Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2305 Treatment

Chen Yang took a closer look and saw that Yu Chengfeng's Taoist robes were torn, revealing his scarred body, floating on the sea, with his bun spread out and his hair messy. His whole body was like a floating corpse, without any movement.

After sensing it, Chen Yang found that Yu Chengfeng had no real energy fluctuations. His heart skipped a beat: "This senior couldn't have been killed by the Ice Scale Sea King Snake."

He glanced at Haixia nervously. If the big monster named Yin Neng defeated Yu Chengfeng, Chen Yang knew that he would not be able to escape.

Because that vicious guy would definitely not let him leave alive.

Just when Chen Yang was nervous, bubbles popped up one after another under the sea. Then, the huge black shadow under the sea gradually became clear. It was not the shadow of the ice-scaled Neptune snake.

Chen Yang was shocked and was about to run for his life, but found that the ice-scaled sea king snake was very slow and looked like it was naturally floating from the bottom of the sea.


The ice-scaled Neptune snake emerged from the water, its body several kilometers long, dividing the sea water and causing waves.

I saw it floating on the water, its huge silver scales reflecting light in the night, dots of light, very beautiful.

However, the Ice Scale Sea King Snake did not make any movement.

Chen Yang looked towards its head and saw that half of the big head had exploded, the tentacles on the head were also broken, and a hole was opened in the top of the head.

With such an injury, the Ice Scaled Sea King Snake must be dead.

Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the two floating corpses, one large and one small, on the sea surface, and thought to himself: "It's unlikely that both of them will really suffer."

The Ice Scale Sea King Snake was definitely dead, but Yu Chengfeng's body was intact, but Chen Yang was not sure whether this strong man was still alive.

He landed on the sea and turned Yu Chengfeng over.

When he saw the front of Yu Chengfeng, he was shocked.

It was seen that Yu Chengfeng's entire chest was devoid of skin, flesh and blood. His sternum was broken and inserted upside down into his internal organs. The injuries were extremely severe.

With such an injury, the probability of surviving is almost zero.

Chen Yang quickly checked Yu Chengfeng's body, but was surprised to find that Yu Chengfeng's true energy was still running. Although it was very slow, it maintained his vitality.

But if no one rescues him, Yu Chengfeng will die in this state at most for a month.

"He really worked hard to get rid of the demon."

Chen Yang couldn't help but admire Yu Chengfeng, and immediately put Yu Chengfeng on his back, planning to find a small island and treat Yu Chengfeng.

After thinking about it carefully, Chen Yang took Yu Chengfeng into Najie again.

After all, if you carry it on your back, if it shakes violently and knocks out your heart, Yu Chengfeng will be dead.

"You can still survive with this injury. He is worthy of being a strong man in the divine soul realm."

Chen Yang looked at Yu Chengfeng in Najie and couldn't help but sigh.

His eyes turned and fell on the Ice Scale Sea King Snake.

This big guy is a divine soul realm monster, and he is full of treasures.

The black evil dragon that Chen Yang obtained before had been suppressed by Yu Jianheng for many years. Although the demonic energy in the demon pill was still there, his body had deteriorated.

Therefore, the body of the black evil dragon is not as valuable as the ice-scaled sea king snake.

Especially the scales of the Ice Scale Sea King Snake, which are fine materials for refining armor.

But it's a pity that the two tentacles of the Ice Scale Sea King Snake are missing. Otherwise, it would be good to refine it into a long whip weapon and give it to Zhang Yuxi.

After thinking about it, Chen Yang felt that it would be a shameful waste to let such a big treasure as the Ice Scaled Sea King Snake float in the sea.

Unfortunately, this guy is too big to be accepted into the Najie.

Chen Yang immediately dragged the Ice Scale Sea King Snake's tail and flew at low altitude, looking for an island to settle on the sea.

After flying for a long time, the surrounding islands had been destroyed in the battle in the Soul Realm just now.

Chen Yang flew until he was outside the routes of the western and northern continents, then found an island and landed.

