick her up."

"In that case, that's great."

Zhou Kun looked happy. If his daughter and Dongri come together, the Zhou family will undoubtedly get a big help.

After the distribution of Chi You's spirits, people from Tianchi, Taoyuan, and Tianmo Dao each returned to their spiritual places. Chen Yang said hello to Huang Zhengtao and returned to Qingyun Villa.

The time for exploring Chi You's tomb has not been agreed upon by all parties.

After all, everyone wants to get the most and best treasures, so they don’t want to go together and want to rely on their own opportunities.

As for the order of entering Chi You's tomb, it doesn't matter too much. What you can get in a place like this often depends on luck.

It may even be the case that those who explore first die earlier.

Of course, Chen Yang and the Huang family must go together.

He and Huang Zhengtao had made an agreement. Ten days later, he would go to Taoyuan to find Huang Zhengtao to discuss it first, and then go to Chi You's tomb.

Back at Qingyun Villa, Chen Yang first distributed the Thunder Formation arrays to everyone in Qingyun Villa.

Although these spiritual stones have been used to create the formation disk, the spiritual power is still there and can still assist in cultivation.

Everyone in Qingyun Villa was overjoyed to get these spiritual stones.

They all now know that spirit stones are rare, but they didn't expect that they could still get them. After getting the spirit stones, they all immediately went into seclusion.

In terms of elixirs, spiritual stones, and spiritual gathering formations, the cultivation conditions of Qingyun Villa are definitely better than those of the three major spiritual lands. Now everyone's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds.

Except for Shangguan Yun, everyone else in Jiuxing is also rushing towards the Consecration Realm.

After arranging everyone in Qingyun Villa, Chen Yang has to do an important thing next, which is to repair the Black Light Broken Sword.

Although the Black Light Broken Sword is also a spiritual weapon, it is definitely the best among spiritual weapons. Otherwise, it would not be able to cut off the He family's spiritual weapon sword.

The broken sword is so powerful, if it is completely repaired, it will definitely be stronger.

Now, Chen Yang has Zi Ming Yan and Xuan Tie, and has all the conditions to repair the Black Light Broken Sword.

However, he has never tried to refine weapons before, and he doesn't know if he can succeed this time.

In the back village of Qingyun Villa, Chen Yang specially built a 'refining hall', where alchemy, weapon refining, and formation plate production were all carried out in this room.

The Four Elephant Cauldron has been placed in the refining hall, but after Chen Yang obtained the alchemy cauldron, he had not had time to refine the elixir.

He still doesn't know what the function of this alchemy cauldron is.

This time, there is no need for an alchemy cauldron to repair the Black Light Broken Sword, because refining the weapon only requires flames and materials, not a container.

He used the Purple Mingyan to melt the black iron that he had previously obtained in Haolanju, and then put the Black Light Broken Sword into the Purple Mingyan. He used the ability to control objects in the air to control the fusion of the Xuan Iron and the Black Light Broken Sword.

The reason why it is said that refining weapons, elixirs, and formations consumes spiritual consciousness is precisely because the entire process requires not only the control of fire, but also the control of materials.

Chen Yang originally thought that it would be difficult for Xuantie and Blacklight Broken Sword to fuse, but what he didn't expect was that Xuantie seemed to be very compatible with Blacklight Broken Sword, and they quickly merged into one.

Next, he began to smelt the form.

After an unknown amount of time, he was exhausted and his whole body was covered with sweat, but he still persevered.

In the air, the Purple Ming Yan was burning fiercely, and floating on the flame was a dark long sword with a palm-width blade and a length of about one and a half meters. It was a heavy sword.

Because of the powerful firepower of Zimingyan and Chen Yang's knowledge of weapon refining from the "Book of Immortals and Demons", there were no problems in the entire process of refining the weapon.

"We're just a little bit closer to success!"

Chen Yang looked at the complete form of the broken black light sword. He used up the last of his spiritual power to control the Purple Ming Flame and sharpen the blade of the black light sword.

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