Urban magic doctor

Chapter 1277 Stone Man

"Fei Hen, Fei Hu, Fei Xu... you guys, go explore the surroundings."

Nangong Fengyin did not dwell on the matter of Man Shenhua, and immediately arranged for someone to check the surrounding situation.

There is nothing special here. It is similar to the river beach at the starting point. One side is close to the river and the other side is a towering mountain wall.

But there is a dark hole under the mountain wall.

Nangong Yunmeng glanced at Chen Yang and whispered: "You were so bold just now. Aren't you afraid that Aunt Feng will attack you? If she takes action, she can kill you in an instant."

Chen Yang chuckled and said, "I know she won't kill me."


Nangong Yunmeng said in confusion.

Chen Yang smiled and said: "How could she let go of such a suave, handsome guy like me... Hey, don't leave, I'm telling the truth."

Nangong Yunmeng turned around with a faint smile on her lips, finding Chen Yang even more interesting.

At this time, after checking the people around him, he came back and found that the surrounding area was imprisoned by the power of the small world and could not pass. Only the cave entrance under the mountain wall could continue to move forward.

"In this case, we can only take that passage."

Nangong Fengyin looked towards the cave and said to everyone.

I saw that the cave was about seven or eight meters high and more than ten meters wide. It was so dark inside that it was completely unclear what it looked like.

With the Tiangang Dragon Capturing Formation they encountered earlier, everyone was a little wary when facing the cave this time.

Everyone's eyes turned to Chen Yang involuntarily.

Nangong Fengyin took the initiative and asked: "Chen Yang, have you seen any clues?"

Chen Yang was speechless for a while. Although he knew the formations, not all prohibitions in the world were formations. For example, he didn't understand the demon clan's prohibitions at all.

This small world is its own world, and there may be other laws, maybe.

As for the cave in front of him, Chen Yang really didn't see anything fishy.

But he was certain that as soon as he entered the cave, strange things would happen.

As for whether it is danger or an unexpected encounter, that is not necessarily the case.

He looked at Nangong Fengyin and said truthfully: "Aunt Feng, I don't see anything special about this cave. But as long as you walk in, there is a high probability that something will happen."

After hearing this, everyone fell into silence.

However, there is only one way. If you want to explore the small world, you have to take this way.

Nangong Fengyin's face condensed and she said decisively: "This is the only road. No matter how difficult the road ahead is, we have to go."

As soon as she finished speaking, she took the lead, moved her body, and flew straight into the cave.

The moment her body entered the hole, a faint light shone at the entrance, and then she disappeared.

Seeing this, everyone rushed to the cave and shouted to Nangong Fengyin, but there was no response.

"Is it a teleportation array!?"

Nangong Yunmeng looked thoughtful and said thoughtfully.

"Now that Aunt Feng has gone in, what are we afraid of? Let's go."

Nangong Feiyu shouted, flew into the cave entrance, and disappeared.

"It should be fine. Although the small world is dangerous, it won't kill you every step of the way."

"Although the Tiangang Dragon Capturing Formation just now was powerful, it didn't kill us. Now that we've come here, we have to break through anyway."

"I'm in too."

Immediately afterwards, the people from Xiaoyao Pavilion entered the cave one after another.

The road to martial arts is full of hardships.

Although everyone present has different personalities, they all have such a hard work and no fear of the unknown ahead.

Seeing that most people had entered the passage, Nangong Yunmeng glanced at Chen Yang and said, "Let's go in too."


Chen Yang nodded and walked into the cave leisurely.

The moment he walked in, he thought his vision would go dark and then he would be teleported to another place.

Unexpectedly, the scene in front of me didn't change at all. It was just that when I was outside, I looked at the dark cave, but after I came in, it became brighter.

But when he looked back, he noticed something different.

Originally there was the entrance of the cave and the river beach behind it, but now there is only a dark and cold stone wall behind them, and the river beach can be seen nowhere.

Obviously, although there was no feeling in his body, Chen Yang still entered another space.

But the strange thing is, where have all the people who came in just now gone?

"It seems like everyone has been transported to different places."

Chen Yang thought this and looked forward.

This cave is very large, more than ten meters wide and more than ten meters high. The stone walls are irregular and the stones are uneven.

The cave extended forward. Although there was no light source, it was very bright. Chen Yang could see into the distance. The cave wound for several kilometers before reaching the end.

Beyond the end, the light was brighter, and one could see the lush green towering trees outside the cave entrance, as well as gray hares passing by from time to time.

"There is no sun, no fire, no electric light, but there is light. The rules of this small world are different from those outside."

"But there is the Tiangang Dragon Capturing Formation here. Who set up the formation? Is the small world formed naturally or created by man?"

Chen Yang looked at the cave and suddenly had such doubts in his mind.

If someone can really create a small world of its own, then how terrifying this person's strength must be.

This was not the time to think about this. He knew that although the cave in front of him seemed peaceful, it was definitely not that simple.

Danger lurks in the tranquility.

He took out the black light broken sword from the ring and walked forward carefully.


After walking more than ten meters, the stone wall suddenly made a loud noise.

Chen Yang turned around and saw that the boulders on the stone wall moved, breaking up the surrounding soil. The boulders combined into a five-meter-tall stone man, which appeared in front of him.

The stone man is very rough, with only a simple body trunk and no facial features, but his head looks down at Chen Yang, as if he has a pair of eyes staring at Chen Yang.

The stone man was lying on the stone wall just now, blending into the stone wall, without any clues.

Although this stone man has no true energy fluctuations, the pressure it brings to Chen Yang is comparable to that in the middle stage of pill formation.

"This road is indeed not easy to walk!"

Chen Yang's face was frozen, and he did not choose to fight the stone man. He moved his body and slipped past the stone man, trying to run all the way to the exit.

Unexpectedly, just as he slipped through, the stone walls of the entire passage in front of him shook violently, as if the entire passage was about to collapse.

I saw the huge rocks on the stone wall making a rumbling sound, and broke free from the mountain wall one after another, forming one stone man after another.

The entire passage was completely occupied by stone men. It was impossible for Chen Yang to slip through.

"so much!"

Chen Yang had a solemn look on his face. Such a large number of stone men had reached the middle stage of pill formation. If they were to swarm him, they would be able to squeeze him to death.

He didn't expect that this cave would be so dangerous!

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