Urban magic doctor

Chapter 1691 Tianzi No. 27

Looking at Elder Dugu's back, everyone was stunned on the spot.

After Elder Dugu disappeared, everyone's eyes turned to Chen Yang, and their expressions were all very exciting.

Elder Dugu's words undoubtedly slapped them in the face.

No one expected that Chen Yang would be the best.

Moreover, he is also the only one who walked out of Longwu Palace on his own.

Although everyone was a little confused about this test, they understood that Chen Yang was different from everyone else.

Everyone felt very embarrassed when they thought of the previous ridicule to Chen Yang.

Elder Mushan was in a good mood. He was the one who brought Chen Yang into the Yaoling branch. Chen Yang had excellent grades and he was honored to do so.

"Let's go."

Elder Mushan led Chen Yang and others towards the freshman dormitory area.

After arriving, everyone else was arranged, and only Chen Yang was left.

Seeing that Elder Mushan was still walking forward and already far away from the other freshmen's accommodation, Chen Yang asked: "Elder Mushan, is the place where I live different?"

Elder Mu Shui said with a smile on his face: "You performed outstandingly in the Longwu Palace test. According to previous regulations, you will live in the Tianzihao dormitory."

"Tianzihao dormitory?"

Chen Yang looked puzzled.

Elder Mushan smiled and said: "The student accommodation area of ​​Yaoling Branch is divided into two areas. One is the Dizihao dormitory, and the other is the Tianzihao dormitory. The environment is very different. You will know when you get to the Tianzihao dormitory later. "

Chen Yang nodded and asked: "By the way, Elder Mushan, what does that talent test mean?"

"There's nothing to hide. It's actually just a test of consciousness and will."

Elder Mushan explained: "I heard that you are an alchemist, so your spiritual consciousness must be stronger than the same level. However, illusions do not create visual images, but create illusory information in your consciousness. You can identify illusions very quickly. You are fast and determined, which shows that your spiritual talent is very high."

"Spiritual consciousness is very important in cultivating a discipline. What I mean by divine consciousness does not simply refer to the size of the ocean of consciousness and the strength of the spiritual consciousness."

"Spiritual consciousness also affects a cultivator's understanding of skills, magical powers, general trends, etc."

"People with strong comprehension skills will naturally practice faster."

"People with poor comprehension will practice relatively slowly."

"There is no doubt about your understanding, because you understood the third major trend at the first level of transcendence. Even in the entire history of Demon Ridge Branch, no one has ever done this."

"As long as you practice hard and with this understanding, if you have a good opportunity and get a strong inheritance, your achievements in the future will be very high."

Seeing that Elder Mushan was full of praise for him, Chen Yang smiled noncommittally.

I already had the opportunity.

The things recorded in the "Book of Immortals and Demons" are inheritances that crush the entire Tianwu Star Territory.

The two of them entered a construction area while talking.

The buildings here are all single-family buildings. Although they are not very big, they also have two-story buildings. They are very unique. There is a house sign hanging at the door that reads "Tianzi No. XX."

Seeing this, Chen Yang's eyes lit up.

This accommodation area is much better than other people's previous residences.

There is also a small single-family building there, but the area is not large, and it is shared by six people. The conditions are far worse than those in Tianzihao.

Chen Yang and Elder Mushan stopped in front of "Tianzi No. 27". Elder Mushan took out a key and handed it to Chen Yang: "Here you go, familiarize yourself with it. You will live here from now on."

"Thank you, Elder Mushan."

Chen Yang thanked him, and after Elder Mushan left, he opened the door and walked into the small building where he would live in the future.

The interior decoration of the building is not complicated, but everything is there, especially a separate practice room, which is the most useful.

"This place is quite nice."

Chen Yang returned to the living room on the first floor, looked around, and said thoughtfully: "I still have a long way to go before I can kill Zuo Yinhan. The most urgent thing is to improve my level."

With this in mind, he didn't waste time and went directly into the training room. He planned to refine the Spirit King Water that he had just received as a reward, and then combined it with some elixirs to directly attack the second level of Transcendence in the near future.

Dugu Jianheng looked at Elder Mushan sitting opposite and said, "Mu Shanqing, you winked at me just now. Do you have anything to say to me?"

Mu Shanqing showed a solemn look on his face and said: "I would like to inform Elder Dugu that in the first round of the survival battle in the selection of the nine nations in Beishan, thousands of sword birds appeared and took away more than 3,000 survival orders. Card."

"Is there such a thing?"

Dugu Jianheng looked puzzled and muttered: "I remember that there should be no sword birds living in the area where Piao Miao Terrace is located. The appearance of thousands of sword birds must be someone's intention. Could it be that they are related to our Long Wu?" Are you going against the college and interfering with our recruitment of new students?"

The so-called Heroic Battle of the Nine Kingdoms is actually the selection of new students in the eyes of the elders of Yaoling Branch.

Mushan Qing said: "It shouldn't interfere with us absorbing new students, because those sword birds did not kill people wantonly. Their main purpose was to snatch survival tokens. But the strange thing is that all the more than 3,000 survival tokens that were snatched away disappeared. ."

Dugu Jianheng frowned: "The person behind the scenes, what's the point of doing this?"

Both of them were silent for a while, and Dugu Jianheng asked: "Besides, do those sword birds do anything weird?"

Mu Shanqing thought for a while and replied: "By the way, those sword birds did not kill people from other countries, but many people from the Ero Kingdom died."

Dugu Jianheng said: "If this is the case, then the person behind the scenes must be hostile to the Ero Kingdom."

"The Great Xia Dynasty!"

Mu Shanqing blurted out these words.

Dugu Jianheng has been at the Yaoling Branch all year round. He didn't know much about the nine countries north of the Yaoling Mountains, so he asked: "Does the Daxia Dynasty have any disputes with the Eluo Kingdom?"

Mushan Qing said: "More than just a feud, the two countries are mortal enemies. They have been fighting all year round and never stopped."

Dugu Jianheng shook his head and said: "However, with thousands of sword birds, this lineup is not something that the Great Xia Dynasty can handle."

Mushan Qing said: "So this matter seems strange to me."

Dugu Jianheng was silent for a moment and said, "I will report this matter to the vice president and arrange for someone to investigate."

"That's very good." Mu Shanqing nodded in agreement.

Dugu Jianheng said: "By the way, you were hesitant to talk about Chen Yang. What happened?"

Mu Shanqing showed a serious face and said in a deep voice: "Elder Dugu, I doubt that Chen Yang has practiced the Star Art."

"What, Star Jue!"

Dugu Jianheng's expression changed and he stood up, his face full of surprise.

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