Urban magic doctor

Chapter 187 People from Longting

Chen Yang said with a speechless expression: "Dear sister, I want your phone number. Isn't your phone there?"


Lina was surprised, looked down, and found that she had put the mobile phone issued by the organization in her chest pocket. She immediately thought that she had misunderstood what Chen Yang meant, and there were two blushes on her face, she was so shy. Don't know what to say.

Little did she know that Chen Yang was teasing her on purpose.

"Miss Lina, I am such an upright person, but I am so misunderstood by you. I am really sad."

Chen Yang was crying and had a depressed expression.

Seeing this, Li Na was completely unwary of Chen Yang. She regarded Chen Yang as a young man who was enthusiastic about helping others, pure and kind, and explained: "Chen Yang, I'm sorry, I misunderstood. I will give you my phone number right now." You, I will be in Dayi recently, if you want to see me, you can give me a call."

After the two parties left each other's numbers, Chen Yang left because he didn't want to meet those people. Because he knew that after the two villains were subdued, Lina's people would definitely come over quickly and take them away.

After riding the bicycle, Chen Yang looked back at Li Na, with a smile on his lips: "I never expected that there would be such a silly little girl in Longting. Alas, it's a pity that such a beautiful girl is... People from Longting. Otherwise, I can tease you a few more times in the future."

While riding his bicycle, he threw away the paper with the phone number written on it.

He did think about contacting Lina before, but after discovering the other party's identity, he gave up this idea. Since he retired, he no longer wanted to interfere in the martial arts world.

If you have contact with people from Longting, you will inevitably get into trouble.

The organization Longting is famous for being nosy.

After Chen Yang left, four or five men in straight suits and sunglasses arrived shortly after.

After they threw the two bald men into the trunk of the car, they cleaned up the blood stains on the scene and got into the car.

In the car, one of the middle-aged men with Chinese characters looked at Lina and said, "Lina, it seems that you didn't solve these two people. What's going on?"

"Lu Mulong, you may not believe me when I tell you. I was in danger just now, and a master suddenly appeared. He helped me subdue these two people."

Lina looked excited and told what had just happened. The car fell into silence. Everyone could tell from Lina's description that that person was indeed a master.

However, what Lina said was too mysterious, especially the person's careless words and deeds, which did not look like a master at all, so everyone did not completely believe what Lina said, thinking that she might be exaggerating.

Lu Mulong was silent for a while, and did not mention the matter again, but asked: "By the way, Lina, we keep calling you, why don't you answer the phone?"

"Hey, why didn't I hear it?"

Lina took out her phone and looked at it, only to see more than ten missed calls. Because the phone vibrated, she didn't feel the fierce battle just now.

Looking at the phone, her heart skipped a beat and she thought to herself, "It's strange. This phone is issued by the organization and is not sold outside. How could he know it was a phone just by looking at it?"

Thinking that Chen Yang recognized the phone at a glance, Li Na fell into confusion.

The other people in the car were discussing the current situation they were facing.

"The third and fourth of the four evils of nymphomaniacs have been caught. Now the eldest and second are still lurking in Dayi. We cannot take it lightly."

"Lu Mulong, the boss of the four evils of nymphomaniacs, is not that easy to deal with. With our strength, I'm afraid..."

"As long as we discover the other party's whereabouts, we must go there no matter what. If they escape, they will kill more people."

Chen Yang was riding his bicycle to school leisurely that day when he suddenly received a call. When he looked at the number, there was no caller ID. It was from a stranger.

"Hello, who are you?"

The person on the other side was stunned for a moment, and then a familiar voice from Chen Yang came: "Don't you have my number? You don't have it in your phone?"

After thinking about it, Chen Yang finally remembered that the caller was not that girl Li Na from Longting.

Strange, I didn't contact you, why did you take the initiative to contact me.

Chen Yang smiled and said seriously: "I keep all the important phone numbers in my mind. I didn't look at the caller ID just now, but I knew as soon as I heard the voice that you were Lina."

"Assuming you haven't forgotten me, I forgive you." Lina smiled and said, "By the way, I have something to ask you for help."

Isn't it a matter of Longting?

Chen Yang frowned, feeling an ominous premonition in his heart, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Li Na said: "That's it. Our organization wants to arrest the bad guys, but the other party is too strong and the matter is urgent. After Lu Mulong heard my description of you, he hopes to ask for your help."

Sure enough, the good and bad spirits didn't come to Longting, but Longting came to the door.

Chen Yang curled his lips and smiled and said: "Lina, I'm sorry, my specialty is heroes saving beauties, not supporting justice. For this kind of hunting down bad guys, you should find someone else."

"Ah! You don't want to!?"

Li Na was surprised by Chen Yang's answer, and then said resentfully: "I have already promised Lu Mulong that I will definitely invite you. Now if you don't come, how can I explain to Lu Mulong? And what if I meet him?" It’s dangerous, you’re just a hero saving the beauty.”

Listening to Lina's resentful voice, Chen Yang was a little shaken.

He can resist anything, but he can't resist the request of a woman, and she's a beautiful woman.

Of course, he would not agree so easily, but knowingly said to the adviser: "What kind of organization are you? I can't help you without knowing it, right?"

"Long Ting, have you heard of it?"

Lina is very proud, she is proud of Longting.

"Of course I have."

Chen Yang thought for a while, Longting was the light of the righteousness of the Huajin Kingdom, and he had no reason not to help.

Plus Lina asked for help, so she couldn't refuse.

So he said: "Okay, I will treat it as giving you face, otherwise how would you explain it to you, Lu Mulong."

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