Urban magic doctor

Chapter 172 Shameless

"Chen Yang, what's wrong?"

Mo Yunsheng heard the scream and hurriedly came out of the kitchen.

When she saw the middle-aged man standing at the door blowing his palms and looking angry, she had a look of surprise on her face and frowned: "Manager Zhou, why are you here?"

Manager Zhou, is Aunt Mo’s boss?

Chen Yang glanced at the middle-aged man suspiciously, and in a flash he understood that Manager Zhou must have fallen in love with Mo Yunsheng's beauty, so he held a bouquet of roses and wanted to pursue Mo Yunsheng.

When Zhou Chao saw Mo Yunsheng appear, he immediately forgot about the pain in his palms. With greedy eyes in his eyes, he hurriedly walked to Mo Yunsheng, acting like a gentleman, and handed over the rose in his hand. Said: "Yunsheng, these are ninety-nine roses given to you, which represent eternity. Please accept them."

Mo Yunsheng glanced at the roses, disgust flashed in her eyes, she took a step back, and said seriously: "Manager Zhou, you already have a family and two children. If you say this for a long time, you still have to stay." Tell your wife."

Zhou Chao shook his head and said shamelessly: "You mean that yellow-faced woman? She is so ugly, how can she compare with you? You are the goddess in my mind."

Mo Yun said: "I have met Sister Huang. She was always with you when you were in the most difficult time. She is a good woman."

Zhou Chao obviously didn't want to talk about this topic anymore, so he closed his mouth and treated this place as his own home. He put the roses on the coffee table, looked around and said, "Although this place is well taken care of, it is such a small area." , how can such a backward community be suitable for you, Yunsheng, to live in? Don't worry, I also have a house of more than 100 square meters by the Bishui River, and everything is properly decorated. You can move in at any time if you want. "

This old ghost is too unrestrained. He talks as if he loves others a lot. This is indeed a clear statement that he wants to hide his beauty in a golden house.

Chen Yang glanced at Zhou Chao, disgusted with this man. Men can be sentimental, but this behavior of abandoning a rotten wife made him very disgusted.

But he didn't say anything, and sat on the sofa watching TV. Since the other party was Mo Yunsheng's boss, Mo Yunsheng still needed to handle this kind of matter by himself.

"I live very well here. Manager Zhou, please take back your kindness. I don't need it. Thank you."

Mo Yunsheng's tone was gentle, but her attitude was very firm, and her eyes seemed to be chasing away guests.

Zhou Chao frowned, squeezed out a smile, and said sternly: "Yunsheng, I really like you. As long as you agree, I will divorce that yellow-faced woman immediately when I get back, and then be with you."

"You seem to have said this to Zeng Jin's colleague Luo Xiaofang. Later she had an abortion and left her job, and everything was ruined."

Mo Yunsheng did not say it clearly, but she expressed her attitude with a story. The meaning of her words was obvious. She did not trust Zhou Chao's character and looked down on him.

When Zhou Chao heard this, he was not ashamed at all. He pretended to be calm and said with a look of resentment: "I don't know who did this. Xiaofang and I were in love at the time. Originally...hey, who I expected Xiaofang to be destroyed, and when I tried to find her, she had already returned to the countryside."

Damn it, you guy, you are so shameless that you don’t even have a face.

Hearing this, Chen Yang despised Zhou Chao even more. He thought to himself that this guy was really mean. He had harmed others and didn't admit it, yet he still acted.

He sneered and said to Zhou Chao: "Since you like that Luo Xiaofang, why didn't you chase her to the countryside and find her back?"

Zhou Chao twitched the corner of his mouth and glanced at Chen Yang. He did not answer, but looked at Mo Yunsheng and said, "Yunsheng, who is he?"

"He is my daughter's classmate."

Upon hearing that Chen Yang was a student, Zhou Chao showed disdain on his face, ignored Chen Yang, and then said to Mo Yunsheng: "Yunsheng, you believe me, as long as you agree to be with me, I will definitely give it to you in the future. Live a good life, and I will take care of you in the company."

Seeing Zhou Chao's entanglement, Mo Yunsheng's face darkened, and he made a gesture of invitation and said: "Manager Zhou, please come back. I, Mo Yunsheng, am not that kind of person."

As the company's human resources manager, Zhou Chao has great power. In the past, it was easy for anyone to unspoken rules, but Mo Yunsheng was an exception.

Ever since Mo Yunsheng joined the company and worked in the human resources department, he almost stole his soul away.

He hinted at Mo Yunsheng over and over again, wanting to lay down the rules, but Mo Yunsheng never ignored him and didn't even give him a chance to be alone, making it difficult for him to make a move.

However, this did not make Zhou Chao give up, but instead made him desire Mo Yunsheng's body even more.

This time, according to his own plan, he bought roses and came to his door, pretending to be truly in love, and even made a promise. He thought that no matter how chaste you were, you should just let him go and sleep with you.

But he didn't expect that Mo Yunsheng would be so determined and even chased away the guests, and he suddenly felt unhappy.

You are a bitch who works for me, and I am trying to show you the unspoken rules in order to give you face, but you don’t even know what you are doing!

"Hmph." Zhou Chao snorted coldly, looked up and down Mo Yunsheng's body, and said: "Now you pretend to be a chaste and martyr woman in front of me, do you think I will believe it? Don't worry, as long as you follow me, I will It will definitely satisfy everything you want.”

"You...you are shameless! Shut up!"

Mo Yunsheng had never heard such shameless words before. She was so anxious that her eyes were red with tears in her eyes. She reached out to push Zhou Chao, trying to push him out of the door, but she couldn't push him.

"Oh, look, I just said a few words, and you look like you're so anxious. Come on, come on, I'll carry you to the room and help you."

Zhou Chao laughed shamelessly, his eyes full of evil, and reached out to hug Mo Yunsheng.

However, as soon as he stretched out his hand, he was grabbed tightly by someone. He turned around and saw that it was Chen Yang.

However, Zhou Chao didn't take Chen Yang seriously at all. He stared with fierce eyes and shouted: "Boy, get out of here, it's none of your business... ah!"

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Chao's voice turned into a scream.

Happy Children's Day to everyone!

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