Urban magic doctor

Chapter 1261 Overestimated

The two people who appeared in the tomb hall were Mai Tianheng and Zheng Zhouyan of the Demonic Way.

They hid in the passage. Although they did not hear all of Chen Yang's words, they heard the second half clearly and knew that there was a small world under Chi You's tomb, and there were opportunities in it.

In Chi You's tomb, they encountered a lot of trouble, but they gained nothing.

Naturally, they were not willing to let go of the opportunity to go to the small world at this moment.

Huang Zhengtao looked at Mai Tianheng and Zheng Zhouyan and said solemnly: "I didn't expect that it would be you two who came to Chi You's tomb this time."

"Why, Master Huang, aren't you happy?"

Zheng Zhouyan sneered and said: "If you don't want to, let's have a fight. I would like to see if you, the majestic head of the Huang family, have the ability to fight with me, a demon envoy of the Demonic Way."

"Hmph! Ning Shan must have been bewitched by Li Yuhao when she became like that. You people from the Demonic Way should all deserve to die. Mai Tianheng and Zheng Zhouyan, take over!"

Suddenly, Dugu Haiye roared angrily, flew up into the air, and attacked Zheng Zhouyan and the others.

"Hmph, Dugu Haiye, what are you talking about? Are you looking for death?"

Zheng Zhouyan didn't know what happened to Li Yuhao and Chu Ningshan. He cursed and with a look of disdain on his face, he took out a hook-like spiritual weapon from his waist and rushed towards Dugu Haiye.

There are seven spiritual weapons in the entire Tianmo Dao, and Zheng Zhouyan, the leader of the four demon envoys, controls one of them.

"Serpentine Nine Blades!"

Dugu Haiye's status in Tianchi was not low. With a flick of his eye, he took out a dark green spiritual sword and swung it to attack.

"Lu Yin from Huangquan!"

Zheng Zhouyan took a stab at it, and the black Yinxie Qi condensed into nature, like a flag, thundering towards Dugu Haiye.

Suddenly, the two of them fought together, fighting inextricably.

"Elder Dugu, let me help you!"

Huang Zhengtao's expression was solemn, he quickly pulled out his sword and rushed forward in the air.

"Huang Zhengtao, are you ignoring me? You have benefited a lot from Dou Zhen. Today, it is not your turn to be proud."

Mai Tianheng snorted coldly and moved to intercept Huang Zhengtao.

Zheng Zhouyan versus Dugu Haiye, Huang Zhengtao versus Mai Tianheng, the four of them caught each other and fought fiercely.

They were both in the middle stage of forming pills, and their strength was almost the same. It was hard to tell apart for a while, and it was impossible to tell who had the upper hand and who was at a disadvantage.

However, the situation of the battle soon changed.

Zheng Zhouyan waved his right hand, and a black object flew out of his hand.

That black object was clearly a monster.

This monster is only about the size of a thumb, and its body is pitch black, with only one pair of blood-red eyes.

Seeing this monster, Dugu Haiye, who was fighting against Zheng Zhouyan, had a look of fear on his face and shouted: "Why is the Night Blood Silkworm in your hands?"

Zheng Zhouyan sneered: "I completed a task last time, and the Taoist Master rewarded me with it."

This dark night blood silkworm has been tamed by the Master of the Heavenly Demon Dao since he was a child. Now his strength is comparable to that of a mid-stage pill-forming cultivator. He is a very powerful fighting force in the hands of the Master of the Heavenly Demon Dao. He has claimed the lives of several people in the realm of pill-forming. Great reputation.

The key is that although this night blood silkworm cannot fly, it can be ejected faster than bullets and is small in size, so it can always sneak up on invisible enemies.

Therefore, people in the three major spiritual lands of China are somewhat afraid of the Dark Night Blood Silkworm.

After Zheng Zhouyan released the Black Night Blood Silkworm, he sneered: "Humph, Dugu Haiye, now we are equivalent to two mid-stage pill formations fighting you. I want to see how long you can last."

One against two, Dugu Haiye had to guard against the Dark Night Blood Silkworm, and he was immediately at a disadvantage.

"Elder Dugu, let me help you."

Huang Zhengyong had been observing the situation, and when he saw Dugu Haiye falling into a disadvantage, he moved and flew up.

With Huang Zhengyong's help, the situation has improved a little, but it is still not optimistic.

"If we continue fighting like this, we will lose sooner or later. We have to find a way to deal with at least one of Mai Tianheng, Zheng Zhouyan, and Black Night Blood Silkworm."

Chen Yang thought in his heart, he couldn't fly, but he couldn't get involved in the fight at this moment.

Suddenly, he had an idea and shouted to Huang Shuhao and Zhou Xiuna, the four consecrated people, "Come here."

Chrissie Chau and the other two came to their senses and ran towards the high platform, but they did not dare to go up the high platform for fear that they would be killed by the demon clan.

Chen Yang walked down the high platform and said in a deep voice: "On the high platform, the Qi cannot be circulated. Just hold on, as long as you walk past the fifth step, you will be fine."

Chrissie Chau wondered: "Isn't there a ban on demon clan on the fifth step?"

Chen Yang said: "I have a way to cheat the ban."

Everyone nodded, chose to believe Chen Yang, and climbed to the first step.

The moment they climbed up, they suddenly felt a strong pressure, like a huge mountain pressing down on their bodies. Their feet were unsteady and they almost fell to their knees.

They used all their physical strength to hold on and did not kneel down.

Huang Shuhao asked with sweat pouring from his forehead, "Chen Yang, what do you want to do?"

"Protect your safety, and then kill Zheng Zhouyan and Dugu Haiye."

Chen Yang explained and urged: "Quick, if you don't get on the high platform as soon as possible, uncle and the others may not be able to hold on."

Although they didn't understand what Chen Yang was going to do, seeing the anxious look on his face, everyone immediately lifted their legs and climbed to the second step.


Huang Yuxuan's body was unstable and he knelt on the ground. He wanted to move his body, but he couldn't do it at all.

He waved his hand, shook his head and said, "I can't do it anymore. I can't move my true energy. I can't move."

The other three, Huang Shuhao, Fu Tingpeng and Zhou Xiuna, were also hunched over and panting, obviously approaching their limit.

Seeing their appearance, Chen Yang felt depressed for a while.

Only then did he realize that he had overestimated these enlightenment realms. He could ascend to a high platform, but they could not.

This pressure is not something their physical bodies can withstand.

Chen Yang looked back and saw Huang Zhengyong and Dugu Haiye locked in a fierce battle. Huang Zhengyong was also bitten by a black night blood silkworm. The situation was very bad.

"No, we don't have enough time, we can only give it a try."

Chen Yang's face hardened, and he warned Zhou Xiuna and the others: "Forget it, change the plan. You retreat to the passage and stay away."


Chrissie Chau and all four of them nodded solemnly and immediately stepped back down the steps, away from the high platform.

Chen Yang withstood the strong pressure and quickly climbed up the fifth step. Seeing Chrissie Chau and the others sighing again, they suddenly felt that they were just a burden to follow them to Chi You's tomb.

After reaching the fifth step, the demon clan restraint sensed the demonic energy of the Ten Thousand Demons Order, and the pressure suddenly disappeared.

Chen Yang jumped up to the high platform, grabbed the tablet, and shouted towards Huang Zhengtao and others who were fighting fiercely: "Everyone, come here quickly, I will turn on the mechanism, let's enter the small world, and get rid of Zheng Zhouyan and Mai Tianheng!"

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