Urban magic doctor

Chapter 129 Just kidding

Liu Zhiling did not ride Chen Yang's bicycle because she had her own car.

After the two said goodbye, Chen Yang rode his bicycle back to the fourth courtyard with a wicked smile and whistled, while Liu Zheling drove to Yang Xuewei's residence.

After living in the school teachers' apartment for a while, Yang Xuewei has now moved out and rented an apartment near the school.

"Pheasant Ling, how was your rehearsal today?"

As soon as she saw Liu Zheling coming back, Yang Xuewei became concerned about the situation of the dance team.

Liu Zhiling sat down and told Yang Xuewei about Chen Yang's dancing. Yang Xuewei was surprised: "How is it possible? You said that his dancing skills are higher than yours?"

"I am certain that his dance attainments are higher than mine. If he takes this path of dance, he will definitely become one of the top dance masters in the world in the future."

Liu Zhiling nodded with a solemn expression on her face, making Yang Xuewei have no choice but to believe her words.

Then, Liu Zheling changed the subject and asked, "By the way, Xuewei, what is Chen Yang's character like?"

Although she forgave Chen Yang, Liu Zhiling was still a little unsure about the situation, so she planned to listen to Yang Xuewei's evaluation of Chen Yang to judge whether Chen Yang was really guilty or fake.

"Are you asking about his character? Zhi Ling, don't you have a crush on him?"

Yang Xuewei did not answer Liu Zheling's question, but looked at her best friend with a surprised look. She only showed concern for Chen Yang's character after rehearsing the dance for a while, which was indeed questionable.

Liu Zhiling looked calm and said: "I asked for it on behalf of a girl from the dance team. She and Chen Yang are not in the same class, so she asked me to help him find out."

"Oh, that's it." Yang Xuewei nodded, without thinking too much, and said to Liu Zhiling: "Chen Yang is a very good person. He often helps his classmates, is helpful, kind and optimistic, except that he likes to joke sometimes. He doesn’t seem to have any flaws.”

Seeing that Yang Xuewei spoke so highly of Chen Yang, Liu Zheling immediately breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and walked towards the bathroom, saying: "Go and apply a facial mask first."

When Liu Zheling entered the bathroom and Yang Xuewei was helping her pack her things, she suddenly found a black corner exposed from her satchel.

She opened her bag and saw a wrung-out black dance suit inside. She took it out and walked toward the balcony, shouting to the bathroom: "Zhi Ling, why did you put your dance suit in your bag?" Did you forget it?"

What, dance clothes, satchel!

Liu Pheasant suddenly panicked. She only applied half of the seaweed mud mask on her face. She ran out of the bathroom in a panic and looked at Yang Xuewei who was pinning her dance clothes on the clothes rack. She wanted to stop her, but it was already too late. .

"Pheasant Ling, what are you so anxious about?" Yang Xuewei smiled, unfolded her black dance clothes, and dangled them in front of her eyes.

Liu Zheling twitched the corner of her mouth and said, "Xuewei, didn't you notice that there is something dirty on this dance costume?"

"dirty stuff?"

Yang Xuewei frowned, checked the dance clothes carefully, looked at Liu Zheling doubtfully, and said, "What dirty things? You washed this dance clothes very clean."


Liu Zheling felt a little guilty, so she walked over and took a look, and found that just as Yang Xuewei said, the dance clothes were clean.

Yang Xuewei noticed that Liu Zheling's expression was unnatural and asked, "Zhe Ling, what's wrong with you?"

Liu Zheling laughed dryly and said hurriedly: "I thought I was drawn by the pen in the satchel, but then I remembered that there was no pen in the satchel."

After saying that, she entered the bathroom without looking back. Thinking of Chen Yang's innocent expression, she was so angry that her teeth itched, and she finally understood what Yang Xuewei meant when she said that Chen Yang loved to joke.

"Asshole, you dare to trick me, I will never let you go."

For the next rehearsal, Liu Zhiling acted as if nothing had happened and rehearsed for the dance team as usual. The only change was that everyone could rest, but Chen Yang could not rest. He had to dance from scratch for two hours. tail.

At first, Liu Zheling thought that Chen Yang could be exhausted, but when Chen Yang danced for two hours on the first day and couldn't breathe, she was immediately dumbfounded.

This is dancing, such a violent activity, and I can't even breathe. This kind of physical strength is too unbelievable.

Liu Zhiling did not give up. She asked the girls to leave first the next day, while she and Chen Yang stayed at the end, saying they wanted to practice more.

And her behavior made the girls doubt her relationship with Chen Yang. Chen Yang was obviously the best dancer, but he still had to practice more. Why should he practice more? Is it a male-female duet dance?

Although the girls were guessing, in fact, Liu Zhiling did ask Chen Yang to practice for half an hour while she watched from the side.

Who knows, even after half an hour of training, Chen Yang remained indifferent, breathing as calmly as if nothing had happened.

On the third day, practice for an additional hour.

On the fourth day, practice for two more hours.

On the fifth day, practice for three more hours.

At this point, even if Liu Zhiling asked Chen Yang to dance for five hours from beginning to end, Chen Yang would still be in the same state.

But she has no chance to let Chen Yang practice more time, because the five days of rehearsal time are over, and Chen Yang and seven girls will perform on stage at the welcome party tomorrow night.

"Teacher Yang, thank you so much for letting me practice more every day. I feel that my dancing skills have been greatly improved."

After walking out of the Provincial Performing Arts Center, Chen Yang said with a grateful face.

But his words were so harsh in Liu Zheling's ears. He clearly wanted to punish you, but you are still grateful to me. Are you taking advantage of me for fun?

"Oh, it would be nice to improve."

Liu Zhiling glanced at Chen Yang and had no intention of targeting Chen Yang anymore. This kid was a completely god-like opponent and nothing could defeat him.

At this moment, a Porsche drove up and parked next to Liu Zheling. The window rolled down, revealing a face wearing glasses. It was Yao Dong.

"Pheasant Ling, why did you come out so late?"

Although Liu Zhiling didn't want to pay attention to Yao Dong, in order not to be misunderstood, she still explained: "Tomorrow there will be a performance at Chen Yang School. He is the core role of the entire dance. I have been practicing for him for a few hours."

Yao Dong cursed in his heart and scolded her ten times, so he gave Liu Zhe Ling a kind smile and invited him: "Zhe Ling, I'm going to go racing now, do you want to come with me?"

Just as Liu Zhiling was about to refuse, Chen Yang opened the car door and got into the passenger seat. He said eagerly: "Teacher Yao, I actually like racing, but unfortunately I don't have the money to buy a car. Please take me to see it."

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