Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2181 Long Sha Man

Ye Chunjiao was surprised, which was expected.

After all, Zhong Lengyi died here, Chunshuitang must give an explanation to the Thanatos Sect.

But besides being surprised, the expression on Ye Chunjiao's face must have been anger, pain, and sadness.

Her emotions are somewhat incomprehensible.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chunjiao suddenly landed and gently held Zhong Lengyi in her arms. Looking at Zhong Lengyi's face, her face was full of pain and she fell into silence.

This scene is very confusing.

Zhong Lengyi and Ye Chunjiao were not related, so even if they died, Ye Chunjiao would not be so hurt.

Although questioning, no one dared to speak at this moment.

In Guiyan City, provoking Lady Chun is equivalent to walking to the gate of hell, and you will die at any time.

After a few seconds of silence, Lin Chunjiao's true energy fluctuated more and more intensely, her shoulders twitched, and she seemed to be in extreme anger and unable to control her emotions.

Suddenly, she turned to look at Chen Yang, her eyes were bloodshot, and she roared ferociously: "How dare you kill my son, I want your life!"

What, son, Zhong Lengyi is Lady Chun’s son?

Could it be that Zhong Lenyi is not Zhong Yukui's son?

Hearing Lady Chun's words, the entire audience was shocked. Everyone's eyes widened and they couldn't believe their ears.

However, just now, everyone really heard Mrs. Chun say that Zhong Lengyi was her son.

So, Zhong Lengyi is the illegitimate son of Zhong Yukui and Lady Chun?

He is not only the young master of the Thanatos Sect, but also the young master of Chunshui Hall. This status is not simple.

If he had not died, it would not have been impossible for him to inherit the position of leader of these two first-rate forces and lead Guiyan City.

There was news before that Chunshuitang and Dark Demon Pavilion were cooperating, which was completely false.

In fact, Chun Shui Tang and Thanos Gate are the alliance.

Everyone was suddenly shocked and discovered that Zhong Lengyi's life experience seemed to be involved in many things, and even affected the future of the entire Guiyan City.

Unfortunately, once Zhong Lengyi dies, the original trend will be rewritten.

"It turns out that Zhong Lengyi is your son. What a surprise."

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and said to Lady Chun.

Mrs. Chun's face was full of anger, she hugged Zhong Lengyi, flew into the air, handed it over to one of Chunshuitang's men, and then fiercely attacked Chen Yang.

She used two swords, which were two three-marked heavenly weapons. The runes on them were flowing with light and were activated. The true energy was condensed on the two swords, creating an extraordinary power.

Above her head, the shadow of a sandstorm emerged, which was the fourth major trend, the sandstorm trend.

"Long Shaman!"

Lady Chun thrust her swords forward, and her true energy condensed into two dragons. Although they were blurry, they had begun to take shape.

The general trend of the sandstorm merged into the sword energy. The two dragons transformed and seemed to turn into sand dragons. They bared their teeth and claws, entangled each other, and swept towards Chen Yang as if they were trying to crush the void.

The sky is filled with yellow sand, and the sand dragons are flying down.

"This is the heaven-level mid-level magical power 'Long Sha Man'."

"Ah, Mrs. Chun has actually mastered it."

"It is said that the leaders of the three first-class forces are all cultivating the middle-level heaven-level magical powers, but Lady Chun is the first to master it. Her ability to rise from the bottom is truly extraordinary."

"Zhong Lengyi is her son, and he must have inherited her talent."

"That boy named Chen Yang is probably dead. Madam Chun is too strong and he is no match for her."

Seeing Lady Chun using "Long Sha Man", the onlookers in the air looked at Chen Yang as if they were looking at a dead person.

That Long Sha Man is indeed very powerful.

Moreover, the attack range was very wide, covering an area of ​​several tens of meters around Chen Yang.

"not good."

Chen Yang secretly thought that it was not good, not because he was frightened by Long Shaman, but because there were three girls, Shangguan Yun, Lang Xiaoran, and Gu Mingyao, standing behind him.

He used his speed to the extreme and suddenly took a few steps back, taking all three women into the ring.

In this way, the three women can truly be safe and sound.

Otherwise, just by being hit by the aftermath of Longsha Man, they would have been seriously injured even though they were only at the Transcendent Realm.

However, in order to save the three girls, Chen Yang's actions were half a beat too slow.

When he was about to fight back, the two sand dragons were less than twenty meters away from him.

This distance is quite far for ordinary people, but for cultivators, it is just a blink of an eye.

Chen Yang had a solemn look on his face, and with the help of the Gale Wind Concept, his attack speed reached the limit. While taking out the Fire Lotus Sword from Najie, he used the Ziji Sword.

Fortunately, the characteristic of Ziji's sword is speed, otherwise, at this moment, he would not be able to release other magical powers at all.

Sixteen sword rays formed instantly.

But after shooting three meters, the two sand dragons were already close.


There was a loud noise, and the sand dragon trembled slightly, shaking off particles of dust, but its shape remained intact.

Sixteen sword rays, at this moment, turned into scattered energy flows, impacting in all directions, and also blew away the dusty shadows in the sky.

The two dragons headed straight for Chen Yang.

Everyone in the audience thought that the battle was decided.

But at this moment, a dragon roar sounded.

A fire dragon sprang out from Chen Yang's body, and as soon as it protruded its huge dragon head, it collided with the two sand dragons that were attacking.

Although it was only a moment, everyone could clearly see the shape of the fire dragon. It was lifelike, with eyes, beards, horns, teeth... every detail was very clear.

Moreover, the appearance of this fire dragon not only caused the temperature of the area to skyrocket, but also the power of the real dragon, which was intimidating.

Compared with this fire dragon, the sand dragon can only be called a snake, not on the same level at all.

The general trend and artistic conception are all manifestations of the natural attributes of heaven and earth, rather than real energy bodies.

Therefore, the Fire Dragon Artistic Concept is more of an auxiliary attack rather than its own means of attack.

But at this moment, as soon as the fire dragon came out, the sand dragons from the same source were unable to condense. They were oppressed by the dragon's power and the dragons immediately collapsed.

The two sword beams attacking Chen Yang are still there, but the sandstorm and the sand dragon have disappeared, and the sword beams are just pure energy.

The attack power was reduced by 70%.


Chen Yang was hit by two sword beams, and yellow light flowed from his body. The Bahuang Hegemony was used to its extreme, and he withstood these two pure energy impacts.

The foundation collapsed, a rumbling sound was heard, and the yellow land was filled with smoke and dust.

Buildings around the hit area began to sink.

Even the pure energy impact of Zhenfu in the early stage is not something that this land can withstand.

next moment.

The sound of rustling sounded, and under the foundation, there was yellow sand,

Because the impact was too strong, yellow sand began to flow underground within a radius of 100 meters, and the buildings on the ground tilted and fell downwards.

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