Urban magic doctor

Chapter 1948 Not Yunmeng?

Everyone followed Zhao Hai, walked out of Biju Pavilion, and arrived at the checkpoint outside.

There are seven levels, the scroll has not been opened yet, and no one knows what kind of questions are inside.

While they were a little nervous, they were also full of curiosity about these topics.

The only one who was calm was Chen Yang.

People who didn't know, seeing his calm look, thought he had given up.

"Everyone was silent."

Zhao Hai knocked on the gong in his hand, and after attracting everyone's attention, he shouted loudly.

The originally noisy streets soon became quiet.

Zhao Hai continued: "The literature examination will begin immediately. Miss Yunshang will give all seven questions in person, and thirty-one young masters will work together to solve the questions. Only those who can solve five questions in a row can participate in tomorrow's martial arts debate. General Assembly."

This rule was told not only to Chen Yang and the other thirty-one people, but also to the spectators nearby.

As soon as Zhao Hai finished speaking, someone asked: "What if someone can solve seven questions in a row?"

"Failed seven questions in a row?"

Zhao Hai chuckled and said honestly: "If there is someone who can solve seven questions in a row, he can go up to the attic and drink wine with Miss Yun Shang, and tonight he can go boating on the lake with Miss Yun Shang and enjoy the bright moon together."


As soon as this statement came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

This reward is just a little short of becoming Nangong Yunshang's guest.

For a time, everyone was eager to try.

If you can solve seven questions in a row, you can be alone with Nangong Yunshang, win Nangong Yunshang's favor, and have a better chance of winning a marriage proposal.

"Only I can break seven questions in a row."

Among the thirty-one marriage seekers, a proud voice sounded.

The person who spoke was none other than Hua Tianzhang.

The others knew that they were not as good as Hua Tianzhang in terms of literary attainments, so they did not argue, but just gave him a dissatisfied look.

When the noise at the scene quieted down again, Zhao Hai said loudly: "Now, I would like to invite Miss Yunshang."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes turned towards the door of the unique pavilion.

But after a while, the door was quiet, but no one came out.

Didn't you invite Miss Yunshang? Where is the person?

"Okay, Zhao Hai, let's get started."

Just when everyone was confused, a voice as sweet as a lark came from diagonally above.

When everyone heard the sound and looked around, they saw a corner loft in the Bigu Pavilion, protruding half a meter from the wall. Next to the corridor of the loft, a man and a woman were sitting, looking at the street from above.

This man and woman have outstanding temperaments.

It was the woman who made the sound.

Everyone knew that this person was Nangong Yunshang.

However, Nangong Yunshang wore a veil on her face, and everyone could not see her appearance. They could only see her eyebrows, forehead, and hair tips...

Even so, everyone couldn't help but secretly praise the beauty in their hearts.

"What a beautiful woman, no wonder so many people want to marry her!"

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and was also surprised by Nangong Yunshang.

Then, he chuckled: "Hey, these eyes look a bit familiar, they look like Yunmeng!"

Thinking back to the voice just now, Chen Yang became even more confused: "The voice is similar and the eyes are similar. Could it be that Nangong Yunshang is Nangong Yunmeng? If I look like that, I can also enter the second level of the literature examination. , is it because she recognized me?"

Thinking of this, Chen Yang looked towards the attic and waved his hand proactively, hoping to attract Nangong Yunshang's attention and judge from Nangong Yunshang's eyes whether the other party recognized him.

When he waved his hand, not only Nangong Yunshang looked over, but the entire audience looked at him.

"What is this kid doing?"

"He actually waved hello to Miss Yunshang, what a loser he is."

"It's so funny and has no grace at all."

"People with literary attainments are very well-educated. This guy is just a country bumpkin. He definitely doesn't understand literature. It seems that he wants to use strange means to gain Miss Yunshang's approval."

"Everyone, please stay away from him, don't get any bad luck."

People around him avoided Chen Yang.

A blank area formed around him, making him stand out from the crowd and very conspicuous.

"Who is this man and why is he waving to me?"

Nangong Yunshang looked at Chen Yang, doubts flashed in her beautiful eyes, and she turned to Nangong Feishuo and asked.

"I don't recognize this person either..."

Before Nangong Feishuo finished speaking, he twitched the corner of his mouth and said: "Ah, I recognized him. He is the guy who hung up the gold chain that day. Unexpectedly, after changing his clothes, he seemed to be a different person. I almost Didn’t recognize it.”

"It turned out to be him."

Nangong Yunshang nodded and said: "It seems that the way he dressed that day was really to attract attention. It's a pity that those people after that only learned the superficial knowledge, but not the essence."

Nangong Feishuo said disapprovingly: "As long as he is like that, what's the essence of it?"

Nangong Yunshang picked up the tea cup, took a sip of tea, and said calmly: "Don't you think he is very humorous?"

Nangong Feishuo shook his head and said with a smile: "What's the use of humor? He's afraid he won't be able to pass a single question in this second literary test. If he can't pass the question, he won't be able to enter tomorrow's martial arts competition."


Nangong Yunshang said calmly, looking away and no longer paying attention to Chen Yang.

Although Chen Yang had caught her attention before, she was not tempted by it. As for whether Chen Yang could solve the problem, she didn't care.

"She doesn't recognize me. It seems like she's not Yunmeng. But her voice and eyes are so similar."

Seeing Nangong Yunshang turning his eyes away, Chen Yang retracted his raised hand with a thoughtful look on his face.

After a moment of silence, he looked at the seven scrolls hanging high and thought to himself: "Even if this person is not Yunmeng, he is definitely related to Yunmeng. I will solve seven questions in a row to get a chance to contact him and find out. Only in the end will it work.”

"If this person is Yunmeng, then I must reach the top of tomorrow's martial arts competition. Otherwise, Yunmeng will become someone else's bride."

"If she wasn't Yunmeng, I would just give up tomorrow. But no matter what, I have to go all out for today's literature test."


A beam of true energy shot out from the attic and hit the first scroll.

With a clatter, the scroll hanging high fell down and unfolded.

"Don't waste time, let everyone see your talents."

Nangong Yunshang's voice came from the attic.

Seeing that the scroll was opened, Zhao Hai quickly took out an hourglass, placed it on the table next to the scroll, and said to everyone: "The first question, the hourglass time is about the time of one stick of incense. If you can't solve the question, you will be eliminated directly."

Hearing this, the suitors who were still looking at Nangong Yunshang turned their eyes and all looked towards the hanging scroll.

I saw four big characters written on the five-meter-long and two-meter-wide scroll: "A drop of water becomes a sea."

Looking at these four words, everyone looked at a loss.

There are only four words. What does this mean?

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