Urban magic doctor

Chapter 1618 Asking the Heart Formation

At first glance, the flames drawn by Liao Bangyun on the ground seem to be no different from ordinary flames.

But Chen Yang noticed that there were only three flames on the ordinary flame.

But this one painted by Liao Bangyun has four bunches of flames.

Chen Yang was deeply impressed by the four bunches of flames. The Black Fire Token he got from Fan Lishan had such flames carved on it.

Could it be that that group of bandits is related to the Western Fire Cult?

It is even possible that the bandits are members of the Western Fire Cult.

"This matter needs to be investigated carefully."

Chen Yang thought to himself, then turned to Wei Ying and said: "Chief Wei, it seems that Commander Wu is right. There is nothing surprising about this flame. It must be just a symbol of the bandits."

Wei Ying nodded and said: "The top priority is that we still need to investigate the whereabouts of the bandits and catch them all."

Chen Yang said: "Let's go back to the city first and then discuss the details."

Back in Wu Zhongcheng, Chen Yang talked with Wei Ying again, but there was no practical progress.

Seeing that it was getting late, Wei Ying planned to arrange Chen Yang to stay at the inn.

However, Chen Yang refused Wei Ying's arrangement, and instead paid for Wei Ying's help to rent a compound to live in.

In Wei Ying's view, his behavior was wasteful and extravagant.

As for the rest, Wei Ying didn't think much about it.

After settling in the courtyard, Chen Yang released his spiritual consciousness and checked his surroundings. He felt relieved when he saw that no one was watching.

"The county guard or the county lieutenant, who is the traitor?"

Although Chen Ao said that the suspected traitor was Wu Dayou, the county lieutenant, after meeting the two of them, Chen Yang felt that both of them seemed to be suspicious.

However, he prefers Guardian Eagle.

Because the way Wei Ying dealt with the captured robbers made him feel very suspicious.

"Forget it, if you want to know who the traitor is, just ask."

Chen Yang took out the heart-stealing formation disk from the Najie, and also took out the cannon and asked him to go to the yard outside to watch.

After receiving Chen Yang's order, Cannon went out with a bang.

Chen Yang was in the room and began to remake the Heart-stealing Formation, modifying the runes on it and transforming it into the "Heart-Questioning Formation".

The Stealing Heart Formation and the Asking Heart Formation come from the same source.

The same thing is that they all have a psychedelic effect.

The difference is that in the Heart-stealing Formation, the person entering the Formation will have self-illusion; in the Heart-Questioning Formation, the person entering the Formation will lose consciousness and reflexively answer the questions of the person controlling the Formation.

The two formations have different approaches but similar results.

So it is not too difficult to modify it.

However, Chen Yang's current spiritual power is not enough to remake the entire array in one night.

That night, he was a third of the way through.

During the day the next day, he and Wei Ying got together again to discuss countermeasures and visit and investigate.

In the evening, he started to remake the formation again and completed another third of it.

This cycle continued, and on the third night, the entire array was finally transformed.

The Heart Stealing Formation became the Heart Asking Formation.

Chen Yang arranged the array in the room, and during the day he and Wei Ying investigated for clues. In the end, they still failed and returned to Wu Zhongcheng.

When parting, Chen Yang deliberately showed a displeased look and said to Wei Ying: "Chief Wei, Commander Wu has not shown up in the past few days. If he doesn't respect me, I won't tell you. Don't you put the safety of the people first?" In your heart? Tell him to come to my place to meet me tonight."

"Yes, Inspector Chen."

Wei Ying responded, then said goodbye and left.

That night, Chen Yang served wine and food and waited for Wu Dayou's arrival.

Wu Dayou was very impatient when he got the news.

Chen Yang had been in Wu Zhongcheng for five days and made no progress, which made him look down on the young inspector even more.

However, after all, his level was there, and since he was summoned, Wu Dayou had no choice but to come.

When he saw the single-family compound where Chen Yang lived, he despised it fiercely and then knocked on the door.

Hearing the sound, Chen Yanglai opened the door and said with a smile: "Wu Junwei, please come inside."

Seeing his friendly attitude, Wu Dayou was stunned for a moment, feeling a little unsure, and walked in.

When he arrived in the room, Wu Dayou was even more surprised when he saw the food and wine on the table.

I had neglected him for several days, and he still invited me to drink?

Although he was doubtful, Wu Dayou still sat down.

Chen Yang poured a glass of wine for Wu Dayou and said: "Brother Wu, you are also from the royal capital. Speaking of which, we are still fellow villagers. I know you have some prejudice against me, but after drinking this glass of wine, I hope that If we have anything to say, let’s talk openly.”

Wu Dayou was silent for a while, then he raised his glass and said in a high-sounding voice: "Inspector Chen is serious. You are a superior officer. If you need anything, just give me your orders."

As he said that, Wu Dayou picked up the wine glass, touched his lips, and did not drink.

Chen Yang smiled, and then chatted with Wu Dayou about the South China Sea and the North. As they talked, he opened up Wu Dayou's chat box and talked about his past in the Royal Forest Army.

Speaking of excitement, Wu Dayou picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

After drinking it, he found that there was nothing weird about the wine. Wu Dayou stopped thinking about it and started chatting with Chen Yang.

At this time, he discovered that although Chen Yang had no talent, he was still good as a friend.

Seeing that Wu Dayou had drunk a lot, Chen Yang put his right hand under the table and drew the runes to activate the Questioning Heart Array.

Wu Dayou was talking enthusiastically when his voice suddenly stopped, his eyes were dull, and he sat there blankly, without saying a word, as if he had turned into a wax figure.


Cannon, who was lying on the ground, was not spared. When he realized something was wrong, he barked and froze.

"You stupid bitch."

Chen Yang rolled his eyes at the cannon, and with a movement of consciousness, he immediately released the formation's control over the cannon.

Cannon woke up with a confused expression on his face.

But he didn't think much about it, lying on the ground and continuing to chew on the bones Chen Yang threw to him just now.

Chen Yang ignored Cannon, looked at Wu Dayou across the table, and said: "Wu Dayou, you answer me truthfully for the questions I ask you now, do you understand?"

Wu Da nodded: "I know."

Chen Yang said: "The first question is, did you collude with that group of bandits?"


Wu Dayou shook his head, a look of anger flashed in his eyes, and then became dull again, and continued: "Those bandits have committed extremely heinous crimes. I, the mighty Lieutenant of Wuchong County, wish to kill them all, so how can I be associated with them?"

"It seems that the traitor is not him."

Chen Yang murmured, and then asked: "Why do you think the bandits are at large?"

Wu Dayou said: "Of course it's because there is a mole. Every time I take action, the thieves get wind of it and leave in advance. Even if it's a secret operation, they can know about it in advance. Not only is there a mole, but the mole is also a high-level official in Wuchong County. Official."

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice: "So, who do you suspect?"

Wu Dayou said: "Wei Ying."

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