Urban magic doctor

Chapter 1717 Eight-clawed Demon Thorn Monster


Zeng Yingli screamed in pain, and his lower body was bitten by a bloodthirsty venomous fish, and it was torn apart hard.

His body swayed, and the heart-breaking sword in his hand flew out.

Immediately afterwards, another bloodthirsty poisonous fish bit his upper body, leaving only his waist exposed.


His body was torn into two pieces by two fish, and blood and internal organs were scattered in the air.

And his blood, due to the highly toxic infection, has turned completely black, almost the same color as the blood of the bloodthirsty poisonous fish.

His body was dragged directly into Yamanaka Lake by two fish.

A group of fish pounced on Zeng Yingli's body and swallowed it directly.

This scene shocked the spectators on the ring peak.

The loser suffered such a miserable fate. This life and death platform is indeed very intimidating. People who have seen this scene really dare not easily fight with others here.

Because the bloodthirsty poisonous bearded fish is really terrifying.

At the end of the battle, the thunder net that closed the battle area disappeared under the control of Duan Chengchun and Mu Shanqing.

Chen Yang flew back to the ring peak.

Everyone's eyes fell on him, admiring him endlessly.

Chen Yi, Du Jingxi, and Chen Xinhao all ran towards Chen Yang happily. Chen Yang quickly stepped back and stopped him: "Don't touch me, be careful of the venom of the bloodthirsty fish."

Chen Yi and the other three looked puzzled.

Chen Yang walked to the edge of the cliff and was shocked. The coat on his body turned into debris and fell into the mountain lake.

He took out a piece of clothing from the ring and put it on before returning to the crowd.

Yu Ziwen stepped forward and asked, "Why didn't the school of fish attack you when they were angered just now?"

Chen Yang smiled and explained: "Just when Zeng Yingli's Python Roaring Yin Fang Slash was about to hit me, I used my sword to cut a small gap in the mouth of the bloodthirsty poisonous fish, and then I cut the blade of the sword with the stained The venom was smeared on my clothes. The bloodthirsty poisonous fish had bad eyesight and relied on blood and breath to judge the direction. The venom covered my blood and I held my breath again, so just now, they ignored me. "

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

It turns out that Chen Yang did so many things just now when he was almost hit.

In that situation, if it were me, it would be difficult to escape.

"you're good."

Yu Ziwen was silent for a moment and praised Chen Yang.

"Humph, just good luck."

Duan Chengchun snorted coldly, glanced at Chen Yang coldly, walked to the edge of the cliff, and looked towards the mountain lake.

At this time, the water surface had become clear, and he could see that his heartbreaking sword had landed on a huge rock under the water.

He didn't care about losing Zeng Yingli.

But a top-quality earthly artifact made him feel a little heartbroken.

However, he did not pick it up.


Duan Chengchun shook his head, moved his body, and flew back in the direction of Yaoling Branch.

Seeing him leaving, someone in the crowd had a flash of light in their eyes, and they had the idea of ​​​​a heart-breaking sword.

"Only blood can attract the Bloodthirsty Poisonous Fish. Now that the battle is over and the Bloodthirsty Poisonous Fish has fallen into silence, it is a good opportunity to take away the Heartbreaker Sword."

In the crowd, a man showed excitement on his face.

This person is none other than Zeng Yingli's henchman. He was among the people who bullied Chen Xinhao before.

He was afraid that the Heartbreaker Sword would be snatched away by others, so he moved and rushed towards the Yamanaka Lake.

Seeing this, Mu Shanqing's expression changed and he hurriedly shouted: "Xu Taining, don't go into the water."

Although he heard Mu Shanqing's words, Xu Taining still rushed into the water.

I saw that he was extremely fast, rushed into the water, grabbed the Heartbreaker Sword, and swam upwards.

There was a crash.

He rushed out of the water, encountered no obstacles at all, and continued to fly upwards, his face full of excitement.


Just when Xu Taining flew more than thirty meters, a tentacle with a diameter of three meters sprang out from the water at an extremely fast speed and wrapped around his body.

Before he could react, with a pop, he was dragged underwater by the tentacles. His figure gradually submerged at the bottom of the lake, was wrapped in darkness, and disappeared.

The whole audience was shocked. At this moment, two huge red masses appeared in the darkness, like eyes.

Then, the red color came together again.

"What it is?"

Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

However, no one answered.

Everyone looked at Mu Shanqing, thinking that as a white-robed elder, he might know.

Mu Shanqing shook his head and said, "I don't know what's down there. I just listened to the deputy dean's instructions. The dean said that the monsters down there are very dangerous."

The unknown is always more frightening.

The disciples of Yaoling Branch who were originally in awe of the Life and Death Platform, now have left a shadow in their hearts.

Those who witnessed everything today are afraid that from now on, no matter how big their grievances are, they will not come here to resolve them with others.

When the matter came to an end, Chen Yang returned to Tianzi No. 27.

After entering the house, Yu Ziwen said: "Tell me, what was it that dragged Xu Taining under the water just now?"

"Why are you asking me?"

Chen Yang smiled.

Yu Ziwen said: "My intuition tells me that you know this secret."

"Your intuition is quite accurate." Chen Yang sat down and explained: "What's under the water is the eight-clawed devil thorn monster."

Yu Ziwen looked confused: "Eight-clawed devil-thorn monster?"

Chen Yang said: "You don't know?"

Yu Ziwen frowned and said coldly: "Should I know? Tell me quickly, what is the eight-clawed devil thorn monster?"

Chen Yang shrugged and did not argue, but explained: "Where there are bloodthirsty poisonous fish, there must be eight-clawed devil spiny monsters. Because the bloodthirsty poisonous bearded fish must rely on the eight-clawed devil spiny monster, in their presence Only by injecting venom into the poisonous beards on their heads can they survive."

"Every eight-clawed devil-thorn monster has a minimum level of nine extraordinary levels. Some powerful eight-clawed devil-thorn monsters may even reach the purple mansion realm. The one in the mountain lake should have reached the purple mansion realm."

A look of surprise appeared on Yu Ziwen's face, and she muttered: "Why has no one ever heard of this eight-clawed devil-thorn monster?"

Chen Yang thought for a while and said: "The eight-clawed demon thorn monster is an amphibian monster. But it has been lurking in the mountain lake and has not come out to hurt anyone. This means that it should be someone's contracted monster and was specially raised in the lake. There. If my guess is correct, this eight-clawed demon thorn monster should be the contracted monster of the dean."

"The dean's."

Yu Ziwen murmured, and she was full of curiosity about the dean who had never shown up.

Chen Yang continued: "However, I find it a bit strange. The Eight-clawed Demonic Thorn Monster is a very vicious monster. The dean of the Yaoling Branch should be an upright person. How could he tame such a monster?"

When Yu Ziwen thought about Xu Taining's death just now, she also felt that something was a little strange.

However, the two did not delve into this issue.

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