Urban magic doctor

Chapter 1612 Unaware of God or Ghost

Chen Ao glanced at Yang Shuyi and the others who had not yet recovered, then looked at Chen Hongyi, Chen Bai, Chen Yang, and Chen Yi, and said in a deep voice: "Who says it first, what's going on?"

Chen Bai lowered his head and did not dare to say a word.

Chen Hongyi didn't know the details of what happened, so he couldn't tell anything about it.

As for Chen Yang, he is also in the middle of the situation and cannot say much.

Finally, Chen Ao's eyes fell on Chen Yi.

Chen Yi took the initiative and said, "Father, this is what happened."

Then, she told Chen Ao the whole story without hiding anything.

Of course, she avoided the important and took the easy and deliberately protected Chen Yang.

Chen Ao naturally heard this, but did not reveal it.

When she finished speaking, Chen Ao's face turned cold, he looked at Chen Bai and said in a deep voice: "Is there any truth to what your imperial aunt said just now?"

Chen Bai trembled with fright and said quickly: "Grandpa Huang, Zhong Yonghao abused his power and wanted to kill these three people. I was saving them. As for what happened in the cell, I..."


Before Chen Bai could finish speaking, Chen Hongyi slapped him in the face and shouted: "You have completely disgraced the royal family and you still dare to argue."

Chen Bai was stunned for a moment, lowered his head and said, "Father, Grandpa Huang, I was wrong."

Chen Hongyi snorted coldly: "Humph, you are jealous, but luckily you didn't insult anyone. I will punish you by not leaving the house for three months, and you will practice in seclusion at home every day. Please repent, and if there is a next time, I will definitely do it." I won’t spare you lightly.”

Chen Bai's mistake was just wiped away by Chen Hongyi.

Indeed, Chen Bai did not commit murder or arson. Even if it was rape, it was an attempt. This punishment is indeed justified.

After punishing Chen Bai, Chen Hongyi changed the topic and said to Chen Ao: "Father, Bai'er is certainly at fault. It is understandable that Chen Yang broke into the Purple Dragon Army to save people, but he killed two Purple Dragon Army generals, and then He pursues Bai'er relentlessly and wants to kill Bai'er. This son's anger is too strong, so I ask my father to make a decision."

With Chen Ao present, it was naturally not Chen Hongyi's turn to decide Chen Yang's crime.

However, he could count Chen Yang's crimes.

Chen Ao was also a little surprised by Chen Yang's cruelty. He glanced at Yang Shuyi and the others, knowing that these three people must have a close relationship with Chen Yang, otherwise, Chen Yang would not be so angry.

After a moment of silence, he sighed secretly. Although he had no intention of blaming Chen Yang, after all, a bowl of water had to be balanced. He couldn't just rebuke Chen Bai and let Chen Yang go.

He glanced at the Purple Dragon Army in the distance and said to Chen Yang, "Yang'er, you did go too far by killing the general of the Purple Dragon Army."

Chen Yang's expression remained unchanged and he said: "Grandpa Huang, there are people in the Purple Dragon Army who have abused their power, aided tyrants, and corrupted the law. If I had been a little slower just now and not killed Zhong Yonghao, I am afraid that my two female friends would have been killed by Chen Yang." Bai was defiled."

Chen Hongyi said coldly: "Chen Yang, even if those people are at fault, they should be handled by the Purple Dragon Army themselves. How can it be your turn to kill people? What's more, you can obviously injure them, but why do you want to kill them?"

Chen Yang sneered and said: "Uncle Three Emperors, the Purple Dragon Army is not strict in governing and helps Chen Bai kidnap women. You have nothing to do with this matter."

He turned around and attacked Chen Hongyi.

Chen Hongyi looked angry and was about to retort, but Chen Ao said, "Okay, how big a deal do you want to make this matter?"

Everyone shut up, and Chen Ao continued: "You are all at fault for this matter. Bai'er will be punished to go to Lianxin Hall to repent for ten days. After he comes out, he will be banned from going out for half a year."

Hearing this, Chen Bai's face turned pale.

It's okay to be banned for half a year, but the Heart Refining Hall is the place where the royal family punishes sinners. It is a phantom formation. Being in it, one has to suffer mental torture every day, which is very painful.

Chen Bai still wanted to plead for mercy, but Chen Hongyi glared at him, and he quickly accepted the order: "Yes, Grandpa Huang."

Chen Ao looked at Chen Hongyi and continued: "Lao San, there is a big problem within your Purple Dragon Army. I order you to rectify it immediately. If something like this happens again today, I won't mind handing you over as the commander of the Purple Dragon Army." Let others do it.

Chen Hongyi said respectfully: "Yes, Father."

Finally, Chen Ao's eyes fell on Chen Yang and said: "Yang'er, it's understandable that you broke into the Zilong Army Camp in order to save people. However, you are too violent and need to cultivate your moral character. I don't trust you if you leave it to someone else, so just stay with me for a few days and let me teach you personally."

It sounds like punishment, but everyone can see that Chen Ao is partial to Chen Yang.

Chen Hongyi and Chen Bai were dissatisfied, but Chen Ao had already made his decision and no one dared to question it.

Chen Ao said: "Everyone, please retreat, Yang'er. You can settle your friends first, and then meet me at the palace."

"Yes, Grandpa Huang."

Chen Yang responded, winked at Chen Yi and Yang Shuyi, excused himself and walked outside the Zilong Military Camp.

Before leaving, he glanced at Chen Bai.

The cold eyes made Chen Bai shiver.

He felt the killing intent in Chen Yang's eyes, and he obviously didn't intend to let him go.

But, what should Chen Yang do?

Although Chen Yang has not practiced the "God Refining Technique" recently, generally a third-level extraordinary person who has not cultivated his spiritual consciousness cannot resist the disturbance of his spiritual consciousness.

If he wants to kill Chen Bai, he can do it without anyone noticing.

Seeing Chen Yang walking more than ten meters, Chen Bai suddenly realized that an external body of consciousness appeared in his consciousness, which was more powerful than his consciousness.

Before he could react, his sea of ​​consciousness was disturbed, he lost his sense of autonomy, and his eyes became blank.

He tilted his body and fell towards the ground.

Chen Hongyi, who was about to leave, quickly supported him and frowned: "Bai'er, what's wrong?"

Chen Ao also stopped and looked at Chen Bai.

"Bai'er, Bai'er..."

They kept calling Chen Bai, but there was no response.

Chen Hongyi quickly checked Chen Hongyi's body and found that everything was normal, but he was unconscious.

Neither he nor Chen Ao thought that this was a spiritual attack.

Because there was no rune master present.

What's more, although there are rune masters who practice spiritual consciousness in the entire Daxia Dynasty, no one has mastered the means of spiritual consciousness attack. Naturally, they can't think of coming here.

At this time, Chen Yang had already walked away without looking back, with a sneer on his lips.

If he makes up his mind to kill Chen Bai, he will definitely do it.

"Chen Yang, what's going on? Why did Chen Bai suddenly collapse?"

Chen Yi looked back and asked Chen Yang.

When she saw the faint smile on Chen Yang's lips, she always felt a little weird, but she couldn't figure out what was weird.

Chen Yang turned to Chen Yi, smiled, and said, "Maybe Chen Bai has done too many bad things, and God couldn't stand it anymore, so he took his soul away."

Chen Yi shook his head with an expression of disbelief.

But looking at Chen Yang's smile, she always felt that Chen Yang knew the truth.

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