Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2167 Ghost Rock City

After listening to Xing Lichuan's story, Chen Yang thought to himself: "If it was done by the Tiansheng Empire, it is indeed possible. Perhaps only Zuo Yinhan can handle such a huge curse."

"However, it shouldn't be too difficult to break this curse. As long as you find the key points and know what the curse is, there should be relevant records in the "Book of Immortals and Demons".

"The most urgent task is to find the way to Ghost Rock City first."

With this in mind, Chen Yang said to Xing Lichuan: "Senior Xing, can you tell me the way to Guiyan City?"

Xing Lichuan shook his head and said: "Chen Shaoxia, the strength of your fake mansion in the later stage is already very powerful in Guiyan City. However, although the forces in Guiyan City are complex, they have one characteristic, that is, they will be unanimous in dealing with the outside world."

"If you arrive at Ghost Rock City and no force takes you in, or if you don't join any force, then you will be attacked by a group, and your final fate is self-evident."

"So, I suggest you, it's best not to go to Ghost Rock City."

"Your wife is in Ghost Rock City. If she had not become a villain, she would have been insulted and died by now. But if she had become a villain, would she still be your wife?"

Xing Lichuan's words are not unreasonable.

However, this was not enough to make Chen Yang change his mind.

Regardless of whether Shangguan Yun or the other three are dead or alive, or evil, Chen Yang must go to Guiyan City to see them.

If they die, Chen Yang will take revenge.

If they were alive, Chen Yang would try his best to take them out of Guiyan City.

Chen Yang said seriously: "Senior Xing, I have made up my mind. Please tell me the route to Guiyan City."


Xing Lichuan still wanted to persuade, but looking at Chen Yang's firm eyes, he swallowed his words.

He sighed, picked up the tree root he was carving just now, pulled out a piece of parchment from the gap below, handed it to Chen Yang, and said: "I just drew a road map and hid it in the tree root. , I plan to make a root carving to hide it. Since you need it, I’ll give it to you.”

Chen Yang took the road map and found that it was very complicated. He took many detours and twists and turns before arriving at Guiyan City.

There is nothing we can do about it. After all, in the vast desert, there are too few places where we can identify the direction.

On this map, every turn on the route is marked by a special mark to identify the direction.

Putting the map away, Chen Yang cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Senior Xing."

"I hope you can come back alive."

Xing Lichuan sighed, not having much hope that Chen Yang would come back alive.

Chen Yang and Cui San left the cabin.

Cui San looked at Chen Yang and said seriously: "Chen Shaoxia, can I ask you a favor?"

"Please speak," Chen Yang said.

Cui Sandao: "In the Thanos Sect of Ghost Rock City, there is a deputy sect leader named Luo Kedi. If you have a chance, please help me kill him. Of course, if it is dangerous, you must not take risks."

Chen Yang patted Cui San on the shoulder, nodded and said: "Don't worry, Brother Cui, I will definitely take Luo Kedi's head. By the way, you take me to see the well in Shajing Village. After seeing it, I will It’s time to set off for Ghost Rock City.”

"The well is over here."

Cui San took Chen Yang to the center of Shajing Village, where there was a well with a diameter of one meter.

There is a lot of yellow sand, but there is no cover to cover this well.

Aren't you afraid that the yellow sand will pollute the well water?

Chen Yang noticed that the yellow sand was flying over, but it naturally bypassed the well and did not float in.

He took a closer look and saw that it was a faint cyclone rising from the well, sweeping away all the gravel.

"This well is quite peculiar."

Chen Yang walked over and looked down at the well. The well was not deep, only about seven or eight meters.

Logically speaking, this place is arid, but it is really strange that there is water in such a shallow ground.


Chen Yang was surprised and suddenly discovered that the uneven stones on the inner wall of the circular well actually formed a pattern.

"What formation is this?"

Chen Yang looked puzzled and quickly searched in the "Book of Immortals and Demons", but found no relevant records.

He couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling in his heart, and said to himself: "The curses of each village must be related to the curse of Guiyan City. I can't find this formation, so if I want to break the curse of Guiyan City, the chances are slim. In this case, It’s troublesome to bring them out.”

Shaking his head, Chen Yang stopped thinking about it and planned to enter Guiyan City first.

After saying goodbye to Cui San, he entered the boundless desert.

The true energy condensed cyclone swirled around his body, and the rolling sandstorm could not touch his body and passed by.

The yellow sand obscured his vision, and Chen Yang's visual distance was no more than fifty meters.

Moreover, the surrounding environment is exactly the same, so it is not easy to identify the direction.

After walking about 700 meters, Chen Yang saw a short bush. Then, he turned to his right rear and continued moving forward.

It seemed like he was walking back.

But only then can he find the next landmark, a boulder.

Then use the boulder to identify the direction.

In this way, he kept turning between various landmarks. Although the vertical distance was only 800 miles, it took him eight days to get close to Guiyan City.

Ahead, the sand and dust suddenly became more violent and dense.

Chen Yang took a closer look and found that there was a strong wind more than ten meters away, blowing all the sand and dust in this direction.

He looked through the confused yellow sand and noticed that there was a vacuum area in front of him, which the yellow sand could not approach.

He walked forward, crossing the yellow sand, and his vision suddenly returned.

I don't know how big this area is, but there is an invisible semicircular air shield that covers this area, making it impossible for the yellow sand to enter.

In the center of this area, there is a city made of loess, yellow stone, and yellow sand. The city wall is about 10,000 meters long. The entire city occupies almost half of this wind-free sand area.

From Chen Yang's perspective, this city seemed to be no different from an ordinary city except for its color.

However, immediately after, Chen Yang sensed a different aura.

Murderous spirit, bloody spirit, fierce spirit...

These invisible things, coming from the city, were actually as tangible as they could be clearly sensed.

"Ghost Rock City, here we come!"

Chen Yang's eyes flashed, and he took steps towards the city ahead.

At the same time, in the sky above Shajing Village, a Longwu ship slowly descended, causing the villagers of Shajing Village to look up.

They had never seen a real ship, let alone a ship flying in the sky.

Suddenly, a man flew down from the boat.

He landed in Shajing Village and found that the people around him did not flee like the people in the previous village.

He cupped his hands and asked, "Fellow folks, have you ever seen a man wearing the same clothes as me?"

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