Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2038 Cannon Success

Seeing Cannon ignoring Chen Yang, Sha Zhou and others were completely speechless.

Just like this, can this dog break the demon clan's formation?

Seeing that Da Pao ignored him, Chen Yang was furious. Since Da Pao ate the Ten Thousand Demons Order, his strength has become stronger and stronger, but he has also become lazier and lazier.

"I'm about to die, are you still in the mood to sleep?"

Chen Yang stared at Cannon and said angrily.

After hearing this, Cannon stood up and looked around with a vigilant expression.

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that Da Pao cheered up after hearing that he was going to die. It seemed that this dog still had some conscience.

"Cannon, let me do something now. If you can do it, we can live. If you can't do it, we will all die here."

Chen Yang knelt down, rubbed Cannon's head, and said seriously.

Canao seemed to be afraid of death. He trembled, with a bitter expression on his face, and nodded to Chen Yang.

Seeing this, everyone realized that this dog was really understanding of human nature.

Chen Yang said to the cannon: "This place is a monster formation, called the Purgatory Formation. The key to the formation is to break the demon pill in the center of the formation, and then the formation will be released. However, humans cannot be in the Purgatory Formation. , can pass freely. Therefore, we can only rely on you to break the demon pill."

After hearing the demon pill, Cannon's eyes lit up, and his saliva flowed down the tongue that fell out of his mouth.

Chen Yang said helplessly: "Can you stop being so greedy? The demon pill at the eye of the formation cannot be eaten. You just need to use all your strength to break it."

When he heard that he couldn't eat it, Cannon looked disappointed.

Chen Yang took out the black light sword and swiped it across the ground. He soon carved out the path to break the Purgatory Formation. He said to the cannon: "You remember this map. From here, go all the way to the end of the map. That's This is where the formation eye is. Don’t go wrong. This place is very complicated. You are a monster. Although you won’t die here, you will starve to death here if you can’t find a way out.”

Hearing that he would starve to death, Cannon showed a serious expression on his face and looked at the map on the ground.

After watching for a while, his expression became increasingly ugly.

Because this map is too complicated and difficult to remember.

Chen Yang looked worried and asked, "Can you do it?"

Cannon nodded, then shook his head.

Chen Yang thought for a while and realized that the cannon was still a bit unreliable. He was afraid that he couldn't remember this map.

So, Chen Yang dug out the map from the ground directly connected to the rock, and said to the cannon: "Bite the map. If you don't remember it, put it down and take a look."

"Woof woof woof."

Cannon barked a few times, lowered his head and bit the map in his mouth.

Chen Yang patted Cannon on the back: "Go quickly."

The cannon started to move and walked forward slowly and slowly. At such a speed, it was unknown how long it would take to reach the position of the formation's eye.

Chen Yang rolled his eyes and shouted towards the cannon: "Hurry up. If you behave well, I will give you a holiday demon pill later."

Upon hearing this, Cannon's eyes were filled with excitement, and he instantly turned into an afterimage and left quickly.

As Cannon gradually disappeared, everyone's hearts could not let go at all.

Luo Feng muttered: "This dog seems to be incapable of doing anything else except eating and sleeping."

Sha Zhou looked at Chen Yang: "Are you sure... that dog is useful?"

Chen Yang thought for a while, and for some reason, he felt that although the cannon was delicious and sleepy, it should be very reliable.

He nodded and said to everyone: "Don't worry, this demon clan's formation will be cracked soon. We can just wait here."

After hearing this, everyone felt a little relieved.

Ran Yuwei asked: "Chen Yang, what kind of monster is that dog of yours? It looks very ordinary, and there is nothing special about it. It looks no different from an ordinary dog."

Chen Yang said seriously: "He is a pastoral dog, a particularly powerful monster from the Earth Martial Star. It took a lot of effort for me to subdue him."

Jiang Jiaming pondered: "But, he is only at the eighth level of extraordinary, so he doesn't seem to be very powerful?"

Chen Yang said: "Don't underestimate him. His growth attributes are very high. I believe that his future realm, strength, and achievements will be very high. Maybe he will become the Demon King."

Hearing this, everyone disagreed.

Even though Da Pao looked like he was a sleepy and delicious person, he didn't look like he was ready to become the Demon King.

Before I knew it, half an hour passed.

The surrounding magma was still flowing, and the temperature had not dropped. Moreover, everyone felt that there seemed to be a force locked on them, which made them feel very unsure.

"Chen Yang, will your dog named Cannon be in trouble?"

Luo Feng looked at Chen Yang and frowned.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, the hot temperature in the space suddenly began to drop.

The speed was extremely fast. In less than three seconds, the temperature had dropped a lot, which even made Chen Yang and others unable to adapt for a while.

The magma in the ditch gradually dimmed, and after a few seconds, it stopped flowing.

The power of the formation disappeared.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then showed a look of surprise.

They couldn't believe that the seemingly unreliable dog actually succeeded.


Chen Yang looked happy and said to everyone: "Let's go."

He immediately led the way and rushed towards the entrance of the Purgatory Formation, finding the cannon first.

Although the formation eye was more than ten miles away and had to turn several turns in the cave to reach it, Chen Yang and others were very fast and reached the formation eye in a few minutes.

I saw all the surrounding ditches converging on this place.

Judging from the shape of the solidified magma, some of the ditches flowed into a circular pool in the center, and then formed a loop and flowed out from other ditches.

Above the circular pool, there was a tray suspended with a broken demon pill on it.

Next to the circular pool, there is a monster corpse more than seven meters long on the ground, which is a fire-maned lion.

The fire-maned lion is a monster in the early stage of False Mansion. The mane on its neck is made of flames, but now that it is dead, its mane has become very ordinary, only showing a fiery red color.

Judging from the scars on the fire-maned lion's body, it went through a great battle and was ultimately defeated.

And its wounds are all bites and scratches.

The traces are consistent with the size of the cannon.

But there were no cannons around.

"not good!"

Chen Yang's heart skipped a beat, with a worried look on his face. He looked around, but couldn't find any trace of the cannon, and couldn't sense any fluctuations in the demonic energy.

Although the fire-maned lion is dead, the cannon is still at the ninth level of the extraordinary. It will definitely be more disastrous than the fire-maned lion in the early stage of the false mansion.

At this moment, Cannon was nowhere to be seen, and Chen Yang couldn't help feeling a little panicked.

Could it be that the cannon was killed by the fire-maned lion and fell into the lava?

Chen Yang's expression changed suddenly, and with a movement of his body, he rushed towards the pool in front, trying to dig out the lava and look for the cannon.

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