Urban magic doctor

Chapter 1375 The convergence of trends

"Mr. Chen, what's so special about that ruby? Why do you have to get it?"

Back in the hotel room, Chu Liangyu finally couldn't help it and asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang took out the ruby, handed it to Chu Liangyu, and said, "Put it in your hand and feel it, and you will know what's going on."

Chu Liangyu took the ruby ​​suspiciously, and upon closer inspection, he discovered that this ruby ​​actually contained spiritual power.

His eyes suddenly lit up and he exclaimed: "This is the spirit stone!"

Chen Yang shook his head: "It contains too little spiritual power, and it can't even be considered a defective spiritual stone."

After hearing this, Chu Liangyu did not underestimate the ruby ​​​​in his hand. To him, the spirit stone was completely legendary.

No matter how much spiritual power the ruby ​​in his hand contains, in his eyes, it is still a treasure.

Of course, this ruby ​​belongs to Chen Yang and he doesn't dare to ask for it.

But he was confused. Chen Yang obviously didn't care about the spiritual power in the ruby, so why did he insist on getting the ruby?

He returned the ruby ​​to Chen Yang and asked, "Mr. Chen, do you want this ruby ​​because it contains spiritual power?"

"of course not."

Chen Yang smiled and said: "In addition to spiritual power, this ruby ​​also contains a little bit of the essence of fire."

"The essence of fire?"

Chu Liangyu looked confused, but he had never heard of this term.

Chen Yang explained: "The essence of fire, you can understand it as an entity formed by the condensed essence of flame."

"No wonder the gem feels warm when I hold it in my hand."

Chu Liangyu rubbed his palms and asked again: "What is the use of this flame essence?"

Chen Yang said: "When you practice fire-based skills, use this ruby ​​to assist your practice, and your improvement will be faster. In addition, the essence of fire can help you understand the mystery of flames and help you understand the general trend of flames."

"The trend of flames?"

Chu Liangyu was confused and was about to continue asking questions. Chen Yang had already stood up and walked towards the room, saying: "The material of ruby ​​is too weak, and the essence of fire cannot be preserved for a long time. It will soon dissipate. I want to burn these fires as soon as possible." The essence must be used. Don't disturb me these two days, and then we will go to Wangwu Mountain."

"Yes, Mr. Chen."

Chu Liangyu responded and watched Chen Yang enter the room.

In the next two days, Chen Yang was in the room, comprehending the essence of fire in the ruby, which strengthened the flames.

After two days, the essence of fire was gradually absorbed by him, and his flame power also increased.

The general trend is also divided into levels, namely initial penetration, integration, perfection, and perfection.

The meaning of "first pass" is to have just understood.

Integrated and can be used freely.

Pure green means almost the same as the literal meaning, that is, pure green.

Consummation means reaching the top of the trend.

Although Chen Yang had just reached the initial level before, because he was often exposed to the Purple Mingyan, his flame power increased rapidly and he had already reached the threshold of integration.

The essence of fire in the ruby ​​​​is very thin, but it is this essence of fire that helps Chen Yang break through the critical point, and in one fell swoop, the general trend is upgraded from initial pass to fusion, and the power is greatly increased.

"Sure enough, resources are the most important thing in cultivation. As long as there are resources, everything can be solved."

Chen Yang sighed in his heart and walked out of the room.

Chu Liangyu, who couldn't wait for a long time, hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Mr. Chen, you are out of seclusion."

Chen Yang nodded, handed the ruby ​​​​to Chu Liangyu, and said: "There is still spiritual power left in it, so I give it to you."

Chu Liangyu took the ruby ​​and found that the color was no longer so fiery red, and the hot feeling disappeared, but the spiritual power was still there.

Obviously, the essence of fire mentioned by Chen Yang has been consumed, leaving only spiritual power.

But even if only the spiritual power is left, this ruby ​​is still valuable to Chu Liangyu.

With a sincere look on his face, he bowed and thanked: "Thank you, Mr. Chen."

Chen Yang nodded and asked, "By the way, has anything happened in the past two days?"

Chu Liangyu put away the ruby, looked straight, and said: "As I expected, the people from the Yundao Meng Group are really coming for the monsters in Wang Wushan. They have already set off for Wang Wushan this morning. , nominally to inspect Wangwu Mountain, saying that we want to turn Wangwu Mountain into a scenic spot.”

"However, Wangwu Mountain is not a famous mountain, and there is no special scenery. In addition, Guangzhu County is geographically remote, and there is no value in creating a scenic spot. It goes without saying that the Meng Group is definitely here for the monsters. .”

This was within Chen Yang's expectation.

Meng Yi was arrogant and looked down on a small county like Guangzhu County. How could he invest here?

However, with their few manpower, how could they possibly deal with the monsters above the Dan Formation Realm.

Chen Yang asked Chu Liangyu: "Who in the Meng Group went to Wang Wushan? Just that Xu Zhong is not enough."

Chu Liangyu said: "There were quite a lot of people going. In addition to the people from the Meng Group, there were also many second-generation people from Guangzhu County who followed to show their courtesy to Meng Yi. In addition, I found out that there was a car meeting Meng Yi in the morning. We went to Wangwushan together. But the people in the car didn’t get out of the car, so I don’t know who was inside.”

"It should be their reinforcements. Since the Liu laizi you mentioned knows how powerful the monster is, the person who comes is at least in the Danjie realm." Chen Yang analyzed the sentence, changed the topic, and said: "But, that monster, I They are determined to win. If they really kill the monster first, they will have to hand over the snake gallbladder, monster elixir and snake scales."

Chu Liangyu nodded and continued: "In addition to this group of people, it is estimated that Guidonghe and the others have also arrived at Wangwu Mountain. We must be careful about their cooperation."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Even if they join forces with the monsters, I'm not afraid."

"That's right."

Chu Liangyu smiled, but he was still a little worried in his heart.

Chen Yang's affairs were all hearsay. His daughter Wang Yan also heard about it and had not seen it with her own eyes.

He only saw Chen Yang taking action against Gui Donghe, but he was not sure yet as to how capable Chen Yang was.

However, although the rumors may be exaggerated, they should be somewhat credible.

Thinking like this, Chu Liangyu felt relieved.

The two of them had nothing else to do, so they set off immediately and drove straight to Wang Wushan in the Rolls-Royce.

When they arrived at Wangwu Mountain, cars could only drive to the foot of the mountain, and then they had to go down the mountain on foot.

Because everyone who has seen the monster beast has died, no one knows where the monster beast's lair is. They can only go into the mountain to search.

Wang Wushan is either big or small. Several peaks are connected, covering an area of ​​more than 130 square kilometers. The search is not a small project.

Chen Yang and Chu Liangyu entered the mountain, and based on the information Chu Liangyu had obtained, they walked towards the suspicious spots where several monsters appeared.

Just as they were about to reach the first suspicious point, a shadowy figure appeared in front of them. There were actually more than twenty people.

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