Urban magic doctor

Chapter 1851 Others

While everyone admired Lu Tianhe and admired his formation skills, Chen Yang observed the entire formation and thought to himself: "This formation was obviously not arranged by Lu Tianhe, but he brought it here from other places. It’s almost the same as the star teleportation array I used to transport the earth to the Celestial Martial Star.”

"However, he seemed to have an accident during the transportation process. This teleportation array should have no restrictions, but it was damaged, resulting in a restriction on the realm. Only people under the Zifu realm can teleport. Otherwise, Dean Ke can also enter a different space."

With this in mind, Chen Yang immediately searched for relevant records of the teleportation array in front of him in the "Book of Immortals and Demons".

"The Code of Immortals and Demons" is indeed an encyclopedia written by Hao Lan.

Soon, Chen Yang found relevant records.

What he didn't expect was that this teleportation array was more advanced than the star teleportation array from Earth to the Celestial Martial Star, and the teleportation distance was farther.

However, Chen Yang never thought about repairing the star teleportation array in front of him and lifting the restrictions on the realm.

Because the time was too short, he had no time to understand this formation.

He thought to himself: "It seems that the destination of this teleportation array is already outside the Tianwu Star Territory. Presumably that alien space is also a star. It is not far from the Tianwu Star Territory and should be in the adjacent star field."

"Now, I activate the formation, and you will be transported to a different space. I wish you good luck."

Ke Zeyao's words brought everyone back from their thoughts.

He took out more than 500 spiritual stones and arranged them in the formation. When the formation was activated, these spiritual stones would be needed to provide energy for the formation.

When the Earth arrived at the Star Teleportation Array of the Celestial Martial Star, Chen Yang was still confused at first as to why one or two spirit stones could activate it.

Later, after some research, he discovered that the boulder on which the formation runes were engraved had been specially refined and could gather and precipitate spiritual power.

Therefore, one or two spiritual stones are only used as an introduction to activate the spiritual power of the boulder itself.

However, the star teleportation array in front of us does not contain spiritual power, so a large amount of spiritual stones are needed to provide energy to ensure the operation of the array.

While Ke Zeyao was setting up the formation, Chen Yang took out two walkie-talkies, called Yu Ziwen and Yan Guinan to the side, and whispered: "This thing is called a walkie-talkie. After arriving in a different space, we can pass through it. Make contact and determine each other’s directions.”

Yu Ziwen and Yan Guinan looked surprised. They had never seen such a treasure before.

Seeing that the formation was about to be activated, Chen Yang thrust the walkie-talkies into the hands of Yu Ziwen and Yan Guinan respectively, and then quickly explained to them how to use them.

The two of them still looked confused, but they still put the walkie-talkie away, still doubting whether this thing could be used.

Not far away, Yin Tianfeng and others saw Chen Yang and the others whispering. Although they were a little curious, they did not intervene.

After Ke Zeyao placed the spirit stones, the runes on the teleportation array lit up with rays of light, and powerful energy fluctuations came from the array.

Everyone could see with the naked eye that the space in the formation area was distorted.

Immediately afterwards, dazzling light shot out from the formation.

Everyone present disappeared, except Ke Zeyao who stayed where he was due to realm restrictions.

"I hope you can all gain something."

Ke Zeyao did not leave, but sat cross-legged, waiting for Chen Yang and others to return.

Chen Yang felt his eyes go dark. When the light appeared again, he had already appeared in the air, falling towards a dense forest below.

He circulated his true energy, slowly descended, and looked into the distance.

There is a vast forest all around, with nothing but towering trees.

He landed among the trees, and just as he stood firm, a ferocious aura came from behind, locking him with murderous intent.

He turned around suddenly and saw a three-eyed iron bull, with its head lowered, its sharp horns and eyes on top of its head, facing him, and its four hooves were like the wind, charging toward him.

The three-eyed iron bull is an extraordinary eighth-level monster. Its horns are so hard that they can break even the best earth weapons.

And the one eye on top of its head will confuse the mind for a short time if it looks at each other.

“When things go to extremes, they must be reversed.”

Chen Yang suddenly pulled out the black light sword, jumped into the air, dodged the impact of the three-eyed iron bull, and slashed the three-eyed iron bull in the middle with one sword.

The three-eyed iron bull was cut into two pieces and died on the spot.

Chen Yang flew down and dug out the demon elixir, as well as the two materials, horns and eyes, and put them into Najie.

Then, he released the cannon from the Najie and threw the demon pill to the cannon: "Idiot, I'm taking advantage of you."

Cannon shook his head and tail, opened his mouth to catch the demon pill, swallowed it into his stomach with a grunt, and then looked at Chen Yang's Najie, which seemed to say that he wanted to return to the Najie.

"Want to stay in Najie?"

Chen Yang asked.

Canao was already psychic, understood Chen Yang's words, and nodded.

"You won't evolve into a human being one day, right?"

Chen Yang muttered something and put the cannon into Najie.

He looked at Najieli and saw Cannon lying on his back, sleeping soundly.

I have to say that the way to advance the cannon is really easy. You don’t have to do anything. Just eat and you can improve your level.

"You're a little bitch, you just know how to eat. Sooner or later you'll be fat to death."

Chen Yang cursed, took out the walkie-talkie, and shouted: "Senior Brother Yan, Senior Sister Yu, can you hear me?"


The sound of electricity came from the intercom, but no one responded.

Chen Yang tried several more times, but still could only hear the sound of electric current.

"It seems that I am too far away from them."

Chen Yang shook his head and put away the walkie-talkie.

This thing also has a distance limit, so it is impossible to receive messages anywhere. He gave it to Yu Ziwen and Yan Guinan just to try his luck, hoping that the message could be transmitted closer.

Surrounded by a vast forest, Chen Yang didn't know where to look for opportunities.

He randomly chose a direction, flew at a low altitude, and headed in this direction, hoping to fly out of the forest.

After flying for about three hundred miles, three figures appeared vaguely a thousand meters ahead.


Chen Yang's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly landed and hid in the bushes. He used the Turtle Breath Kung Fu to completely cover up his breath, and then looked forward through the gaps in the dense forest.

A thousand meters away, as long as there is no interference, there is no obstacle to his vision and hearing.

Although his sight was blocked by the leaves just now, although he couldn't see clearly, he was sure that those three people were not people teleported from the Yaoling Branch.

He was about to poke his head and take a closer look when he heard a voice coming from the other side: "There is something!"

"Has it been discovered?"

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and twitched his ears, listening for the footsteps of the three people to see if they were approaching.

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