After dragging the body of the Ice Scale Sea King Snake into the depths of the island, Chen Yang first dug out the demon elixir, and then found a cave, where he planned to heal Yu Chengfeng's injuries.

As for the body of the Ice Scaled Sea King Snake, he originally planned to put it into the cave, but he couldn't stuff it in and had to expose it outside the cave.

The corpse of a divine soul realm monster will not deteriorate even if it is left for several years.

However, Chen Yang was worried about whether someone else on the island would snatch the body of the Ice Scaled Sea King Snake.

This robbery is not a corpse, but a treasure.

He couldn't think too much at the moment because he was anxious to heal Yu Chengfeng's injuries.

Otherwise, the longer time passes, the harder it will be to treat Yu Chengfeng's injuries.

After taking Yu Chengfeng out of the ring and laying it flat on the ground, Chen Yang carefully checked the injury and found that it was not an ordinary thorn.

The entire chest and abdomen were gone, the bones were broken and it was unclear where they were, and the internal organs were full of scars.

Chen Yang had to sigh again, Yu Chengfeng's vitality was strong.

He first carefully pulled out the broken bones inserted into the internal organs and flesh, and then after confirming the positions of these bones, he temporarily connected them in their original positions under the wrapping of true energy.

But after cleaning all the bones, three ribs were missing.

There is no other way, just take it as little as possible, and it won’t have much impact.

Next, Chen Yang began to repair Yu Chengfeng's internal organs, repairing the split, broken, and shattered internal organs one by one.

The whole process was very expensive and cost Chen Yang a lot of spiritual herbs.

There were also many healing pills that he crushed and used on Yu Chengfeng.

It's a pity that there is no Xuan Dan, otherwise, there would be no need to go to such trouble.

After repairing the internal organs, it is time to repair the skin.

Chen Yang searched for a long time in the "Book of Immortals and Demons" and finally found a repair method. He used a special formation to promote the growth of Yu Chengfeng's flesh and blood. He filled the holes in his chest and abdomen himself. .

This formation is a little different. It does not consume spiritual stones or true energy, but consumes star energy.

In the "Book of Immortals and Demons", there is a record of a kind of star stone, which contains star energy and is specially used to practice star techniques. It can also be used in formations that consume star energy.

It's a pity that Chen Yang has only heard of Star Stone, but has never seen it.

Therefore, this formation can only be maintained by his consumption of star energy.

After carving the formation on his palm, Chen Yang used star energy to activate the formation and placed it on the hollow of Yu Chengfeng's chest and abdomen.

The light from his palm shrouded, and an invisible film condensed on the surface of Yu Chengfeng's broken chest and abdomen.

Muscles, skin, and blood vessels slowly grow from the surrounding skin and flesh breaks.

Before I knew it, half a month had passed.

Yu Chengfeng's chest and abdomen have finally grown completely. Apart from the slightly whiter skin, there is nothing different from before.


Chen Yang breathed a long sigh of relief. He had not moved during this period and consumed a lot of star energy. Now he finally got it done.

"Who are you!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Before Chen Yang could recover, Yu Chengfeng had already grabbed him with a palm.

PS: The story of the Northern Continent is progressing quickly, but it is not over. After all, Chongwu Star is a whole, and Chen Yang will come to the Northern Continent in the future. What happened before is paving the way for the future. In addition, everyone should also pay attention to the foreshadowing in the book. The foreshadowing of Yin Tian Feng was buried deeply, but some book friends still guessed the plot, which shows that everyone is still very good. In addition, don’t say that yogurt drags down the plot. If I don’t describe the power of the Soul Realm and the situation in the Northern Continent, then there will be no way to develop it later. If I just write "Chen Yang defeated the Holy Emperor", what's the point? Then, everyone guesses who the black-veiled woman is. There are foreshadowings that smart book friends should be able to relate to. Finally, thank you book friends for your support, and I ask for your recommendation votes, monthly votes, and book reviews! Welcome everyone to join the book club: 188631860

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