Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2183 Zhong Yukui


Just when everyone was curious about how the battle with Lady Chun would turn out after Chen Yang chased into the building, the roof suddenly burst and a red figure flew out. It was Lady Chun.

Her face was covered in blood, her hair was disheveled, she lost her previous calmness and coldness, her face was full of panic, and she couldn't even care about the white skin exposed due to the damaged clothes.

She moved very quickly towards the north of Guiyan City, not even daring to look back.

That direction is where Thanos Gate is.

Chen Yang chased her out of the roof, looked at Mrs. Chun, narrowed her eyes, and did not pursue her.

He guessed that Lady Chun most likely went to Zhong Yukui for help.

However, he was not afraid.

If Lady Chun and Zhong Yukui can be brought together, more information can be obtained from them.

It would be even better if Lei Gang, the master of the Dark Demon Pavilion, could also be gathered here.

He glanced at the crowd and saw that the number of people had dropped sharply. He knew that most of the people had gone back to their respective factions to spread the news.

Will everyone gather here later?

Being the enemy of the entire Guiyan City made Chen Yang feel a little excited.

This battle must be very fierce.

He stood proudly in the air, paying no attention to the crowd watching the battle, and looked at the billowing sand and dust above. The huge hemispherical protective shield blocked the dust from the outside.

There must be a protective formation here. Could the formation be related to the curse?

And will this formation be composed of Ghost Rock City?

Chen Yang thought in his mind and flew up into the sky until he reached the edge of the protective shield and then stopped.

He lowered his head and looked down. The entire Ghost Rock City was intricate, with jagged buildings and no rules at all. It was not a formation at all.

"It seems that's not the case."

Chen Yang observed it carefully and finally chose to give up.

He landed and stood on the roof, waiting for Lady Chun's return.

At this time, many people had gathered around.

All the forces in Guiyan City are rushing here.

Those closest to this place are already in place.

From a distance, you can see a large number of people flying in the distance.

With Chen Yang as the core, within a radius of one kilometer, there are three floors inside and three floors outside. Everyone is human.

They stared at Chen Yang warily, without concealing the murderous intent in their eyes.

However, no one made the first move.

Even Lady Chun was crushed by Chen Yang. If these people dare to take action now, they will undoubtedly die.

Maybe if we all work together, we can defeat Chen Yang.

But no one is willing to charge into battle and become the one who sacrifices.

The number of people is increasing, but the situation is still a stalemate.

Chen Yang stood on the roof leisurely and glanced at the more and more people gathered. A smile flashed in his eyes without any trace of nervousness.

"Look, Thanos Gate is coming."

"The leader of the Zhong Sect is indeed the Thanos Sect, and Lady Chun is also with them."

"Now that Master Zhong is leading us, we will definitely be able to kill this outsider if we work together."

"Jiejie, Jiejie, I can't wait any longer."

Suddenly, the crowd began to get restless.

I saw a team of thousands of people flying towards this side in the distance to the north.

They all wore black shirts with the word "annihilation" embroidered on their chests. They were menacing and powerful, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

The crowd moved aside, and the people from the Thanos Gate flew directly to the inner circle of the encirclement, and then stopped.

"He was the one who killed our son."

Lady Chun, whose face was covered in blood, pointed at Chen Yang and roared at the top of her lungs, her red eyes filled with hatred.

Seeing Lady Chun's appearance, everyone in Chunshui Hall who had been leaderless just now flew over and lined up behind her. There were hundreds of Jiefu period cultivators, and their momentum was no less powerful than that of the Thanato Sect.

Among the people wearing black shirts with the word "annihilation" in them, there was a sturdy man with a beard, eyes like bells, glaring at Chen Yang fiercely.

This person is none other than the leader of the Thanos Sect, Zhong Yukui.

Although there are three first-class forces standing in Guiyan City.

But in terms of personal combat power, Zhong Yukui's strength is slightly higher than Lady Chun and Lei Gang.

Moreover, he is very cunning and cunning, and his mind far exceeds that of Lady Chun and Lei Gang.

For Guiyan City, he has long wanted to unify it, become the unparalleled king of this city, and control everything.

Therefore, when he was having fun in Yongle Square, he planted a seed in Ye Chunjiao's belly to win over Ye Chunjiao.

He found that Ye Chunjiao was smart, tolerant, and talented, so he chose her.

With the connection between their son Zhong Lengyi, the two can form a stable alliance.

After that, he secretly supported Ye Chunjiao and helped Ye Chunjiao improve her strength, which made Ye Chunjiao become the master of Chunshui Hall and the now famous Lady Chun.

His original purpose was to combine the power of Chunshuitang and Thanatos Gate to destroy the strongest opponent, Dark Demon Pavilion, and then recruit other second- and third-rate forces to join him.

In this way, he can become the city lord of Ghost Rock City.

If Ye Chunjiao hadn't revealed in public that she was Zhong Lengyi's mother just now, even if Zhong Lengyi died, maybe Zhong Yukui's plan could still be implemented.

But now, everyone knows about his relationship with Lady Chun.

Then the Dark Demon Pavilion will definitely be afraid of them joining forces.

Other second-rate and third-rate forces may also form an alliance with the Dark Demon Pavilion to resist their alliance.

It can be said that because of Ye Chunjiao's irrationality, Zhong Yukui's plan that he had painstakingly planned for many years was now completely ruined.

As for the death of his son Zhong Lengyi, he didn't care.

He had many sons, and one or two died every year, and he didn't take it seriously.

For him, Zhong Lengyi was just a tool to maintain the relationship between him and Ye Chunjiao, so he had previously focused on cultivating Zhong Lenyi and letting Ye Chunjiao see hope.

Now, he hated Ye Chunjiao in his heart.

This stupid woman actually caused the whole plan to collapse for the sake of a son.

Of course, Zhong Yukui hated Chen Yang even more.

Because the source of all this is this outsider.

Murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he turned over his hand and took out a three-meter-long sword from the ring.

That broadsword has three weapon patterns, and it is a three-marked heavenly weapon.

Violent real energy fluctuations came from Zhong Yukui, and everyone around him felt great pressure.

Everyone suddenly discovered that Zhong Yukui's true energy fluctuations were stronger than Lady Chun's.

But before, everyone didn't feel this way.

Suddenly, everyone understood that Zhong Yukui must have hidden his strength before and only exposed it today.

Indeed, Lady Chun was crushed by Chen Yang, and Zhong Yukui had to pay attention to the opponent in front of him.

"Boy, who are you and where do you come from?"

Zhong Yukui stepped out from the crowd and slowly flew towards Chen Yang, as if he wanted to interrogate him first.

But suddenly, he suddenly swung his sword and attacked Chen Yang.

This guy actually wants to attack suddenly!

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