Urban magic doctor

Chapter 1426 Secret

Daochang Yan wanted to tear Chen Yang apart, but Yi Congyong and the others were like three mountains, weighing him down so that he could not even move or exert any force.

He lowered his head and said, "My name is Yan Lexin..."


Chen Yang interrupted Taoist Yan's words and said in a deep voice: "You are a member of the devil's path. Why does your name sound like a good person? You couldn't have made it up."

Taoist Master Yan said helplessly: "My parents gave me this name. It's absolutely true. It's just that when they chose the name, they didn't know that I would join the Demonic Path."

Chen Yang nodded: "It doesn't matter what your name is anyway, just keep talking."

Since it doesn't matter, then you still ask.

Yan Lexin cursed in his heart, but still said respectfully on the surface: "My name is Yan Lexin, and I am an elder of the Demonic Way. I received orders from the Taoist Master and have been lurking in the secular world for many years, just to find out the news about this ancient tomb."

Hearing this, Chen Yang, Yi Congyong and others' eyes lit up.

Chen Yang asked: "Have you, Heavenly Demon Dao, known about the existence of this ancient tomb for a long time?"

Yan Lexin said: "The Demonic Way has been in Heizhu for thousands of years, recuperating and recharging its strength, but it has failed to become the overlord of the Huajin Kingdom. It is still unable to overpower Tianchi and Taoyuan. It is because of this ancient tomb."

"Tianmo Dao has been searching for many years, but finally found nothing."

"The loss of the inherited skills has greatly damaged the strength of Tianmo Dao. If it were not for the internal split in Taoyuan and the Tianchi Sect experiencing a rebellion, the strength would also be weakened. Otherwise, Tianmo Dao would have been destroyed by them long ago."

"However, Tianmo Dao has never given up looking for the tomb. It was not until recently that I got the news that a tomb was found under the Martial Temple."

"If my guess is correct, this tomb is the one built by Zhuge."

At this point, Yan Lexin closed his mouth.

Chen Yang looked calm, but he was very shocked in his heart.

He did not expect that such a thing would happen back then. Zhuge, who was famous all over the world, was actually a cultivator and had quietly done so many things for the people of the world.

However, there are still some doubts in Yan Lexin's words, as well as things that were not clearly explained.

Chen Yang asked: "Zhuge is a commoner who works hard in Nanyang. He is at most a learned man. How can he be a cultivator?"

Yan Lexin explained: "According to the records of our Tianmo Dao, although the Zhuge family is a noble clan, there was a cultivator in their ancestors who passed down some simple cultivation methods. However, Zhuge's subsequent rise is an unsolved mystery. .According to the speculation of the Heavenly Demon Dao Master at that time, he should have received the inheritance from ancient times."

Chen Yang nodded. If that was the case, it would make sense.

But it cannot be ruled out that the Zhuge family is probably a cultivating family.

However, Zhuge Jin, Zhuge Dan and others are not very powerful. Logically speaking, the probability that the Zhuge family is a cultivating family is still very low.

Chen Yang no longer struggled with this issue, looked at Yan Lexin, and asked: "What's going on with Wei Yan? Why is he a demon?"

Yan Lexin said: "The records in Tianmo Dao say that Wei Yan was Bai Qi's subordinate. During the Warring States Period, after Bai Qi was sealed, Wei Yan hid quietly in order to take refuge."

"Later, Wei Yan was unwilling to be mediocre, so he learned Bai Qi's method and infiltrated into humans, intending to control human power and exterminate humans."

"However, his strength is far inferior to Bai Qi's, and his brain is not as good as Bai Qi's. Although he got rid of Zhuge Kongming cunningly, his identity was discovered later and he was seriously injured."

"After that, Wei Yan hid again. Now more than two thousand years have passed, and I don't know if Wei Yan is still alive."

After hearing this information, Chen Yang couldn't help but frown.

He thought to himself: "Wei Yan is actually Bai Qi's subordinate. If Bai Qi finds him now and the two of them join forces, there will be trouble."

He turned to Yi Congyong, Sun Yan, and Liu Chenyu and said: "Bai Qi's strength is far beyond your imagination. We must find him as soon as possible and kill him, otherwise, the earth will surely face disaster."

The three of them, Yi Congyong, only knew about the Qin Dynasty, but they didn't know that Chi You and Bai Qi were monsters from the outer star realm. They didn't know that Bai Qi was Chi You's subordinate, and they didn't know that during Bai Qi's peak period, his realm was in the realm of gods. Above the Soul Realm.

Therefore, when they heard Chen Yang's words, the three of them looked puzzled and asked, "Is Bai Qi really that scary?"

Chen Yang said: "Bai Qi's identity is not as simple as you know. During the Qin Dynasty, his cultivation level has dropped by at least two major levels. Otherwise, he would not have been sealed."

Falling into two great realms! ?

Not only Yi Congyong and the other three, but Yan Lexin also looked shocked.

As they knew, Bai Qi was already at the seventh or eighth level of the extraordinary. If he could advance to two more levels, wouldn't he reach the divine realm?

The Divine Soul Realm is just a legend!

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