Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2018 Entering the Dungeon

Seeing the dark red arrows being released from the passage, the eyes of those who came to the Chamber of Commerce all lit up.

However, they were confused.

The person who just entered the passage is obviously Chen Yang. Is it true that he can deal with the early cultivators of Jiafu as he said? Was he the one who set this arrow?


Leng Jun saw the arrow hitting him and felt the terrifying energy of the arrow. A look of fear appeared on his face, and he swung his sickle and slashed towards the arrow.

The sickle, which was more than three meters long, condensed black true energy and roared like a ghost.

I saw the head of the sickle instantly become blurred, the blade disappeared, and turned into a terrifying ghost head. It opened its mouth, revealing a mouth of smashed teeth, and intercepted the arrows of the Fury of the Sky.

However, before the scythe fell completely, the ferocious ghost made a hissing sound and began to disintegrate, turning into wisps of white smoke and dissipating into the void.

The arrows of the wrath of the sky actually have a restraining effect on evil spirits.

Leng Jun's expression changed drastically. He dared not intercept the arrows. He immediately retracted his sickle and tried to dodge.

But in this small room, there was no room for him to dodge.

He flew directly into the air, broke through the soil above, and flew towards the air.


Once the top was broken, the entire room collapsed, and the wine jar in the wine cellar above shattered to the ground.

But what flowed out was not all wine. It was also mixed with a lot of red blood, giving off a strong smell of blood.

This wine cellar is more like a blood cellar than a wine cellar.

The people in Yunzhong Tower are currently joining forces to fight fiercely with the Western Fire Sect. Due to their numerical advantage, they have gained the upper hand.

Just when the battle was fierce, a loud rumble suddenly came from the underground. Everyone saw the wine cellar collapse, and a figure shrouded in black essence rose into the sky, smashing through the stairs, railings, and roof of Yunzhong Tower one after another. Heading straight into the air.

"Be careful, it's a murderer from the West Fire Demon Sect who is on vacation!"

Someone in the crowd shouted.

But before he finished speaking, he saw a dark red arrow shooting out of the ground, chasing Lord Leng, and shooting straight into the air, half a minute faster than Lord Leng.

Only then did everyone understand that in the early stage of the fake mansion, he was not out to help the Western Fire Demon Sect, but he was running for his life.

"Who actually forced Protector Leng to do this?"

Shopkeeper Wu looked shocked when he saw this scene.


In the air, Lord Leng did not escape the pursuit of the arrows of the Fury of the Sky and was hit by them.

A cloud of blood mist burst into the air, and the entire Yunzhong City saw this scene, and everyone was shocked.


Powerful energy fluctuations, like ripples on the water, spread out in all directions.

The Yunzhong Building in the core area was already overwhelmed, but when the shock wave came, it collapsed suddenly and filled the sky with dust.

Leng Jun fell into the ruins of Yunzhong Tower and looked at his injuries. His flesh and blood were blurred, his bones were broken, and his meridians were severed.

The power of that arrow was so terrifying.

He wanted to move his true energy, but found that his meridians were blocked. Not only was he unable to move his true energy freely, but he also experienced severe pain.

How could he dare to continue fighting in such a situation?

He didn't hesitate and wanted to escape as soon as he moved.

"Get him."

However, before giving Lord Leng a chance to escape, several extraordinary ninth-level cultivators from Yunzhong City immediately stepped forward and surrounded him.

He burst out his last strength and fought against the opponent, but still lost and was captured by everyone.

When the members of the Western Fire Sect saw that Leng Jun, the protector of Lianfentan, had also been captured, they immediately lost their will to fight and were beaten back and forth.

Some of them tried to escape, but couldn't escape at all.

Because the city guards came over and completely sealed off the area.

Moreover, many experts are coming here.

Judging from the situation, the situation of the Western Fire Sect is over.


After Lord Leng escaped, under the leadership of Gongsun Zheng, he came to the Chamber of Commerce and was at an absolute advantage, suppressing the members of the Western Fire Sect.

Within a moment, they had all these people taken care of.

Gongsun Zheng turned his eyes to the left passage and said to everyone: "Let's go, the owner of their altar is over here, let's go and kill him."

Everyone immediately followed and rushed into the passage.

At this moment, the top of the underground altar has collapsed. Many people saw the situation here and rushed to help. Together with Gongsun Zheng and others, they went to chase the altar owner who had not yet appeared.

In another passage, Chen Yang used his speed to the extreme and hurried on quickly.

The noise of the fight just now was so loud, he was not sure if the other party would take An Ning and leave through other exits if they heard the sound.

This passage is unexpectedly long.

After Chen Yang walked a long distance, the sound of fighting coming from Yunzhong Tower could no longer be heard.

If no one here delivers the news, they probably won't know what happened over there.

In this case, An Ning might still be there.

Finally, the passage opened up, and a sunken staircase appeared in front of it. After going down, there was a half-open iron door.

Chen Yang stood outside the iron gate, not in a hurry to go in, and listened carefully to what was going on inside.

There were two people inside the door, talking.

"Pan Feng is really stupid for being an undercover agent. What's the use of such a beautiful woman being locked up all day?"

"Mom, don't tell me, that beauty's figure, appearance, and temperament are truly the most beautiful women I have ever seen."

"But there is no other way. The altar leader has spoken. Except for Pan Feng, no one else is allowed to touch that beauty. Otherwise, I would have quietly done away with her."

"If you let me do it once, even if my life is shortened by ten years, I will do it."

"What do you think Pan Feng is planning?"

"He said that woman is a management wizard, and he wants to recruit her into our Western Fire Sect to help our Western Fire Sect improve the management system and improve the quality of our personnel... In short, they are all things we don't understand."

"He is really an idiot. It would be a pity not to play with a good woman."

Hearing the conversation inside the door, Chen Yang knew that An Ning was not only alive, but also untainted. He couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

He also understood that it turned out that An Ning was kidnapped because Pan Feng valued An Ning's talent and wanted to draw her into the Western Fire Cult.

I have to say that Pan Feng is still very smart.

If An Ning joins the Western Fire Sect, it will be of great benefit to the Western Fire Sect to improve its system.

However, An Ning is still imprisoned here. It is obvious that Pan Feng's purpose has not been achieved yet.

Chen Yang retracted his thoughts, used his consciousness to disrupt, and attacked the consciousness sea of ​​one of the people in the door.

"Ahai, what's wrong with you? What's going on?"

A panicked voice came from inside the door.

Immediately afterwards, it became quiet and another person was killed by Chen Yang.

In order to avoid making any noise, Chen Yang did not push the door open, but walked in through the crack of the iron door.

I saw an open space inside the door and a table on the left. A man was lying on the table and another man was lying on the ground, both of them had lost their sense of self.

On the wall next to it, there are whips, chains, hooks and other objects hanging.

Directly ahead is a long corridor. From Chen Yang's perspective, he can see that there are cells on both sides of the corridor.

Sure enough, as Wang Li said, this is a dungeon.

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