Urban magic doctor

Chapter 138 Hello, Teacher Liu

Liu Zhiling was dumbfounded. She couldn't believe what she discovered. Chen Yang actually had the soul of a general in his body.

As a dancer, Liu Zheling deeply understands that no matter how great her dancing skills and attainments are, it is very, very difficult to make the characters she performs have a soul.

Because in order for dance to have a soul, it must first possess the essence of the role. In order to perform sculptures, Liu Zhiling once maintained the sculpture state at home for five hours a day for a month. After that, her performance received huge praise. Success because she possesses the soul of sculpture.

She once acted as a snake. She lived with the golden python for eighteen days, observing the snake's condition every day and imitating its behavior. When she finally went on stage, she finally possessed the soul of the snake.

However, Chen Yang actually possesses the soul of a general, and the kind of aura that comes from his essence cannot be learned by spending ten days and a half with the general.

In other words, Chen Yang is a general in his own right! ?

After reaching this conclusion, Liu Zhiling felt that she was going crazy. How could a freshman be a general?

How many secrets does this man named Chen Yang hide in him?

Just when Liu Zheling was shocked and thoughtful, Chen Yang's dance ended.

Bang bang bang bang...

The whole audience stood up spontaneously, and the performance center burst into earth-shattering applause. Everyone was impressed by Chen Yang's dance. Everyone even felt that even if the famous dancer Liu Zhiling was present on the stage, it would be nothing more than this.

Ren Xiaojian, Nie Yichen, and Lin Rou were all shocked. Chen Yang's performance was beyond their expectations.

The party continued, but because of Chen Yang's wonderful performance, the rest of the show was overshadowed by his light, making it boring for everyone.

"I just heard from the host that the silver-robed general is called Chen Yang. He is so handsome."

"Have you noticed that his eyes are fierce and domineering, but full of tenderness? This is a real man. If I want to marry someone in the future, I must marry this kind of person."

"You must inquire about his information later and act first to avoid being robbed by others."

The dance just now shocked the girls so much that they were already discussing how to win Chen Yang's favor and become his guest.

Chen Yang did not expect that just by dancing on stage, he would become the dream lover of the girls at Dayi University of Technology.

This night, these girls are destined to have insomnia.

Backstage, Chen Yang changed into casual clothes and left directly through the back door.

But as soon as he walked out of the back door, hundreds of girls surrounded him, and the darkness shocked him.

"Wow, someone is coming out, is it the silver-robed general?"

"Stop him, don't let him run away. Even if he is not a silver-robed general, we must hold him and question him."

"Come on, arrest the person first."

The women swarmed forward, and even though they were all beauties, they still scared Chen Yang to death, not to mention that among these people, there were several strong and strong women.

Chen Yang quickly changed his voice to a deep voice, lowered his head and pointed to the closed back door: "You are looking for Chen Yang. He is changing clothes and will be out soon."

Hearing these words, the girls stopped rushing towards Chen Yang and ignored him. They all stared at the back door, ready to pounce on him the moment the door opened.

Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his head and slipped away.

It wasn't until he was far away that he secretly looked back. The dark shadow made him feel like being liked by a woman for the first time, which was also an annoyance.

Chen Yang found his bicycle downstairs at the School of Computer Science and rode away leisurely.

After a while, he received several calls. Lin Rou, Nie Yichen, Yang Xuewei, and Ren Xiaojian all called him, expressing surprise at his dancing skills and asking why he left suddenly.

He didn't explain and just brushed it off casually.

The fifth call was from Liu Zhiling.

After the call was connected, Liu Zhiling's side was very quiet. After a moment of silence, she suddenly said: "Chen Yang, who are you?"

Hearing this question, Chen Yang showed a smirk and decided to tease Liu Zhiling.

He lowered his voice and said sternly: "Teacher Liu, to tell you the truth, not everyone can know my identity. If you must find out, you must pay the corresponding price."

"Okay, Teacher Liu, listen carefully." Chen Yang regained his yin tone, and then said seriously: "I am actually an intelligent body from the Avatar planet, and I entered this human being named Chen Yang. My body, stay undercover in the human world, and then pass the information I got to the elders of the Avatar Star..."


Before Chen Yang could finish speaking, Liu Zhiling hung up the phone. He smiled and whistled, and was about to put the phone away when the phone rang again. When he looked at the caller ID, it was An Ning calling.

At the same time, Liu Zhiling on the other side was so angry that she gritted her teeth and shouted angrily: "Chen Yang, if I want to stay in Dayi, I must find out your identity."

While talking, Liu Zhiling quickly searched for housing in Dayi on her mobile phone, and finally determined a room for rent in the fourth courtyard. The conditions were good in all aspects. After checking the landlord's phone number, she dialed decisively. past.

"Hello, are you Miss Su Zining? Yes, I want to rent a house..."

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