Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2256 Forced into the Palace

When Chen Yang rushed to the royal capital, a meeting was taking place in the palace.

Chen Ao sat at the top, and hundreds of civil and military officials from the court were lined up in two rows at the bottom.

Because the star in opposition to martial arts respects military affairs, the status of military attachés is obviously higher than that of civilian officials, and they all stand at the forefront.

Some civil servants have even lined up outside the door.

But no matter where they stood, the officials looked embarrassed and worried at the moment.

There was complete silence in the entire hall, and the atmosphere was cold and silent.

It seems that there is a dark cloud weighing on everyone's heads.

Suddenly, Chen Hongyi came out from the crowd, bowed slightly to Chen Ao above, and said seriously: "Father, if you don't let Chen Yang come back, you are risking the survival of our entire Daxia Dynasty in exchange for Chen Yang's life. This move It’s absolutely inappropriate.”

Chen Ao's face was solemn, and he naturally knew that his move was indeed inappropriate.

As a king, he should put the interests of the country first. At a critical moment, how can the life of an emperor's grandson be compared with that of the entire country.

However, as a grandfather, he couldn't bear to hand over Chen Yang to the Western Fire Cult.

That would undoubtedly send Chen Yang to his death.

Country or family, which one is more important?

This was too difficult a choice for Chen Ao.

A military attache standing in the front stood up and said: "Your Majesty, Chen Yang is naturally safe and sound at Longji College, but what about the life and death of the people of our Daxia Dynasty, and the survival of the Daxia Dynasty?"

Another person also said: "Your Majesty, are you going to let the entire Daxia Dynasty die at the hands of the Western Fire Cult?"

Another person said: "Your Majesty, as the leader of a country, please think twice!"

Chen Hongyi bowed his head to the ground and said loudly: "Father, please think twice."

All civil and military officials throughout the dynasty bowed in unison and said, "Your Majesty, please think again."

The voice echoed in the hall and came from the door. The guards, maids and others in the square outside all heard this sentence.

Why don't they want to ask the emperor to think again.

In the eyes of everyone, sacrificing one Chen Yang in exchange for the peace of the entire Great Xia was nothing.

There was silence in the hall, and Chen Ao felt embarrassed in every possible way.

He was silent for a moment and then said: "There is no other way to deal with this matter. If we ask the four major colleges for help, they will definitely not sit idly by and ignore it."

Chen Hongyi said: "Father, the four major colleges are free from the world. At most, we can only contact the elders of the Yaoling branch. However, this time the Western Fire Sect is coming fiercely. Can the Yaoling branch alone be able to stop it? "

Chen Ao added: "But Chen Yang is at Dragon's Back College. Even if I summon him, what's the use if he doesn't come back?"

Chen Hongyi said: "Whether he comes back or not is his business. But now the Western Fire Sect wants us to hand over Chen Yang. As the king, you must show an attitude."

At this time, Chen Hongyi's tone was already a bit cold and stern, even a bit aggressive.

Suddenly, Chen Ao felt old.

He had never thought that one thing would be so difficult to choose.

At the moment when he was silent, Chen Hongyi said loudly: "Father, now we have thirteen counties and sixty-three cities in Daxia, which have been attacked by the Western Fire Cult, resulting in countless casualties and destruction. Could it be that you are like this? Are you going to sit idly by and let tens of thousands of people die for the sake of Chen Yang’s life?”

Facing this question, Chen Ao felt extremely guilty.

Suddenly, Chen Hongyi said sternly: "If this is the case, then the emperor would venture to say that you, father, are not worthy of being the king of Great Xia!"

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar.

Chen Hongyi's words are undoubtedly an attempt to force him into the palace. The following is the first offense.

Even Chen Ao, who was sitting at the top, was stunned for a moment, wondering where Chen Hongyi had the courage to say such rebellious words.

"Third Prince, what do you mean? Do you want to be the emperor?"

"No matter how serious the crisis is, the emperor will make his own decision. But for you to say such things is treason!"

"I don't think the third prince is being treasonous. The emperor is constantly making mistakes and treating the lives of the people in the world as child's play. It is indeed a bit excessive."

"If the Third Prince had made the decision, we in Great Xia would never have suffered such heavy losses."

"What are you talking about? Are you planning to rebel?"

"It's not a rebellion, it's just a matter of fact!"

"Now that we are facing a national crisis, instead of everyone working together to find a way to deal with the Western Fire Cult, we actually start a quarrel among ourselves. What does this mean?!"

"All in all, I think the Third Prince is more suitable to preside over the overall situation."

"If he wants to take charge of the overall situation, doesn't he want to be the emperor? What evil intentions do you have?!"

For a time, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty began to quarrel.

Everyone was divided into two factions, and many people actually supported Chen Hongyi and expressed implicitly that they wanted Chen Hongyi to ascend the throne.

Seeing this situation, Chen Ao was shocked.

He looked at Chen Hongyi, who had a sneer on his lips, and then realized that he, the prince, had actually made plans to force him into the palace.

He had known for a long time that Chen Hongyi was not a kind person, but he never expected that he would become such a bastard.

With a cold look on his face, he shouted sternly: "Hongyi, what do you mean?"

Chen Hongyi said calmly: "Father, as you are getting older, it is also time for you to abdicate the throne and make way for others to take care of yourself. If you continue to bear the pressure from the Emperor, wouldn't it be an unfilial child? So today, the child wants to take over this important task, not knowing that his father What do you think, Your Majesty?"

Chen Ao narrowed his eyes and said solemnly: "If you want to be the emperor, can you beat me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Ao moved and suddenly took action, attacking Chen Hongyi.

He was also furious and planned to kill this evil boy directly.

Although he knew that this might lead to Chen Hanyu's betrayal, at this moment, he couldn't care less.

Regardless of whether Chen Yang is handed over or not, Chen Hongyi must be killed to stabilize the situation in North Korea and China.

But Chen Hongyi stood in the hall, making no move, with a disdainful sneer on his lips, completely ignoring Chen Ao's attack.

Seeing Chen Ao approaching, a sudden powerful wave of energy came from behind Chen Hongyi.

A military attache standing there suddenly took action and struck Chen Ao's attacking fist with his palm. The powerful black true energy spread out and enveloped Chen Ao completely.

The sound of cracking bones sounded, and the bones of Chen Ao's right arm were broken inch by inch.

He spat out a mouthful of blood. He lost control of his body and flew backwards, knocking the dragon chair to pieces and falling to the ground. He felt that his energy and blood were stagnant, and his whole body was in severe pain.

Inside the main hall, there was a silence.

Everyone looked at the military attache who suddenly took action, and suddenly realized that no one had ever seen this person before.

And when he took action just now, the black true energy he released showed his Zhenfu stage and his identity as an evil cultivator.

"If anyone is dissatisfied, they can stand up."

Chen Hongyi didn't even look at his seriously injured father, turned around, glanced at all the civil and military officials present, and said proudly.

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